1 Chapter 1

When our main character "Ichori" woke up he saw a infinite white room, standing in front of him was "God" himself.

"who are you?" Asked Ichori as he was in staring in astonishment at the being in front of him.

The supreme being "God" answered with voice that Made him feel light headed " I am God I created you ,the world, and the universe" Ichori then asked " Why am I here?"

"God" answered saying "you are here to save the multi-verses from the other Gods"

Ichori who was a little confused didn't know what to say, he was in a deep thought about the whole situation but Ichori answered saying"what will I need to be able to do this " and just like that "God" disappeared and left one of his angels to explain (what the angel said): they are to choices you will have to do both being able to make you go insane the first choice is unlocking a "system" and an "attribute" but you will first have to see your parents die 1,000,000 times for the requirements of it. And the second one would be selling away your humanity and be a controlled doll that destroys any thing the master asks you to do.

Ichori was a 17 year old boy who saw his parents die at age 3, and he's been an orphan since then.

"backstory" - after his parents dying in front of him he could only stick up for himself and in hard times he would go into his room and watch anime and read manga all day, and was made fun of by the whole city because of it ever since he found out he had the mutated virus it effected him and his eye, the virus increased how many frames his eyes could see (30-60 frames per second)

but it was increased to 1800 - 2500 frames per second but his body was made more fragile and weak and would often rely on drugs and medicine. The drug's and medicine made him more depressed and at this point he wasn't scared of death and he committed suicide 2 months later.

end of chapter 1.
