
Golden Deity: Slime in the Multiverse

From the moment I was born, the paths and destinies of someone like me were already carved in the stone of fate. Whether I wanted to or not, I could do nothing. Death was the end of the road for all those mere mortals who had no power to cut or change the thread of fate that connected them to an already established point. Or so I believed until before my death. ----------------------- This is a Fanfic. I have nothing except my MC. All other characters, including the worlds, belong to their respective original authors. The cover of the fanfic also does not belong to me. If its creator wants me to remove it, I will gladly do so. ----------------------- Hi, TianXian here! First, I want to clarify that English is my fourth language, so expect to find some mistakes when reading this fanfic. But I hope you'll give it a chance, and if you like it, add it to your library :3. By the way, this fanfic has a Dimensional Chat System. Well, that's all. Enjoy this journey :3 My Patreon account: www.patreon.com/TianXian If you want to support me and get up to 15 advanced chapters, you can do it here. ----------------------- First world: Danmachi. Second world: Solo Leveling. Third world: ??? -----------------------

TianXian · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Chapter 12: Election

"Now, can you show me your eyes?" Eina adjusted her glasses and looked at me.

"Oh, of course," I answered Eina with a smile.

She was sitting across from me, separated by a long table.

We were in a meeting room, where adventurers could talk quietly with their respective advisors without worrying about anyone overhearing the conversation. This also applied to me, as I in no way wanted the word to spread that I had a divine eye or something similar, or at least, I don't want it to happen for now.

Eina was a beautiful woman, quite beautiful to tell the truth; her eyebrows were furrowed with slight annoyance, as were her lips. But considering that I bamboozled her with my infinite charm in front of everyone, it was natural to expect a similar reaction from her.

Although I don't regret such an action.

At first, when I first entered the guild hall, I had thought of my misfortune for encountering such a responsible yet protective woman who would scold anyone under her care in the guild.

However, after observing her, I could tell that, unlike in anime, where the figures and characters were in cartoon form, in these moments, they were no different from a flesh and blood human.

This world that before, for me, was just an anime world was now a real world where the characters were real.

Getting back to the topic, Eina's beauty was not what led me to decide to take her as a personal advisor. No, for one thing, it was because she was the only one I knew from the anime in the first season, and because of her personality, which I gather is not much different from the anime, she wouldn't leak my information to anyone.

The other reason was that the moment I approached her, I noticed the natural warmth that her aura gave off. It was a kind of aura that no being with evil thoughts could have.

Suddenly, I saw Eina's cheeks flushed, probably because I had looked at her more than I should have.

Sighing, I brought my hands to the blindfold covering my eyes and saw that Eina was a little anxious. I don't know exactly why, but I didn't care.

I slowly pulled the blindfold down, revealing my two unusual eyes to the world, or in this case, to Eina, who opened her eyes wide.

"Beautiful..." She seemed completely spellbound by my gaze, as even when I waved my hand in front of her face, she didn't notice.

Seeing her expression, I felt an itch in my heart.

Wanting to tease this girl more, I brought my face closer to hers, and mere inches away from her lips, I muttered, "If you don't wake up, I might end up kissing you~."

"Huh? A-ahhh! Get away!" she exploded, blushing, and withdrew her face as steam rose from her forehead at the speed of light.

I did my best to hold back the laughter as I looked at her extremely embarrassed face while putting the cloth back around my eyes.

"Now that I've proven that my eyes work properly, it's time for you to fulfill part of your promise, don't you think so, too, Eina~?"

"Hmph, Hateful." Still blushing, she seemed to try to hide the embarrassment under an expression of anger and aggravation.

However, she still lifted her glasses simultaneously as she looked at me and tried her best to act as normal as possible. As expected of someone professional.

"Here, fill out this form to sign up, and if you don't already have a Familia, I recommend you find one. I can mention some of the families that are currently recruiting new members."

"Ah, okay..." I mumbled and started filling out the form.

The questionnaires were simple, like; name, age, vocation, place of birth, etc.

I put in all the nonsense I could think of in my mind. However, I left the Familia part blank as I didn't currently have one and didn't want to join one.

I looked up and met Erina's gaze, who quickly averted her face like a scared kitten.

"Pfft...." I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"By the way, Eina, is there any chance of entering the dungeon without a Familia?".

"Absolutely not! This is the first day of your registration, and yet you plan to enter a dungeon without equipment?! You're crazy!"

There she is; where is my cute Eina from a few seconds ago? It's amazing how she can switch into her strict mode in the blink of an eye.

Before she could reply, she readjusted her glasses. She continued, "Besides, it's written in the adventurer's guild's rules that it's strictly forbidden for someone without a Familia to start an adventure inside the dungeon."

"Is there such a rule...?" I muttered and thought this was some pretty annoying shit, if I'm really honest.

I passed the form to Eina, who lowered her face and read it.

"This... Your village was destroyed, and you were the only survivor?" She looked into my eyes.

Her expression seemed to be painted with concern and compassion.

"Um, unfortunately, bandits raided my village just as I went out hunting in the forest, so when I returned, the village was already empty and full of blood. And having no one else, I came here, to the city of Orario."

I put on a downcast face to make my biggest and stupidest lie believable. After all, I can't just say, "I'm from another world, tehee~."

What can I say in my defense?

The lie I came up with was a rather cliché story that sounded like a tragic story of the hero in the books I once read, so it stuck with me.

"I'm sorry to hear that...". Eina lowered her face rather sadly.

That sight made me slap my forehead with my hand because of the stupid story.

However, I can't change it now...

"Although I'm glad you cared, it's unnecessary, okay?" I leaned over the chair and patted the girl's head.

[You have learned the passive skill <Headpats>.

Description: Calms and clears the mind of evil thoughts.

Note: Forge your way into a maiden's heart through patting on the head!]


'Wtf! This is the best skill of all!' I looked at the description on the panel in front of me with some surprise.

Although I had never patted a girl's head in the past, now that I had tried it, I learned it instantly, unlike when I practiced for an hour with the sword.

The best part was that I received an ability for just patting her; I wonder what will happen when this amazing divine ability reaches the top...

"T-this, Adler-kun....."

"Hm?" I closed the floating panel and looked at Eina's flushed face.

With her shy expression, she was quite cute. However, as much as I wanted to keep petting her and know whether the best skill in my arsenal could level up or not, I stopped and withdrew my hand.

I sat back down and listened to Eina's explanation, citing all the "Families" we're currently recruiting adventurers.


"What about the "Hephaestus Family" or the "Loki Family"? Aren't they going to recruit?".

"No, large and influential "Families" rarely recruit anyone. However, that doesn't mean they never do. Mostly, they recruit adventurers they find capable and interesting who can take their families to new heights."

"Basically, quality over quantity, eh? Fair enough." I nodded at Eina's explanation.

'I haven't heard Hestia's name, so it's quite likely that the current timeline is set before the main story begins.'

"So, have you decided on a Familia yet?"

Eina's question snapped me out of my thoughts and threw me into another.

I didn't answer right away and put a hand to my chin.

'Mmm, let's go over what I know.

Starting with mythology. No need to mention it; honestly, I dislike all the gods or goddesses out there.

But this is the world of anime, so even if it was based on mythology, both the stories, twisted personalities, and the genders of the gods and goddesses should have changed, right?


From my memories of the anime from the first season, the only goddess I was familiar with was that busty Loli; other than that, the only one that comes to mind is the figure of Hephaestus, the red-haired blacksmith goddess.

The time I went to the wiki for my curiosity, and the time I ate huge spoilers, I learned that she was quite beloved by the fandom, so I can conclude that she was a good goddess; therefore, a good choice.

As for Loki... why do I get the great feeling that she's a damn man disguised as a woman to get her claws on helpless women?

I mean, I've never seen a woman who doesn't have an ounce of the breast!

Her eyes are always closed, too.... damned sly fox.

There was also that silver goddess; I disliked her the most, so I sincerely planned to stay as far away from that woman as possible.

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of her...

Those are the only goddesses I remember so far, and I wouldn't dare put a shackle on entering an unknown Familia.

Who knows? Maybe they might want me to become their sex toys... poor me.

"Well... it's settled." I stood up from my seat and looked seriously at Eina, patiently waiting for my answer.

"I'm not going to join any Familia."

"Huh? Hahhhh?!"

I finally have a vacation uwu

TianXiancreators' thoughts