
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · その他
145 Chs

The Snake-Man’s Technique Is Too Sad To Look At...

As Chojusen carried Lee back to the spectating arena for contestants, he noticed that the snake-man was finally making his move. Through the use of several Body Flickers, Orochimaru appeared on the Kage pavilion and assassinated two of the four guards that were assigned to protect the Kazekage and Hokage.

His accomplices, Kabuto and the Sound Ninja Four, also did their best to turn the final's arena into their battleground. Kabuto casted a large scale genjutsu, effectively putting all non ninja combatants to sleep. While the Sound Ninja Four used a Four Violet Flames Formation to trap the two Kages with Orochimaru.

Almost immediately, the elite Jonins of the Hidden Leaf and Hidden Sand reacted to the sudden development but they couldn't do much to help their friendly Kages, as Kabuto used a summoning technique to bring out entire squads of Hidden Mist, Hidden Cloud, and Hidden Stone Ninja.

Chojusen noticed that the snake man was now wearing a black cloak with red clouds; and odd choice of apparel but that didn't interest him too much. He used his Origin Detection to see exactly how severe the situation was. As he saw the dozens of thousands of ninja already inside the village with hundreds of thousands still on the way, he chose to stop hiding his powers to get rid of this very serious threat.

Chojusen directly healed Lee to his peak condition in a matter or milliseconds with a full burst of Yang Rebirth, and told Lee to go help out the civilians reach shelter safely. Lee knew it wasn't the time to ask how Chojusen could heal him so quickly, so he nodded his head and left the arena to help his village's citizens as if he had practiced this all his life.

Chojusen would have liked to start with the cannon fodder; erasing thousands every second. But seeing what the snake-man did, drew his attention to the Kage pavillion. In the Kage pavillion, after Minato and Rasa reacted to Orochimaru's assassination attempt, the snake-man pulled off a most extraordinary summoning jutsu to summon… the dead?

Chojusen directly ignored the Sound Four's Violet Flames Formation, directly teleporting over to Minato's side. Orochimaru was still somewhat afraid of Chojusen, but he quickly regained his confidence after seeing Chojusen not stop his Reanimation technique. He thought 'This dumb kid thinks he's invincible! Lets see how he fairs against the first two Hokages.'

As Chojusen studied Orochimaru's summoning technique, he was both impressed by its ingeniousness concepts and appalled by its lack of polish. Orochimaru's technique used complex principles of yin, yang, and even chaos, to bring back those who had died prematurely. However, the technique's complicated design was utterly sullied by Orochimaru's god awful application of yin, yang, and chaos; he was using basic energy for god sakes!

Chojusen honestly couldn't bare to see such a tragedy. He teleported over to Orochimaru's side and killed the snake man by engulfing him in white-hot flames from his elemental creation skill. The reincarnated Hokages didn't even get a second back in the living world before Chojusen caused them their summoning to be undone.

But Chojusen didn't let them return to the pure world. With his experience in modifying techniques and playing with law principles, changing the Reanimation technique was not a problem. Chojusen actually grabbed the Hokages' souls and in combination with his Yin-Yang Recreation technique, he created a true reincarnation skill.

[Host has created the skill: Return From Samsara

Return From Samara (Rank Immortal | 0/100): Through the use of yin, yang, and chaos law principles, the user can reincarnate those that died prematurely. Chaos principles are used to search for soul the user wishes to reincarnate, while Yin and Yang are responsible for the recreation of the target's body. Current Effect: The user can reincarnate beings from a Lower World.]

Chojusen held the two — soon to be reincarnated — Kages' souls in his right hand and with his left hand, he used his Yin-Yang Recreation to remake their bodies. Minato and Rasa watched with dumbfounded expressions as the naked bodies of two of the most famous ninjas in history began to manifest in reality.

Unlike Orochimaru's unpolished Reanimation summoning, Chojusen's Return From Samsara didn't cause those he reincarnated to look like undying abominations; they looked like real people and not controlled pseudo-zombies. Unfortunately, this reincarnation didn't come with come with the Reanimation summoning's benefit of giving those reincarnated their clothes back.

But this got Chojusen thinking 'I can reincarnate people, summon the elements, and wipe out villages, but I can't create some clothes? Surely that can't be the case...' After Chojusen recreated the Hokages' bodies, he experimented for a second with his elemental creation skill, before managing to accomplish what he wanted. Apparently, even though he managed to create clothes with Elemental Creation, the system felt like it was a skill that merited having its own spot in the Skills Panel.

[Host has learned the skill: Armament Creation

Armament Creation (Rank Immortal | 0/100): A derivative skill of the Elemental Creation Skill, which allows the user to create all sorts of armaments and artifacts out of yin and yang principles. Current Effect: Host can create weapons, clothes, and accessories that can only be damaged by Immortal Rank beings or above.]

Chojusen directly copied and created the armor he saw on the Reanimated Kages and clothed the Kages before integrating their souls with their new bodies. Chojusen then let Minato and Rasa attempt to explain the situation to the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, and the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

Before leaving to take care of the invading ninjas, Chojusen killed the Sound Ninja Four before they could even try to escape.

After leaving the roof where he had his "fight" with Orochimaru. Chojusen looked at his village that was undergoing a crisis. There was a blaring alarm sounding off, and civilians were being escorted to safety by numerous Sand and Leaf ninja; the Leaf Ninjas took the lead and received support from the Sand Ninjas. Seeing this scene made Chojusen think that the situation was more grave than he thought, but open taking a further look, he couldn't be more wrong.

All of the Ninja that Kabuto had summoned, were already dealt with; they were nothing more than fodder to keep the Leaf Ninjas busy while their powerhouses arrived on foot. Just outside the Hidden Leaf Village, he saw several of his friends and fellow leaf ninja fight off the enemy forces from three fronts.

Ino and Karin utterly wrecked the poor Hidden Cloud Ninjas. With the absurd training they had with Chojusen, they could probably solo the three enemy armies alone; too bad the armies had split up to three fronts. Karin and Ino also saw the seriousness of the situation and chose to abandon hiding their power as that could potentially cause their village to be wiped out. Now, all three of them — Chojusen, Ino, and Karin — took on their true forms and looked like adults.

Jiraiya and Naruto were monsters to the Hidden Stone ninjas. Jiraiya's Sage Mode and Summoned toads were a nightmare to deal with, and Naruto reveal that he could work cooperatively with the Nine-Tails power. Chojusen thought Naruto looked cool in his current form; he had a blazing reddish-orange chakra coating applied to his entire body. It reminded him of his Fiendgod Butterfly Sage Mode…

Off on the last front with the Hidden Mist Ninjas, Chojusen's teacher Might Guy was having a field day. And it looked like Guy's rival, Kakashi, wanted to compete with him to see how many ninjas they could kill. Gaara also helped out on this front; he too had a cool looking Shukaku cloak...

Guy was a mass murdering machine after training with Chojusen's Gravity Seal. He had long since surpassed training his body with the heaviest of weights, and even then, the training didn't affect all of his body as thoroughly as the Gravity Seal. By now, Guy had figured out how to permanently open the hidden gates as well; he had three constantly open and could ramp up to the seventh, with no severe backlash — provided that he leave that state in less than five minutes.

Even though these big shots were the deciding factor that repelled the enemy forces, all three fronts received significant support from Chunin and Jonin level Ninjas. And the Medical Ninjas didn't receive nearly enough credit for what they did; without them there might actually be some casualties on the Leaf and Sand's side...

No one really needed his help, even when the real powerhouses arrived. Still, Chojusen activated his Fiendgod Eyes to slow perceive time several times faster and teleported around the battlefield, wiping out Chunin and Jonin Rank ninja at a rate of several thousand per second. If he was going to show of his power, he might as well try something he's never done before.

1M views~~~ I’ll try to get a couple more chapters done today (No promises though; but i’ll make it up during the weekend if I fail now~)

P.S. I know two people can't technically solo anything, but you understand what I mean right? Plus, it sounds better than duo (IMO)

BrightDawncreators' thoughts