
Chapter 55: Impact

The next scene then showed the majestic megacity that covered half the new continent. They were no cars, people used warp gates all around the city to get around for free. The kids preferred using hoverboards to explore the wonderful skies of the city.

The city was so spotless it made germophobes feel like they found their cure. Work or not people received the equivalent to $20k a week. This made hard workers everywhere question their life choices while everyone else could only daydream.

Crime was non-existent here so no police force was necessary. With a god who could tell when someone lies and seers who could answer any questions asked within their power any crime could be solved in seconds. The penalty for minor crimes was exile while heavier crimes depended on the circumstances.

The money was also only used on lavish things as many services were free. Food, health, education, basic clothing, and the list goes on. Households also had access to the true universal tv package. universal game store. Universal porn in 20k with 4D functionality and 900 G internet speed. What is download time?. We do not do that here.

Buildings, Labs, Schools, recreational facilities, and more were so advanced they made people think they were in the past.

To the south of the Island a huge assortment of robots, ships, and military-looking training facilities were shown. Harley was shown training and ballbusting her subordinates. This made masochists and sadists alike admire her work.

To the North was a smaller city called gateway city that had portals to travel to many exotic locations of the universe. This was basically the airport. This was the agreement he had made with the other races. That they open portals on their planets and become Leviathans suppliers of many goods.

Closing off the video showing off their glorious leader and his daughter. The sight of how easily Nearítheá killed more than half of all the invaders scared people, heroes, villains, and governments alike. As the video never showed once Arias do battle. Which meant his daughter alone could bring down any nation without fail in mere seconds.

Governments that had publicly declared their hate for metahumans were at a loss for words. They had after all handed all villain, hero, and civilian metahumans to the invaders who were then rescued by members of New Haven Island and currently had their whereabouts unknown as they were scattered around the planet now.

The league had chosen to stay neutral during the attack on New Haven Island. They were to only engage should the aliens move to other parts of the world. But the invasion ended before they could even break past the New Haven Islands formation.

Organizations that offered help were smiling while those that didn't even answer were in deep thought.

With the video over and the world feeling mixed expressions, Arias stepped forward onto the podium and began to speak as his voice echoed to many parts of the universe.

"Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Tough situations build strong people in the end. The people that surround me are proof of that. Great leaders get people to admit the truth because they know that dreams are buried under the lies they tell themselves, to feel okay with giving up. Everyone has a goal that pushes them to become stronger even if they do not see it yet."

"My goal has already been made clear. To stand above all. To taste true freedom. To roam the universe with nothing holding me back and To be able to defend my people from any existence brave enough to challenge me. It is with that in mind that I name this new nation after the person who put lead me on the path I walk now. I name this nation Infinity Island...To some, I am a Harbinger of Death to Others I am a Saviour and life-giver but to all I am Leviathan!."

Arias's speech reached many civilizations. His voice was firm and domineering but carried a relaxing aura to all who heard it.

To races that had already met him, they grew even more respectful of the man whose voice echoed throughout the universe.

Every Tamaranean kowtowed towards a giant statue of Arias that had been erected on the planet.

Part of the population of Durlans also began to worship him as a God as good things came to those with him and only death awaited those against him. Clear and simple.

The Okaarans and Khunds used his name to inspire the next generation of warriors.

As for Thangarians and Daxamites, some saw him as a God...Others thought he came from a divine race.

The Guardians of the Universe considered him a newly born Celestial. Being the first intelligent life in the universe they have never seen or heard of a race that contained such a being so the only answer was a Celestial. These beings rarely directly interacted with normal beings as they saw it as either beneath them or not worth the time. So for now all they could do is wait and see if they should take action or not.

As for conquerors like the Reach, they simply put earth on S-level danger.

While others felt fear or admiration some had other goals.

"That voice I heard was it the man who currently has no equal?". A tall beautiful figure with long red hair and brown eyes asked a kneeling figure behind her as she stared off a balcony of a large Palace.

"Yes, it is Aria-". Before the figure could finish speaking the woman grew angry

"Do not speak his name! You are not worthy! Prepare my fleet and set a course for Earth!, Here I was thinking of that man who rejected me when he isn't even the strongest anylonger!! Be quick I do not wish to delay!!"

The beautiful figure spoke impatiently.

"Yes, my Queen!!".

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