

Inside the 1st floor of the gym there was a big guy wearing a guard uniform just leaning against a pillar in front of the crystal clear pool. He stood there motionless, not even blinking. There is no one who knew what is currently playing inside his shiny head but out of the blue he started talking to himself.

"Today is a shitty day. That killer came here sister. I lost composure, panicked and did things i wouldn't normally do. It will take a while longer for me to wreck up his plans and be together with you again."

Baldwin then stared at an opened pendant for a long while. Nothing seemed to disturb this peaceful moment of grief.

"Your last word to me was to believe in myself."

An image of a pretty girl could be seen appearing in front of the bald guy becoming more solid as the second goes by. She then opened her mouth.

'Believe in yourself Braddie. Your brains stronger than your fist. Just don't let your emotion gets to you. Don't focus on one thing. You will never see the big picture that way. Preoccupied with a single tree, you won't see the entire forest. Trust me, Gray Lux is a rich man with a big heart. He won't harm us. After all he was the one who gave us home after mom and dad died.' She patter the bald guy's head and slowly disappears like the ash being blown by wind.

"I don't know... I don't remember who were my mother and father. All my life it was you who took care of me. I had always wanted to be strong... Strong enough to protect you but i never had the chance." The usually sharp gaze was gone replaced by a glazed look. Slowly he closes his eye and a tear could be seen rolling down his scarred cheek before falling to the rough tile below near his shiny boots.

"Gray Lux, first you deceived everyone by giving them free things. I was never fooled from the beginning as i know there is always a trick in the end. Nobody ever give things away for free but my sister deeply believed in you. Then she started doing things that would help you and in the end she joined your newly established military group called World Defense Academy."

"After a year of training you hand picked a small group of two dozen soldiers and send them out on a suicide mission to the jungles outside. I don't know how you have managed to keep this a secret from all the people or why would you send them out on a suicide mission but there is one thing I'm clear about. You are the cause of my sister's death and I will destroy whatever plan you have." Exclaimed Baldwin while clenching his fist so tight that his palm bleeds. Then his eyes opened wide in shock.

"A suit? What is that guy thinking showing up to a gym wearing a suit. Wait a minute, nobody have ever wore a suit inside this academy for as long as i have worked here. That bastard is Gray Lux for sure. Is he a devil? I heard that the devil would appear when you are talking about them."

"Rich bastard went crazy and brought a book to a gym. Wait wait wait what the hell? He dropped a reclining chair inside the pool. That isn't allowed right? Where the hell did i put my rule book?" Asked Baldwin while his large hand frantically grope all over his guard outfit. After a fruitless effort he picks up his walkie talkie, changed the channel and spoke to it.

"Anyone have a rule book on hand? I need you to check if its allowed to drop a chair inside the pool."


"There aren't any rules like that sir. The only one related is to not litter the pool."

"*Sigh* Take a long breath Win. Take a long breath. Calm yourself and don't let your emotion get the best of you. Okay let's see how do we handle this situation. What in the world... He is seriously reading a book under water. Sis, what should i do?" asked Baldwin as he looked lost.

'Don't focus on one thing Braddie.' A voice so slow could be heard whispering to him.

"Then what should I focus on? Huh, frenzied movement behind the counter? What are they shocked about? If he dies he dies. Nothing to do with you. The view is blocked and I can't hear what they are talking about."

Grabbing the walkie talkie on his left shoulder, he press a button and gave a command.

"Gym Unit Ground Floor report."


"Ground Unit here sir."


"Observe the movement of the Help Desk in secret and record their discussion. Don't let them notice you."


"Roger and out. Communication off."

Placing back his walkie talkie, Baldwin continued to observe the surrounding.

"Any other tree I should look for? For now I'll do my job." Taking out his phone, he dialed a number.

"Principal, Baldwin here. Check the security live feed of the gym. I noticed 2 situations, the first being that Mr Gray Lux is currently at the bottom of the pool reading a book. He seemed to be reading just fine. Second situation is at the help desk, they are being frantic about something and doesn't seems to be going to immediately rescue Mr Gray Lux."

All he heard was silence and there wasn't any reply.

"Principal, are you sleeping?"

"What sleep!? I don't f*cking know what to do. Do whatever you want! Just make sure Mr Gray Lux is alive and well. I don't care anymore. *Tutt tutt tutt*

Staring at the phone in disbelief he was about to smash it to the ground with all his might but remembered something important.

"No no no. Take a deep breath. I can't break this phone, what if sister urgently calls me right after and can't reach me because i broke the stupid phone. *Sigh* I don't even know if she is alive or dead. At least tell me about her Gray Lux. Wait should i just ask him about her? I'm so stupid." Face palming himself he rushes to the side nearest to Gray Lux and dives inside.

He quickly went to grab Gray Lux and drags him above the pool. Panting and out of breath, Baldwin asked Gray Lux.

"Mister Lux are you ok? I was worried you going to be drowned to death."

Sitting up, Gray Lux then patted his suit all over as if dusting dust. He looked Baldwin straight in the eye.

"Are you cursing me to die in the water? I almost got a heart attack when you showed up all of a sudden. Now where was I?" Asked Gray Lux as he opened back the book he was reading and continued to read like nothing ever happened.

Bewildered at how things turner out, Baldwin then make a face like he accepted his lost while being angry at the same time.

'Sis, it should be preoccupied with reading you wouldn't notice the water all around you right? Still, did this rich bastard breath underwater?'
