
Chapter 149: Raw Recruits Part 1

Shay had long since finished compiling her list and hand gone ahead to collect them. Meanwhile Arias had remained in his office thinking.

His main reason for getting recruits was to increase the might of his organization with loyal and promising individuals who saw him as a sort of hero or even god.

Compared to those who worked for money or were recruited under force, these individuals like Kara, Raven and Billy had a sort of unquestionable loyalty towards him.

For Harley and Dr. Veritas, their loyalty towards him stemmed from love which meant it was still technically possible for him to lose that love they had for him and he knew this.

Love was fickle and humans change. The joker had pushed Harley to a point where she abandoned him which technically meant it was possible for Arias as well but with Kara, Billy and Nearíthea such a thing was practically impossible.

Starfire still cared for her people, Blackfire's loyalty stemmed from her attraction to power, Slade was loyal to money, Ivy and Caitlyn were put in check due to his power alongside Loki and many others.

Such thoughts still lingered in Arias's mind every now and then. If he were to lose it all, his power and wealth or if he changed... just how many would stick beside him?

The chances of this happening were extremely low but still present nonetheless. So it was only natural for him to seek more individuals that idolized him and mold them into capable members of his organization. 'I should also strengthen my hold on those already present.'

"At least I'm getting close... once I reach a stage where I can create proper life..." Arias thought while looking at his hand but ended there as a knock resounded on this door.

"Come in."

After Arias said this Kara and Raven walked in rather cautiously until they stood in front of his desk with her hands behind her back. "Well Sir... I just wanted to say thank you in person."

"Thank you?" Arias repeated with a brow raised towards her.

"Yes thank you, if it wasn't for you I'd probably be still some naive girl playing hero or dead. I've seen you do some amazing things for a great number of people without seeking any fame nor caring what others think about you like some heroes."

"Hearing you today just made me emotional and remember that I've come a long way thanks to you not giving up on me. I can only hope I live up to your expectations...." She explained in a low tone before going silent and keeping her head lowered.

"It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say you've exceeded expectations. You've become an invaluable member of the organization so I look forward to what other surprises you have in store for me." Arias replied and brought a smile on Kara's flustered face.

"Well uh- that was all. Yea." She said awkwardly before turning to walk away. 'Stupid, Stupid Kara.' She berated while letting out a sigh as she exited the office.


Meanwhile Inside Hall 1, Dr. Shay Veritas had gathered all nine recruits.

"Welcome to Leviathan Tower, I'll brief you more on how we'll proceed after discussing it over with Arias himself. Please wait here and introduce yourselves to each other, you'll most likely be working together, except for you of course... you'll most likely be an instructor." Shay explained hurriedly before walking out of the hall and leaving the nine recruits inside.

"Sister, we are really in ze tower in which Leviathan resides! This is exciting." A silver haired young man couldn't help but mutter excitedly before turning to the others. "*ahem* I'll start ze introductions if you don't mind. My name is Pietrro Maximoff but I go by the name Quick Silver and zis here is my sister Wanda or Scarlett Witch. It is pleasure to meet you all." The same young man opened the stage and began the introductions before turning to the others.

"Would you calm down, you're acting like a kid. Anyway I'm Johnny better known as Pyro and I'm already pretty familiar with these two here and her but don't know about the rest of ya, just don't piss me off okay?" Pyro crossed his arms and gave off a tough guy sort of vibe before turning his head to the girl he was just from referring to.

"Laura Kinney, I don't have any special name or whatever it is you call it." She gave a rather bland introduction before turning her gaze to the remaining individuals.

"Jean Grey." Jean muttered in a low tone before giving Laura and her group a very hostile stare. "An-No Rogue is fine." Rogue followed up before glancing at the group with her arms crossed as well.

"*sigh* My name is Ororo but I go by Storm... Jean, Anna calm down, let's wait and listen to what is going on first." Storm introduced herself before trying to calm Jean and Anna down.

She knew full well they didn't like Magneto's former supporters being here especially after all they did and neither did she but she was open to hearing what the situation is.

"And what of you two? Your get ups look kinda alike." Pyro rudely asked the remaining two who had been quiet this entire time.

"Best for last huh, anyway I'm Gwen Stacy aka Spider girl and this guy here is Miles Morales or Spider-Man... though the man part is a bit of a stretch. Heh." A mischievous looking blonde haired girl made this introduction before beaming a smile that showcased her diastema.

A/N: Feeling kinda lazy to describe everyone here so I'll do so individually when their time to shine comes... most of you know how they look anyway so meh.

However Miles quickly grabbed her by the hand and pulled her close. "What happened to keeping a low profile? What part of all this is low profile?" He whispered with great annoyance but Gwen's grin didn't fade.

"It's called blending in Genius, besides if there's any place where we have hope of getting a portal ride home then it's this place right? So just chill." She replied in a carefree tone which seemed to only make Miles more aggravated.

Before he could say more however the doors to hall opened and two individuals walked in.
