
Wolf Fang

The next day we continued our journey. The four travelers were in one of Bulma's boats traveling down a river.

"We're really making good time using this river," Bulma commented.

"Where are we going anyway," Oolong asked.

"Well," Bulma replied. "The next dragonball is on Frypan mountain maybe it will take us three days with our speed."

"The Frypan Mountain!, Y-You're realy intending to go there " Oolong said.

"You know of that place?" Poca said

"You guy's don't know? there is where super scary Ox Demon King!."

"Who's Ox Demon King?" Bulma asked.

"He ruler of the Frypan Mountain," Oolong replies. "He's a monster that master of martial arts. It's said he'll kill anyone who try to take his treasure".

"Sounds like finally a decent challenge," I said.

"I don't think you understand," Oolong said. "He's a monster. I'm getting out of here." In an instant the pig transformed into a fish and made to jump overboard.

Before he hit water he was caught by my hand. "You're not going anywhere."

"But Ox King will kill us," Oolong pleaded.

"Don't worry Oolong," Bulma said. "Goku is really strong. He can protect us. He did knock you out without even trying after all."

"Just how strong are you?" Oolong asked.

"My power level is 3000." I replied.

"What's that mean?" Poca asked.

I sense and estimate with ki on every one. "Well bulma and you are only at 2 and oolong is only at 4. Does that clarify anything?"

"I think I've got an idea now," Poca said.

Suddenly the motor on the boat quit. "We're out of gas," Bulma said worried. "Oolong can you turn into some gas to get us to shore?"

"Can't, I'd get used up," Oolong said.

"I've got it," I said jumping into the water. A few seconds later the boat began to move forward once again as i swam behind it pushing it down the river.

"Just head to the shore," Bulma said.

Minutes later the four got out of the boat on dry land. "Oh no," Bulma said giving herself a pat down. "i forget to prepare gas reserves ."

"Guess we'll walk," I said.

"That's easy for you to say," Bulma yelled hysterical. "You're used to the outdoors."

"What other choice do we have," I said. "Besides it might be good for you."


The sun shone down brightly in the depths of the desert as we walked endlessly. "I can't go on," Bulma panted. "I'm not meant to walk in the desert."

I just rolled my eyes. "Let's take a break then." i didn't really care about the heat of the desert. i did use the time to train while lowering poca near the shade of a rock, i carry her and bulma alternately in the journey.

Bulma walked over to the shade and laid down to sleep with poca.

"I'm going to go find some food," I said. Before i moved two steps though i spotted a dust cloud in the distance.

"What's that?" Oolong asked quaking with fear.

"I'm not sure," I replied.

In minutes the figure that caused the dust cloud developed into a man on a hover scooter. The figure drew closer before finally coming to a stop in front of Oolong and me.

The man stepped down off the scooter. He was dressed in green pants and an orange shirt and carried a sword sheathed at his side. Atop his shoulder sat a small cat like creature. "Give me your money and any capsule and I'll let you live," the man said.

"Who are you to order me" I replied.

"I am Yamcha, ruler of this entire area," Yamcha replied.

"Hey," the small cat said interrupting, "that's Oolong. He was in my shape shifting class. He was always a big bully."

"Well Puar," Yamcha said with a grin. "It appears the tables have turned."

"I wouldn't say that," Oolong said with a smug look. "My boy Goku here will take out both of you."

"Just like always," Puar said. "Having someone else fight for him."

"This is your last chance," Yamcha said. "Give me your money and you won't get hurt."

"No," I said simply.

"this where Your funeral be," Yamcha said.

"I doubt that," I said. "You don't know how strong i'm," i said with a laugh.

"I'll show you then," Yamcha said charging at me. In an instant he had his blade out, swinging the blade at me.

I leapt into the air dodging the blow. An instant later i landed on the ground and rebounded. He shot back at the desert bandit planting a foot in his back.

Yamcha went flying forward across the ground but quickly rebounded himself charging back at me. The bandit began throwing kicks and punches at me as fast as he could but I still managed to dodge or block every one of them. Minutes later the two separated. "Now you're going to get it," Yamcha said panting.

"I'll show you my Wolf Fang Fist."

"Bring it on," I said taking a defensive stance.

"Wolf Fang Fist," Yamcha yelled as he moved his hands around in a complex motion. The tall warrior began to take the form of a wolf as he charged at I throwing punches at lighting speed. Suddenly he was stopped as my fist landed in his stomach with tremendous force. The taller warrior bent down clutching his stomach finally falling to the ground.

"Sorry if it's hurt you."

"You'll pay for this," Yamcha said getting to his feet.

"I doubt that," I said.

"What's going on" Bulma and Poca said sitting up.

"Girl's!" Yamcha yelled jumping back on his scooter and hauling ass back to his lair.

"Guess you showed him," Oolong said to me.

'Ou men he's getting away, i don't have time to recrut him, maybe next time, he will follow us anyways' I thought.
