
Great Buddha Golden Fist Heavenly Flames

A Man is born Into the world of the seven deadly sins with the powers of a buddha holy flames and the power of the king of beast Kaido watch as this being take the world by storm

Rebel_Royal5 · 東方
2 Chs

The Deal & Wishes

floating in a void, of white nothingness sets a man.who was well built,standing at 6'2 muscular body.Brown caramel skin,long hair and hazel eyes.Which held a look of boredom,and annoyance as he waited for something.To happen his name is samuel,sam for short and he died now you maybe wondering.


How did he die well my dear reader's,you see sam, i am was a U.S marshal, who died in a shoot out with a criminal.That just escaped,from prison he was a serial rapes and child killer who. committed,Numerous crimes and left,a trail of bodies from Chicago to Los angeles.


I was a signed, to a taskforce to hunt down, the piece of shit we turned over every rock. Pushed all our contracts,and and I'm ashamed to admit, beat any and tortured,every scum bag even forced confessions. Made back room deals,just to find this son of a bitch and we finally.


Got our break we track,him down towards one of his friends house.we Surrounded the place,swat FBI & marshals, all here to put this monster down because unlike the other people here I dont take to kindly. to child killers and rapes, I personally cut off all male genitals and tortured them.


In any way I could, and even the female sexual predators which was rare.but was still around where not speard, I was a sadistic person (An:Like all law enforcement are) and I'm not ashamed.To admit that anyway, as we where about to breach the door.


The sounds of gunfire, go off through the door and got three marshals and a swat officer. turned out he had more friends, and more guns than our Intelligence said and needless. To say all hell broke loose we started, to open fire and and they started to return fire it lasted.


A full one hour which, has got be the longest on record to my knowledge. we where taking more losses, than them and I new this had, to end so I did something stupid but necessary.I took a handful of grenades, look at my friends there eyes got wider and I said cover me. and I took a deep breath and shouted LEROY JENKINS.


And sprinted towards the house, I fired my gun taking out seven of them. four through the head and three in the neck, I dent stop even as bullets ripped through my body. I never stopped, as I got to the front door I pulled the pins. on the grenades and bust, through the door knocking out the got behind it.


I saw my target I threw, the grenades all around the house, I took my knife out and stabbed it through my targets eye. Into his brian, I wanted to be the one to kill the basterd. And next thing, I know is fire and, a boom and that's how I ended up here.


Bored out of my mind, and I don't regret a thing as I waited. I wonder is this the afterlife, as I was pondering the meaning of the afterlife.A voice rung out behind, me I turned around and saw, a man a very very muscular man. wearing a powder white suit, and tie and a sky blue undershirt black skin gray hair.


And a warm charismatic, smile and yes he look like Morgan Freeman. And i said as much he just smiled and said, Morgan:I know what you think and yes I am god. samuel and I was looking through your life, and for your heroism and courage has earned. You a place in heaven, I can send you there or you can make a deal.


God said sam:What kind of deal I said with curiosity God:Well as you know I go by many names in your world Allah zeus,kami,Indra,venshu,Poseidon and many other names. I'm also know as the presence or the one above all. I am the supreme being, sam was shocked and said like dc and marvel aren't those just made up.


God:No they are most certainly, real bit let's get back to the deal shall we. sam:Okay what is the deal i said god:well as you know, the multiverse is real and so are the beings in them. that govern them are lesser beings, that have achieved great power in the world they lord over.


But only in there multiverse, world when they leave or step foot out of there. spheres of influence they become, weak as an adult human I'm the only supreme being in the omniverse. And i have a problem, that only you can solve you see there is a disturbance.


In the world of shivar, you know it as the seven deadly sins the demon lord and "supreme".being have caused numerous, atrocities and crimes killing numerous humans. destroying the world and its starting, to affect the rest of the multiverse that is connected. to that universe and soon reality, it self will fall apart and that energy will spread.


To the omniverse god, said and I was shocked but happy as this was a good chance. to have fun and make a difference sam:I accept but if I'm going to go against powerful forces, I need an edge I said god nods his head .god:I dont expect you to go all go head first I'm going to give you five wishes but,you will be inserted directly into the war during the first great war.


So I would advise you to choose, carefully god said I taught for hours about my wishes. and I made my mind I have always, been interested in powerful and badass people.like Kaido and Sengoku from one piece, and Isaac Netero from hunter x hunter and I made wishes.


ok for my first wish

I wish for all the power indestructible, abilities of kaido as well as all his memories. on how to use them I also want the power of Sengoku, the budda and, Isaac Netero as well as there knowledge and skills Done god said.


Ok for my second wish I want, the power of holy flames and all flames of the sun such as the eight powers flames. such as orange,red,green, blue,purple,silver white and rainbow. as well as the scorch release,from naruto and the magma fruit from one piece done next god said.


For my third wish I want, the creation ability and control over time and space done next.


Forth I wish for near infinite, magic that constantly refills itself done god said. finally I wish for a hyperbolic time, chamber with infinite gravy I can control done.


Good luck and thank you, for your help also one more thing because of you going. to this world you will be apart of it so you will, be part of the rules of that world like every other multiverse that the power.you have is only strong in that universe if you go outside, the universe your power would be either sealed.


Or taken away until you return, to that part of the universe god said. and I nodded upset but I understood, and he just snapped his finger's and I dissapeared. into my new life I woke up in a dark place must be my mother's stomach.