

The bell rang, one by one students came out from their own class and rushed themselves to today's main attraction, which is going to happen in the main hall of Flower Garden School.

Squeaky clean announcement board is looking to be filled with the thing that all student looking for.

It's time for the first mid semester exam result, which would establish first year students position within school, though it won't budge the existing hierarchical position that's already deep rooted from their own nobility.

The teacher came, bringing what looked like the exam result, rolled inside a small tube which he held in his strong arm. The closer he got to the announcement board, the noisier it became.

"Who do you guys think will get the number one spot?"

"What are you talking about? It's clear that the first prince will take the number one spot!"

"But you know, isn't that new student rivaling the first prince in every subject? She could take the spot today."

"Aren't you guys getting too cocky and overestimating her? the Duke's daughter won't lose to that newcomer!"

"...!" "....!" "......!"

the chatter is getting louder and louder, even though the subjects of the conversation were right there waiting for the result just like other students.

The student with sparkling golden hair, sign of highest nobility with other student beside him that has golden hair no less than him. The brunette-haired girl with uniform that's evidently second hand. And lastly the purple-ish haired girl with the duke's badge standing there with her follower.

Heir from all sort of nobility gathered here suddenly got silent with just a finger flick from that muscly teacher. the tube containing the exam result flying away from his hand, the lid opened and the contents emerged to stick themselves into the announcement board.

It's not even a split second passed but the sudden burst of disbelief from all students throws the main hall into chaos.

'Mid-Semester Exam Result

Total Point

1. Sherlock Doyle

2. Alphonse Godfrey

3. Elizabeth Colefield

4. Theodore Godfrey

5. Sharon Angefort


"First prince didn't get the first place? who in the name of god is this Sherlock Doyle guy?!"

"No way, Duke's Daughter is fifth?! Why is nameless noble and second prince can get that high result?!"

"Who is that guy that took the first place from first prince?!"

"Wait, he is that rising Viscount's son!"

"You are right! but isn't he mostly called...."

A particular melody floating in the sea of noises at the Flower Garden's main hall. One by one students stopped their conversation and locked their eyes to the one who humming that particular melody.

A boy, grey in color walking step by step and humming in the middle of main hall, did not pay any heed towards all the eyes that locked on him.

he stopped, right in front of the announcement board.

A smirk painted, with a hint of menace seeping out from that smirk painted face.


Just like that he turned around, started humming again and stepped away from the announcement board.

humming that particular song again, which he called and called by, to which he said he didn't own and no one would own it.

Golden Wind.