
God of Velocity

In this riveting tale, an ordinary man finds his life turned upside down when he makes an extraordinary deal with the Speed Force. The agreement? To step into the shoes of Barry Allen, the beloved speedster from the CW series. Thrust into a world of super-speed, time travel, and dangerous villains, our protagonist must navigate the challenges of being The Flash, all while grappling with the reality of his new identity. He's no longer just an average man; he's a hero tasked with safeguarding Central City. As he learns to harness his powers and tackle threats, he also grapples with the complexities of Barry's relationships and the weight of his past decisions. From battling metahumans to mending friendships, every day is a test of his fortitude and resilience. But can an ordinary man truly fill the shoes of an extraordinary hero? Can he uphold the legacy of Barry Allen and keep Central City safe? This gripping narrative explores the journey of an everyday man, transformed by destiny, and his quest to honor a hero's legacy while carving his own path. #Multiverse

Taidanotsumi · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 26: Metahuman War Part 1

As the individual kept watch by the windows, frustration evident in their words. "Tch, the fact that I have to become bait," they muttered.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind them, hovering in the air—Superman Prime. Startled, the person turned around, but before they could react, Superman silenced them by grasping their mouth and lifting them off the ground.

Superman's eyes glowed as he unleashed a barrage of laser beams dangerously close to the person's head.

"I'm going to break your legs and hands. I wish I could kill you, but The Flash insists that people like you need to suffer," Superman declared as he proceeded to crush the person's hands and legs, rendering them helpless.

The person attempted to scream, but Superman swiftly covered their mouth, preventing any outcry.

Before Superman could apprehend the man, he detected multiple individuals breaking into the building using his X-ray vision.

Recalling The Flash's advice, Superman hesitated for a moment, but then muttered to himself, "I can handle it."

Disregarding the warning, he forcefully threw the man to the ground. "Did you really think you could take me down?" Superman taunted.

As the group of intruders entered the room, one of them, the apparent leader, responded, "No, but she can."

Without warning, one of the assailants rushed toward Superman with incredible speed, delivering a powerful punch that sent Superman crashing through the house, causing him to bleed from his mouth.

Superman was left shocked and astonished, realizing that he had encountered someone as formidable as himself.

"Who are you?" Superman inquired, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The woman remained silent, leaping down and advancing menacingly toward Superman.

"Looks like I'll have to find out the hard way," Superman remarked, assuming a fighting stance.

Before he could react, the woman was upon him, unleashing another powerful punch that sent Superman hurtling through the air.

"What is this strength?" Superman muttered, struggling to his feet as the woman charged at him once more.

Superman attempted to block her attack, but the force of her punch to his stomach caused him to retch and lower his guard, the impact shattering his suit.

Undeterred, the woman delivered a merciless downward strike, sending Superman crashing to the ground.

She continued her relentless assault, delivering multiple barrages to Superman's face. After enduring several blows, Superman seized the woman's hands, halting her attack momentarily. With a swift headbutt, he sent her staggering backward.

Superman stood his ground, his face bloodied from the onslaught. As the woman's helmet fell away, revealing her long black hair and piercing blue eyes, she tossed it aside, revealing her strikingly beautiful face.

[Image Here]

Her forehead began to bleed after receiving the headbutt from Superman.

"The world is a bigger place after all," Superman muttered, taking in the situation.

Meanwhile, the same group of soldiers prepared the Kryptonite blaster from another hidden location, poised to act if necessary.

"When can we shoot, sir?" one of the soldiers inquired.

"When Superman lets his guard down. Our general emphasized the need for caution with him; he's valuable," the leader responded.

"But who is she? Another ally?" another soldier questioned.

"She's a war hero from World War I," the leader explained. "Without her, the US wouldn't have survived."

In another part of the same state, The Flash had just finished dealing with a corrupt judge who had caused harm to many innocent people, leading some to tragic ends.

Grabbing the judge by the collar, The Flash suddenly realized that his communication system was malfunctioning, eventually shutting off entirely.

"What's happening?" The Flash wondered aloud, confused by the sudden disruption. "Was it an EMP?"

"Yeah, someone used one," a voice confirmed, startling The Flash as he attempted to evade, only to find himself caught in a headlock.

However, The Flash swiftly maneuvered, tucking his chin and maneuvering out of the hold. He was taken aback by his attacker, a soldier with white bandages covering his face.

For those unfamiliar with the figure, this soldier was none other than the Unknown Soldier.

'Who is that guy?' The Flash wondered, attempting to tap into his speed, only to find it absent.

"My speed?" The Flash exclaimed in surprise as he realized the connection of the Speed Force had been severed. 'I didn't sense anything.'

Suddenly, a tranquilizer dart struck The Flash from behind, but his suit prevented it from penetrating. Pulling out the dart, The Flash swiftly turned to confront his attacker, the Unknown Soldier, who rushed him with a kick to the ribs.

Reacting quickly, The Flash caught the kick and apologized, "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, but take this." With a swift motion, he broke the Unknown Soldier's legs, eliciting a cry of pain from his assailant.

The Flash released his grip on the Unknown Soldier's legs and swiftly charged towards him. As The Flash aimed a right hook at his opponent's side, the Unknown Soldier blocked the blow.

Capitalizing on the opening, The Flash executed a feint with a left hook, causing the Unknown Soldier to anticipate a strike from the left, only to be met with a powerful right hook to the face.

The impact knocked the Unknown Soldier unconscious, sprawling him on the ground.

With his opponent defeated, The Flash swiftly exited the building, still perplexed by his sudden loss of speed.

However, his confusion deepened when he encountered a thousand soldiers waiting for him outside.

"Nah, bro, what the hell is this?" The Flash muttered to himself, realizing he couldn't even call for backup in his current predicament.

In a different location, Martian Manhunter had just finished apprehending individuals who had harmed innocent civilians.

"A few more, and this state will be free from corrupt humans," he thought to himself.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his ribs as a ray gun shot him from a distance. Although Martian Manhunter sensed the attack, his body did not respond as he intended.

Struggling to maintain control, he fled the scene, morphing into the form of a rat to escape the assailants and heal his injuries. The attack had been devastating.

"I should have worn the suit," Martian Manhunter reflected, regretting his decision.

Using his telepathic abilities, Martian Manhunter pinpointed the location of the shooter. He observed a man with a red glowing eye patch—Deadshot.

Transforming into a bird, Martian Manhunter swiftly flew towards Deadshot. Reverting to his original form, he silently materialized behind Deadshot and effortlessly incapacitated him by breaking his hands and legs.

Lifting Deadshot by the collar, Martian Manhunter demanded, "Who sent you?"

Deadshot defiantly spat at Martian Manhunter, who dodged the saliva. "I ain't telling no one," Deadshot retorted.

Without hesitation, Martian Manhunter initiated a mind control technique, compelling Deadshot to divulge all the information he sought. Soon after, Deadshot fell unconscious.

"Barry, Clark," Martian Manhunter muttered urgently as he swiftly flew towards the nearest one, beginning his quest to locate and assist his allies.

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