In a world where magic and technology intertwine closely, where mystical energies are harnessed and kingdoms are at war, Areyos, a young prodigy with boundless ambitions, begins his final year at Moore Academy with his companions Kaiser and Yoko, hoping for a fleeting peace before facing the vast world. But their peaceful life shatters when an investigation into the mysterious murder of Yoko's sister plunges them into the depths of a conspiracy beyond comprehension. Enemies emerge from the shadows, bearing ancient secrets and powers capable of shaking the fragile balance of the world. As a group of beings with extraordinary powers hunts legendary and mysterious relics, Areyos proves to be far more than just a student. Beneath his mask of indifference lies an unstoppable force, a sovereign soul ready to break the chains of fate. An hybrid between two powerful and mysterious races, he finds himself at the center of complex intrigues and ancient mysteries. Amid betrayals, revelations, and unlikely alliances, our heroes rise, gradually sowing despair among their enemies and reducing their wills to ashes. But behind each victory lies a darker truth: the true threats, lurking in the shadows, await their moment. And when the past intertwines with the present, Areyos could be the key to saving their world... or plunging it into eternal chaos. God Shelter is an epic journey of self-discovery, power, and responsibility, where every choice can determine the fate of many worlds. (note: the cover isn't from me, i got it from pinterest, if the owner want me to remove it, i don't have any problem for that, btw it's very cool ;)