

Linfan a pro game player in a secluded environment in China has achieved nothing but games achievements he was even called to be giving awards in various game companies and was used to promote games there by Earning the name Game Emperor Linfan who was 30 years old had thousands of haters who were jealous of his accomplishments Unfortunately Linfan was assaulted by some Thugs and killed due to hatred "so this is how my life Ends",Linfan thought as he watched his life slowly slip away from him, well I have nothing to lose there is no longer a game in this world that I didn't defeat so even living would have been boring Linfan said as he finally descended into darkness.... Ding! Game Emperor has been acknowledged by the God rank game system... Ding! transferring Host to a cultivation world.......

Author_juice · ゲーム
17 Chs


Where am I, am I not dead yet linfan looked around everything was Pitch Black, "what's going on" Linfan was scared shitless then linfan saw a light spot shining in the vast darkness linfan started floating towards the light the moment he got close to the light, Linfan blacked out when he regained his self he saw himself in a deserted place Linfan got up as he checked his surroundings warryly what's this place is this the Road to Hell Linfan asked

Ding! congratulation host you have successfully fused with the God rank game system,

merging host memories with new body memory....hearing this voice before Linfan could react he felt a terrifying pain assault his brain it was like his head wants to split open

in that same instant the pain disappeared like it never appeared memories that never belonged to Linfan started merging with his old memories after a while it was completely fused, according to the memories this body was also called linfan after coming for a mission that he accepted in his sect he was killed by Bandit who took away all his belongings.

Ding! congratulation for successfully merging with both worlds memories host has received the Begginer game pack

DING! Host can view the system panel by just thinking of the word "system" wait! Linfan now got a proper idea of what is happening he was killed by some tugs on Earth ,this! that means that he had transmigrated does that mean those novels he always read from time to time about transmigration and cultivation is also real linfan thought

well of course not everything is real linfan muttered in those novels the transmigrator who would also become the protagonist would either end up waking up in a sect, house or sometimes as a baby but why was he in a goddamn Forest what sort of welcoming is that, "system" linfan called out in his mind

a system interface opened in thin air in front of linfan how to operate the system uses has been placed in linfans mind by the system

Linfan saw the "players stat", the "play" button and the "shop" button he also saw the "reward" button which had one notification showing on the notification.Linfan saw the Beginner game park gifted by the system exiting the reward menu Linfan clicked on the "play" button instantly Linfan saw, level one popped out there was a hint under "kill all enemies without being killed once to receive bonus" at this moment the system popped up again,Ding! friendly reminder Host has only two lives when killed the first time host would revive but host would have his initial reward halved when killed the two times in a row reminder that Host will die in the real world,

wow! Linfan was slightly shocked isn't this system way overpowered hearing the part of being killed in the real world Linfan came to a conclusion that this game system is way more advanced than any he had played on earth, well what am I afraid of I am the game Emperor raising his head high with pride but let me get out of this forest first and return to the sect before playing Linfan decided as he exited the "play" going back to the reward centre linfan clicked on the player Park the bus quaked a bit as though it wanted to burst before opening

Ding! congratulation Host you have received +1level one healing Elixir and a beginner level 1 sword with 100spirit stones after receiving the +1 level Linfan felt a surge of energy in his body as he broke through to body stretching level four linfan who is now currently 15 years old has been stopped at body strengthening level three for 3 years now in the sect he was just an outer set Disciple and even among the outer said disciples he was the infamous trash that everyone always ridicule no matter the effort that his past life had put in his cultivation he was never able to break through to level four

Linfan glanced at the items that has fallen out of thin air he took his storage bag and placed the healing Elixir,the sword and the 100 Spirit stone ,Linfan hasn't checked his stat yet he would go through the system properly after he gets to his residence in the sect, linfan sect was the "heavens sword sect" they were;in the too 100,in Xiao city this city was were Linfan currently really fun, Linfan current word is called chaos planet and in this world are hundreds of continent the smallest continent called heaven realm Although this is the smallest continent it still has an empire and hundreds of city and linfan is currently in the city which is considered low in terms of city straight well that's for now Linfan fortunately for the memories knew the way back to the city thankfully he will be able to get to the city a day from now asleep and wasn't really deep into the forest as per thousand of miles in radius Linfan encountered low-level beast which he killed with his sword given to him by the system but the painful part is that Linfan didn't gain the experience to his disappointment those novels would be the end of me Linfan thought would it have been if he could gain experience by Killing beast

Linfan has a feeling that maybe he will be able to earn experience by Killing those monsters in the system I hope so, linfan muttered as he dashed out of the forest heading towards the city it was finally nighttime linfan wanted to look for a place to sleep when an idea flashed in his mind Linfan discovered that when he wanted to play the game he would disappear doesn't that made that when "your emperor"wants to play the game I will be teleported in with my main body hahaha!

well then let's go then Linfan laughed as he clicked on play in the system immediately level one popped up linfan could see it was just level 1 the system didn't even show Locked levels, well doesn't change anything Linfan clicked on the level 1 as he felt a force wrapped on his body the next moment linfan saw himself in a building judging by these buildings there are 50 floors and he is outside seems this is a safe zone the moment I get inside the party will begin Linfan with his bad comprehension Only Knew one basic move it was a basic skill that was distributed to all the outer sect disciple called "sword slash"

Linfan took a deep breath as for the reward for completing this level 1 Linfan guessed that only when he completed it will he know as for completing it without being killed once Linfan was confident belief and even have a feeling he will be able to conquer this 50 floors in just some hours with his many gaming experience he knew the first level monsters are always weak so to linfan they would just be level one beast in the outside world although level one beast is comparable to level two body strengthening stage cultivator Linfan was now a level 4 body strengthening stage cultivator

there lies his confidence, Listen you all your Emperor is here, Linfan yelled as he stepped into the first floor ,ehh!what is this Linfan stared atthe wolf that was a glaring at him fortunately and unfortunately for linfan the first floor has only a single wolf but the problem is that what the system was showing him about the Wolf was the number level 2 beast that was equivalent to level 4 body straightening stage cultivator

why is only the first floor so difficult Linfan thought but too bad the wolf wouldn't give Linfan the time to dilly-dally on his thoughts, "ROARRR.... the wolf let out a Furious Roar as it pounced on Linfan with his claws that were three inches long and an inch thick, not good Linfan dodged but the claws managed to leave a wound on his arm "sword slash" Linfan brandished his sword as a lunged towards the wolf the sword emitted a bedazzling glow as it went straight for the Wolves Neck,

Clang!, the wolf has quickly reacted as it used his claws to block the attack to think we are off even terms Linfan thought but he quickly came back to his senses as he dodged the wolfs claw that has been sent flying towards him , "sword slash" Linfan slashed at The wolfs tummy a deep cut opened as the wolf let out a shriek seeing this opportunity Linfan slashed at the wolfs neck ,the wolf who wasn't able to react due to his injuries let out it's last roar before it's head separated from its body

Ding! congratulation on killing a level 2 Earth wolf obtained +100 Ding! congratulation host for obtaining sa skill "wolfs fury"

Ding! Does host wants to learn the skill a metallic voice rang out, yes! Linfan replied immediately Linfan could feel himself in a white world and here he saw himself performing the skill "wolfs Fury" for more than 100 years

Ding! congratulation host you have successfully learnt the skill wolfs fury to perfection.

"Wolfs fury" Linfan roared as he grab his sword with his two hands a surge of energy flows into this world as a wolf God appeared in his back hah! Linfan slashed down the wolfGod which had only its head materialize artacked at the place that were targeted making the floor to crack a little linfan was impressed by the skill he knew he couldn'tuse the full power of that skill he would only be able to unleash the full potential of the skill when he has got to the spirit formation stage which was the next rank after the body strengthening stage.