
Chloe Karen Hills

She sat in the last row as always, sipping her coffee and staring at the huge screen with keen eyes. She had black hair and blue eyes, pointed nose and red cherry lips. Her skin was pale white with some scar marks on it. She wore a crimson hoodie with black jeans and a pair of sneakers.

Her black hair had been tied into a ponytail and her red lips had a faint trace of black. She got up from her seat and stretched her arms. She had been sitting down for three straight hours watching the new episodes of her favorite creepypasta. A man behind her shot her a deadly glance as she got up which she replied with an arrogant smirk and walked away. She took out her phone immediately she got out from the theater and checked her mailbox. No messages. She put it back in her pocket and walked straight into her Pickup truck.

The car was blood red with a pint of black on the door handles. The trunk was rusty and had a foul smell despite the other parts of the car being in good shape. Chloe got into her car and did the usual ignition since her key was lost.

She reversed down the thick bushes and soon dashed through the tarred road. The radio was on. Wind gushing through the windows,a drop of water fell on her from the leaked roof.

She took a cigarette from her pouch and lit it as she drove faster. Little drops of water still dripping from the leaked roof.

It didn't take long for Chloe to reach her house.From the way she was driving she would have won the Formula 1 race even with a pickup truck.Literally. She applied her lip balm and brushed her hair, burried the lighter deep in her pockets and got out of the car. The rain had not yet stopped which was a good thing, because of the distraction it caused to her"parents".

Chloe applied another lip balm so as to prevent her curious brother from knowing she had started smoking. She looked at the large house infront of her, "a hell on Earth"she called it. An evil smile crept over her face and she had to hold her mouth to stop herself from laughing hard. She looked like a complete psycho straight from the asylum.

The syringe in her hand said it all. Another evil smile and it was obvious. She had taken a drug jab, the only way to relieve herself from her torture.

She scurried through the lawn and accidentally tripped over a mower,good thing the TV was on max volume. She quickly climbed up the ladder that lead to her window.

She crept through the glass frame and jumped on her bed. "Ahhh"She sighed, "mission accomplished"she muttered under a tired tone. The rain finally settled. But the wind,it was like a hurricane will be happening anytime. She shut the windows turned on the heater and shut her eyes.

She lay stiff like a log and looked kinda cute too. Poor girl. She snored for a minute and then woke up. She had barely slept for an hour and her breathing was rapid, she reached out for her drawer and lit a cigar.

She smoked for 20 minutes and retired back to sleep.