
Journey to the West.

Doing saitama training set repeatly with Ouzaru form really make my human body tired. I was bedridden for 3 days; but after waking up I felt my body full of energy. Now i can overpower grandpa Gohan and win sparring with him, when previously I lost sparing with Grandpa because my body was still weaker compared to him. i'm also finally unlock ki energy and master it.

7 years passed quickly. I did all the exercises that I could do with my toddler's body and ouzaru form when full moon appeared. i also secured my attack pod(spaceship). now I grow taller than the little goku when the dragon ball series starts, my height is the same as the gohan on the cell saga.

I asked Grandpa Gohan to buy 50,100,200 pounds Weighted cloth set . fear affects my growth i started weighted clothes Training only when i'm ten. Grandpa Gohan also give me power pole and start training how to wield staff with i learn it in flash.

I could have gone searching for Bulma to build me a gravity room, but I didn't. I didn't want to change canon completely. And, I admit, a part of me wanted to enjoy my 'childhood' alone with Grandpa for as long as I could. So, I focused on maintaining my strength once it peaked and refining my fighting style. With ki energy, I reverse-engineered JanKen techniques become Jajanken's Gon(HxH) and other anime techniques like Rasenggan. I had fun, when I wasn't hammering myself on the anvil of training.

And so, the days passed, until it was the 1st of September, Age 749.

Grandpa Gohan and I were having lunch, a fish I had gone and fetched myself.

My ears picked up. "I hear something. An engine, I think."

Grandpa perked up. "Oh? Who'd be way out here in the wilderness?"

Answered him "Grandpa, the girl i tell you year's ago!" with make him shocked a second

The noise vanished, to be replaced by vocal complaints. "Ugh! I hate nature! I definitely didn't wear the right shoes for this."

Grandpa and I exchanged looks, anime sweat drops on both our brows.

Then a girl came walking up the path to our hut.

"Hello there!" Grandpa Gohan called out, I stood beside him. We both bowed as the girl came close. "My name is Son Gohan, and this is my grandson, Goku. Who are you, young lady?"

The girl wiped her brow, honestly out of breath climbing the small hill between the road and our hut. "Hi. My name's Bulma. Nice to meet you. You got anything to drink?"

I wordlessly handed her a cup of tea, and she gulped it down. Grandpa ask her. "What's a city girl doing all the way up here in the mountains?"

he grinned, wiping her mouth. "I'm on a treasure hunt!" She reached into her bag, pulling out an orange orb with red stars in the center. "Have either of you seen a jewel like this? There should be one nearby."

"You seem right again goku, go get it!"

Yes, Grandpa," I replied obediently. I went into the hut, gathering the 4-Star Ball from where it was stashed on a little shrine we'd made for it. I came out and Bulma's eyes lit up.

"Yes, you do have it! Another Dragon Ball!"

"Dragon Ball? Is that what these things are called?" I asked innocently.

Bulma got a calculating gleam in her eyes. Coming to a decision, she pulled out another Dragon Ball and laid them on the stump I'd been sitting on. I walked forward and added the one in my hand. The three of us watched as they began to pulse with an inner light.

"Dear me, it's never done that before," Gohan said, leaning forward with interest.

"These are the magical Dragon Balls," Bulma explained. "There are only seven of them in the whole world. If you gather them all together and say the ancient words, the dragon will appear and grant you a wish!"

"Wow," I said, more taken with how her face lit up than the explanation of the power I already knew about.

"Well, thanks for giving it to me!" she said, reaching forward.

My eyes narrowed and I grabbed the 4-Star Ball back. "Hey, wait a minute. This is my Grandpa's treasure. You can't just take it."

She got an ugly smile on her face. She pulled out a revolver and held it in Grandpa's general direction. "Hand it over kid, or the old man gets it!"

Grandpa's face closed off. Faster than her eyes could see, he raced over and grabbed the gun right out of her hands. He unloaded it and threw it on the ground behind him before Bulma even realized it was gone. "Now that's very rude. You just don't threaten old men with guns, young lady. It's very unbecoming."

Bulma gaped. "What the hell?"

"Grandpa and I are really strong," I supplied 'helpfully'.

Bulma suddenly looked very nervous. "Um…. ha ha ha! Wasn't that funny? The way I pretended to be all evil and you were so awesome? I wasn't really going to shoot him. I was just trying to scare you. Silly me, hee hee hee."

Grandpa sighed. "Let this be a lesson to you, young Bulma. Those who threaten violence will often be met with violence. Had you pulled that act with anyone else with our skills, you'd likely be in very big trouble right now."

She gulped. "Um, yeah. Sorry about that. Thanks for not killing me or anything."

"I have an idea," I spoke up. "Grandpa and I help you gather up these Dragon Balls. We'll be your bodyguards or whatever. In return, we all share the wish at the end."

Bulma gaped. "Wait, seriously? You want to help me, after what I just did?"

"It's not like Grandpa was really in any danger. He could have caught the bullets if you shot at him," I said casually, making her eyes widen. "And yeah. You seem pretty weak, and you'll probably run into trouble gathering the rest of these Dragon Balls if they're as special as you say. It would bother me if we let you go on your way all helpless and something happened to you. So we come along, keep an eye on each other, and get a wish at the end of it. Sounds like a good deal to me."

Bulma smiled, "That sounds awesome, actually. I'd really appreciate it."

Grandpa Gohan nodded. "I agree. With one exception. I won't be coming along."

"Grandpa?" I asked, confused. He was perfectly able to travel.

"I'm old, Goku. I had my fill of adventure. I'm perfectly happy to stay here for the rest of my days. But you should go with this young woman. Go out, see the world, make mistakes, learn from them. It's time you flew the nest."

I hugged my grandfather in every way that mattered, tears in my eyes. Then I rubbed my eyes, sniffed my nose, suddenly I got an idea.

"wait!, grandpa you come with us i have a plan for you" then I whispered to him about my plan for the 'future'. and turned to Bulma. "Well, we're burning daylight. Let's go."

Bulma nodded, gathering up the Dragon Balls and putting them in her bag. I handed over the 4-Star Ball, which she took hesitantly. Then she pulled out a case of capsules, throwing one to produce a motorcycle in a puff of smoke. "Oh, darn, wrong one. We need a side-car."

"No need. we prefer to run."

She looked at me like I was an idiot. "This bike can go over a hundred miles an hour."

I and grandpa grinned. "we can keep up."

And we did. Bulma watched in disbelief as we kept pace with her bike, our legs blurring as we ran faster than a sprinting cheetah. We could have just flown, but where's the challenge in that? Even this was only marginally difficult because I was wearing the heaviest weighted clothing.

"Wow. How the hell are you so fast?" Bulma called about ten minutes into our journey, after looking away from me to consult the Dragon Radar.

"We trained really hard," I said, not even out of breath.

"Are you two even human?"

I laughed. "Actually, no I'm not. But grandpa do"

"Earthlings can get this strong and fast too. It just takes a lot of hard work and ki manipulation."grandpa said

Bulma almost swerved off the road. "Wait, what? You're not human? and Did you say Earthling? What are you poeple, some sort of alien?"

We chuckled, after I was sure I wouldn't have to save her. "Yeah. Didn't the tail give me away?" I waved it at her.

"I thought you'd just glued it on or something. I didn't know it was real!" She shrieked, reaching a truly uncomfortable decibel. I rubbed my sensitive ear.

"Well, it is."

Bulma's eyes lit up and she slowed down. "Wow. I can't believe it. I'm talking to an actual extraterrestrial. This is like one of Tights' dumb stories!" She eyed me like I was a unicorn and she had the tranquilizer gun all ready. "Mind if I ask him a few questions?" bulma look my grandpa.

grandpa noded. "Okay. Just promise me you won't ask to dissect my grandson anything."

"Of course not," she said, though her eyes looked a little shifty. "What are you? Where did you come from? When did you come to earth? How? Why?"

I mentally ordered my responses. "Um, a Saiyan. Planet Vegeta. In 739, when I was around 3. In a Saiyan Space Pod. Technically, I was sent here to exterminate all life so the Planet Trade Organization could sell the Earth as real estate, but really my dad sent me to escape the destruction of our planet and train to avenge our people."

"Did you say 'exterminate all life'? Are you serious?" bulma shocked and grandpa frown a litle becouse a diffrent fact!.

"I'm afraid so. The Planet Trade Organization is the most powerful entity in the universe. They own most of this galaxy. To them, wiping out a pre-interstellar civilization is like squashing an ant hill. My species, the Saiyans, were enslaved as enforcers a long time ago. I was programmed to be an omnicidal maniac, but then I hit my head as a kid. Grandpa managed to make me fall in love with him and Earth before the memories came back," I explained.

"My god," Bulma said to herself. "This is incredible. You're not making this up, are you?"<

"Cross my heart and hope to die. A warrior's word is his honor," I said, quoting something Grandpa had said to me a long time ago.

"hey that's my word!" grandpa rebuted

"Alright then." Bulma kept me busy for hours, asking me all sorts of questions about outer space and the Saiyans. I tried to explain that I only had what I remembered as a baby and what I could scrounge from my Pod's computer, but that barely deterred her.

Finally, the barrage stopped when the sun was beginning to set. "Pit stop!" she said, braking the bike.

I turned and fired a ki blast into the forest.

"What the hell was that?" Bulma demanded.

"There was a bad guy that direction. I took care of him so you wouldn't get kidnapped or anything," I answered.

"Oh… Thanks, I guess." Bulma wandered off in that direction, returning when her business was finished. She had a pale expression, so I guess she saw what my ki ball had done to the pterodactyl-like thing I'd shot down. "That guy could have eaten me! Thanks, Goku."

"No problem, that's why we are here, to protect the lady on her quest."

We rode a little more, and I paused when we got near a certain 'rock'. "We should camp here tonight."

"Okay." Bulma capsuled her motorcycle and then produced a capsule house.

"I'm hunting for dinner. Would you like anything?"

Her mouth pursed. "No thanks. I'm fine with the food I packed."

Huh. Guess the city girl wasn't comfortable with food that had been moving an hour earlier.

Grandpa and I ate my ravin, and i ate enough to feed a hungry Saiyan, which is to say enough for twenty men. That done we camped outside. Bulma come outside "Goku? Earlier, you said something about ki manipulation? What is that?"

"Ki is inner energy or life force. It's in everything. If you train at it, you can learn to manipulate it. It's how I made that energy blast and part of why we are so fast. I channel my ki throughout my body and that makes me stronger and increases my perception speed. I can also use it to do a lot of different techniques."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Bulma called. "So, tell me more about yourself."

"Not much to tell," I said. "I'm 13, I love my grandpa, and my hobbies are training and training. Got to get strong if I want to beat Frieza."

"That's the leader of the PTO that destroyed your planet, right? Just how strong is he?"

"Put it this way. There's this thing called Power Level that measures a person's ki. You're a 2, which incidentally is what I was at birth. Grandpa Gohan is around 830, and I'm around 3000, give or take if I go all out. Frieza is 120 million."

"W-what? 120 million? Are you sure you got the numbers right? How is that even possible?" Bulma shouted .

"Biology. His race is notorious for being ridiculously powerful. But I'll beat him one day."

"How? Are you going to use the wish to get super strong?"

I stuck out my tongue. "Blegh. No way. Power from a wish isn't earned. I don't want to win like that. I want to train myself the old-fashioned way to the point that I'm stronger than Frieza. And then I'll get even stronger than that, until I'm the best that I can be. It'd be a shame to die without reaching your full potential, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess. ?"

"About the wish. How do you want to split it? What were you going to wish for before I came along?"

"Oh. I was going to wish for the perfect boyfriend."

I crossed my arms and leaned against the door. "Couldn't you get that the normal way? Why use a magic wish to get a boy to worship you? You must have them beating down your door."

"Yeah, cause I'm rich and my dad's famous." The bitterness in the words made black coffee seem like cola.

I blinked. "I was going to say You look good on sight and smart. You deserve to have a guy treat you nice."

"Thanks, Goku." I could hear her smile. "What would you wish for?"

I shrugged. "Something we can both use, that we couldn't possibly get by ordinary means. Like immortality or world peace." I had a brainwave. "How about a copy of all the knowledge in the universe? You could use all the technology and science and stuff at your dad's company, and I could use the martial arts and ki techniques to become a better fighter."

"That… that actually sounds awesome! I can't even imagine how advanced alien technology is. Though how would it all be stored? Let me think about it."


"Maybe it'll be in that copy of everything to know that we wish for."

"So we're going with that?" I asked,.

Bulma saud. "Y-yeah. It's much more useful than my wish for a boyfriend. Besides, in all that knowledge might be stuff about robotics and artificial intelligence. Then I can just build the perfect boyfriend!"

I tilted my head. "Well, if that's what you want. I still say you're giving up on men a little too early. I mean, you don't know when yours truely come."

She smiled. "Thank you for that, Goku. I'll try and remember that, thank's for the chat i'm sleppy"

"Sweet dreams, Bulma."

"Sweet dreams, Goku and Gohan-san." With that, she retreated to the house, turning off the light as she went.

"goku why you don't make her my grandaughter in law? i mean she's pretty and rich" Granpa ask me

"what are you say i'm just a kid and in my dream she is destined with someone else" i tell him

grandpa gohan's long breath said "well then, it's better we also sleep, after all this night is not a full night"

with that grandpa also take a sleep, while i'm thinking i don't want take bulma and 18 to be my girl because they have their own man and also have children each in the series. there are still many women who are not shown to have a partner i will take them all, grinning.

