
Gojo Satoru: Reborn as an Uchiha

Within the intricate tapestry of the hidden leaf, Uchiha Satoru ascended not only to the revered title but also took on the roles of Uchiha Itachi's sibling and the mysterious twin to Sasuke. Unfazed by setbacks, Uchiha Satoru dismissed them as mere hiccups in the grand narrative he was destined to unveil. Armed with a unique system that promised to reshape the entire ninja world, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of an epic saga, brushing aside minor obstacles along the way. Konoha bore witness to the arrival of an enigmatic Uchiha, stirring curiosity among allies and adversaries alike. hey guys so my updating schedule will be like this: Monday - 2 chap Tuesday - 2 chap Wednesday - 2 chap Thursday - 2 chap Friday - 2 chap Saturday 2 chap Sunday - 2 chap And sometimes i may upload more chapters but never less than 2 chapters per day!!! please show me your support!!!!

ricardo_yammouni · 映画
21 Chs

Chapter 2: Satoru and itachi

Satoru flashed a shameless grin, eating a string of three-coloured balls at a store. thinking about what he's done since he arrived here. " It has been a while since I came to this world, I remember nothing of my old world except the anime that this world is based on.

I decided that I'm going to work on gaining points to unlock more of the template's abilities because this world isn't safe, a lot of events are going to happen in this world and if I'm going to survive through them, I gonna need to get stronger.

I've been Diligent, working for some role-playing points every day, slowly unlocking my {Gojo Satoru template}. Even though I only have my Six Eyes, at my disposal, it proved to be enough for now".

As he was making his way out of the shop in deep thought with Itachi behind him, a booming voice reverberated, breaking the jovial atmosphere. the girl that works at this shop, saw him fleeing and not paying, she came over, holding a broom.

"HEEEEEY, YOU THIEF STOP RIGHT THERE" she screamed as she made it in front of him.

"Wow, impressive entrance," Satoru remarked with an exaggerated tone, adjusting his slipping blindfold while the sound of her roar echoed in his ears.


"Hey, do I, Uchiha Satoru, strike you as someone who would run away from paying the bill?"

she looked confused at first.

"It's okay, it's okay." seeing her confusion Satoru waved his hands in front of him dispelling any misunderstanding.

"No, behold, the person designated to settle the bill has arrived."

Wearing a sunny smile, Satoru confidently pushed Itachi, who stood quietly beside him, forward before he could react.

"The stage is yours, Itachi."

"Don't thank me too much!" he said removing the edge of his mask to wink at the girl

"of course, Satoru is not such a person." said the girl bewitched by his charms.

The girl, enchanted by Uchiha Satoru's charming smile, blushed and shook her head. though her cheerful expression faded instantly when she saw Uchiha Itachi with a serious look on his face.

"Uchiha..."thought the girl

"Nine Tails..."

"No, I don't want your Uchiha's money anymore." with realisation dawning on her she was scared. 

The girl, frightened by the involuntary murderous aura of Itachi, panicked and whispered softly. Satoru's face suddenly became serious, his blue eyes no longer displaying the mischievous smile.

the Uchiha clan was assigned the role of the police department in Konoha, responsible for maintaining the village's internal security and stability, as well as arresting those with criminal actions.

because of this people didn't see the Uchiha as people who keep them safe they thought of them as a group of oppressors, and the Uchiha's naturally arrogant personality didn't help either, it strained the relationship between his clan and the village.

Disputes and misunderstandings were common, but they still managed to get along, well that was until the incident with the Nine-Tails attacking the village. The conflict that arose from it intensified, leading to widespread hatred and fear of the Uchiha name. Negative emotions and evil thoughts spread among the villagers.

After the village was rebuilt, the Uchiha family was ordered to move to the edge of the village. The atmosphere within the clan became tense, with the clansmen not satisfied with how they, one of the two founding clans were being treated.

The girl's reaction wasn't unexpected for Satoru, seeing the general attitude of the villagers toward the Uchiha family.

"What was that madam?, you want to let me go without paying because I'm too handsome?" he dispelled the awkwardness with his goofiness

"Although I know I'm exceptionally handsome, I'm an upstanding citizen. I can't rely on my looks to get by." Satoru said dramatically.

"So What should we do?" Satoru stood there contemplating with his hand on his chin.

"let's let my brother Itachi pay the bill. If he refuses, we'll make him wear a woman's dress and sell himself to pay off the debt. He looks quite good in women's clothing; you can trust my judgement."Satoru winked at the shop girl seriously.

Simultaneously, a system prompt sound rang in his ear.

[Ding! Play Points +100!]

Compared to the usual five points and five points, this was a much bigger sum. Satoru thought without regret, finding the system's rewards quite generous. 


The corners of the tormented Itachi's mouth twitched, rendering him speechless. Sometimes he gets headaches because of his annoying younger brother.

while they were bickering the girl stood there thinking "Is this guy really a product of the always serious Uchiha family? he acts like no Uchiha I've ever seen or even heard about".

because of Satoru's carefree personality, the girl was no longer nervous, and her brows relaxed again.

"No, I'm not without a conscience, if you can't pay now then you can pay later," the girl said, a smile on the corner of her mouth. while thinking "Not all members of the Uchiha family were as scary as the rumours suggested.

At first, looking at Satoru's blue eyes and white hair, she didn't quite believe he was from the Uchiha family. Now, seeing Uchiha Satoru with a bright smile and Itachi with a helpless face, the shop girl couldn't help but smile.

It appeared that his brother was cornered. Itachi took out his wallet and handed it to the girl. The once-heavy wallet returned empty in the blink of an eye.

Itachi looked at the girl like she killed his mother

"Our small shop, though modest, has never cheated a customer in any transaction.

While pointing at Satoru she said, "He consumed a lot of candy in our shop." The girl glanced at Satoru, still unsure of the situation.

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