
God of Ice in Fairy Tail

RoyalBlueberry · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 2

It's been a week since I fought Deliora and met Gildarts and we just made it to Magnolia. It was an uneventful trip other than the occasional problem since my dominant right arm was frozen.

As for funds I grabbed all the money the town had since I don't want to let it be grabbed by some people going through a destroyed town or the government. I may be being selfish though.

"When's that going to heal kid? It's been like that for a week now, isn't that kind of concerning?"-Gildarts

"It's a spell comparable to [Iced Shell] of course it has some repercussions. It'll probably be like this for another month at least."-Albus

"That's one frightening spell. You said you use [Ice God Slayer Magic]?" -Gildarts

"That's right. I found some shrine of the God Boreas who is the god of Winter, and I found a book and then I had my magic."-Albus

"That's quite the way to get your magic Kid. Congrats on killing Deliora by the way."-Gildarts

"Thanks. It was nice of you to use your [Crush Magic] on it too. It's nice that I don't have to worry about anyone losing their family to Deliora anymore."-Albus

It's slightly concerning that Gray may not join Fairy Tail anymore but if he has a good life with his family, I can only wish him the best.

"You're a good kid. Let's go to the guild hall."-Gildarts

"Announcing! We will now be starting a Gildarts Shift! I repeat we will be starting the Gildarts Shift! Please get into your positions!"- Flying Megaphone

"You seem famous. Doesn't seem like something great though."-Albus

"HAHA! They just are worried for nothing! I don't destroy much!"-Gildarts

"I barely know you and you've already broken a ton of things."-Albus

"HAHA! That's true! Let's get you introduced to the guild!"-Gildarts

""Gildarts is back!! Let's party!!""-Guild

"It's good to see you all again! Did we get some new members? Do you guys know where Master is?"-Gildarts?

"He's in his office doing paperwork. I never want to be a guild master. The amount of paperwork he does is crazy!"- Macao

"Ha! Like you could ever be Master Macao!"- Wakaba

"Quiet! Gildarts who is this little one?"- Master

"This is a kid I met on my way back from one of my missions. You think we could take him in?"-Gildarts

"Gildarts brought a kid? You think it's his son?"-Wakaba

I can see that a little brown-haired girl looks a little nervous after that statement so that must be Cana. Since Gildarts helped me, I'll help them connect together.

"Nah his hair color isn't right. I bet he's telling the truth with that story."-Macao

"Why don't you both come into my office, and we can talk a little more privately."-Master

Walking into his office I can see that it's a very normal office with nothing really standing out. Just a normal office layout.

"So, who are you, my boy?"-Master

"My name is Albus Wren, and I am the only survivor of the town Frostbell in Iceberg from the attack of Deliora."-Albus

"I see. You've had a harsh time recently my child. Can you use magic? If you can, I'd have a much easier time helping you."-Master

"Can he use magic? The kids a natural. You should have heard about Deliora's disappearance by now, right? That's because this kid defeated it and froze it solid."-Gildarts

"Is that true!? Would you like to join our guild Boy? Since you called yourself the only survivor this Guild can become your new family if you let it. Will you give us a try, boy?"-Master

"I don't know about a new family, but I'll join the guild. I don't have anywhere to go anyways."-Albus

"I see. Where do you want your Guild Mark?"-Master

I don't know where to put it. This is bad. I didn't think about it. Oh, I know! I'll just copy Ban's tattoo placement from seven deadly sins!

"I'd like it a little above my waist on the left."-Albus

"I welcome you to our family boy!"-Master

"Welcome Kid."-Gildarts

"Thank you for having me. Do you know where I could get a place to live?"-Albus

"There's a shop in the town center called 'Magnolia Retailers' that sells or rents places for pretty cheap so you can go there. We pay for your living arrangements until you're older, but you'll have to pay at around 15. But I have to question your arm. What happened for it to get like that? It seems to be completely frozen, and it'll stay like that for quite a while."-Master

"It was a spell I used that is equal to the spell [Iced Shell] but with less repercussions."-Albus

"I see. And what kind of magic do you use? This is purely my own curiosity by the way."-Master

"I use [Ice God Slayer Magic]. The spell I used was a secret art and in my [God Force] to defeat Deliora."-Albus

"I see. Let's not keep the rest waiting we have a party to get to!"-Master

"You guys are back! How'd it go!"-Macao

"We have a new member so let's party!"-Master


I've been here for less than an hour and I've already caused a party. Well, it's probably just an excuse for them to party since I'm sitting at the little kid table while they're drinking.

"I'm Cana Alberona, who are you?"-Cana

"I'm Albus Wren. It's nice to meet you."-Albus

"It's nice to meet you too! It's nice to have another kid my age around!"-Cana

I'm tempted to talk to Cana about her dad now, but I should probably get closer first.

"Do you mind telling me a little bit more about the guild? I'm new here after all."-Albus

"Sure! The grump over there is Laxus Drayer. He's the master's son. Nobody knows who the mom is though. Then the pair over there are Macao Conbolt and Wakaba Mine. There are a couple more people that are on jobs too. You'll meet everyone eventually."-Cana

"Thank you very much Cana. Do you think you can explain Jobs too? I'm a little confused."-Albus

"Sure! Basically, there are- "-Cana


It's been a month since I joined the guild and my hands unfrozen and I've had some fun with people. I talked to Cana and fought with Laxus, so I'd say I'm integrating well. Gildarts left a few days ago saying something about him not being one to stay for long but he'll be back.

However, something interesting is happening today since while I was talking with Cana three people opened the door to the guild.

To others they wouldn't know them, but I do. These three are Ur, Gray and Lyon. The ice family, I guess.

I can see that Gray is still angry about Deliora so I'll see if I can knock some sense into him. There's no point wanting revenge about a dead mindless demon.

"Is this the Fairy Tail guild? Can we meet your Master?"-Ur

"The old man is up in his office over there."-Laxus

"Thank you. Let's go, you brats!"-Ur

After that there were a few questions, but it didn't take long for them to all get back to drinking and for Master to come out with the three of them behind him.

"We have some new family members you brats! Let's give them a warm welcome the way us Fairy Tail wizards do!"-Master


After that we were once again separated from Kids and adults since they're drinking like there's no tomorrow.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Lyon Vesta and he is Gray Fullbuster. We're both Ice Wizards that use [Ice Make Magic]."-Lyon

"It's nice to meet you…"-Gray

Gray doesn't want to be here huh. Probably wants to kill Deliora still.

"Sorry he's a little antisocial since his family was recently attacked by Deliora."-Lyon

"I'm sure he's still out there so I'll take him out and avenge my family."-Gray

"Vengeance isn't worth it. It's better to try to make sure nobody else's families are attacked like yours were."-Albus

"What do you know! If it wasn't for that demon my family would still be alive!"-Gray

"My family was killed by Deliora. In fact, my whole town was."-Albus

"Then how… aren't you caught up in revenge?"-Gray

"I've already got it and all I want now is to make sure nobody else goes through what we did."-Albus

"What do you mean you got revenge? There's no way you killed Deliora!"-Gray

"You're right I didn't. Gildarts Clive the strongest member of Fairy Tail was the one who killed it."-Albus

"Deliora… is dead?"-Gray

"That's right. Your parents were already avenged by Gildarts, so you better say thank you the next time he comes around."-Albus

"I-I will!"-Gray

He's crying. I guess it's good crying though. I hope he gets over this Deliora fear.


It's been 2 years since I joined Fairy Tail which means I am now 11 years old, and we have a new guest today and I haven't been slacking on my training.

Guests really aren't that rare in the guild since sometimes when the Master sees a child alone, he helps them whether through finding them a family or giving them a place to work he helps them out.

Normally I have some duels with the ice twins that I usually win or fight with Laxus a little but right now a new face is walking into Fairy Tail with her long red hair and suit of armor. That's right it's Ezra Scarlet.

"Is this the Fairy Tail guild?"-Erza

"That's right. And who are you, my child?"-Master

"I'm Erza Scarlet. I was told to come here by Uncle Rob."-Ezra

"Rob?! You know where Rob is?"-Master

"He died to protect me…"-Erza

"I see. So, Rob is… Do you want to join our guild little miss?"-Master

"Yes please! Please let me join!"-Erza

"You all hear that?! Let's party!"-Makarov


Once again this led to the adults getting drunk and the kids drinking juice and actually talking with the new person.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Erza Scarlet."-Erza

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Cana Alberona and those guys are Gray Fullbuster, Lyon Vesta and Albus Wren!"-Cana

"It's nice to meet you."-Albus

"He might sound grumpy but he's a softy at heart so don't worry. Like you heard I'm Gray Fullbuster! It's nice to meet you!"-Gray

"It's nice to meet you both. You as well Lyon. Does this place have strawberry cake?"-Erza

"I'm afraid not. We do have strawberry milkshakes if you're interested in that though."-Albus

"I see. That will have to do for now. Thank you Albus."-Erza

"No problem, Erza."-Albus


It's been about a week since Erza came to our little home and we decided to go on a quest together. The quest itself is an easy one and all we have to do is fight a Black Guild. Normally Master wouldn't let Erza go on this quest but since I'm pretty strong he let us go.

"Are you ready Erza?"-Albus

"Yeah, let's go. How are we going to get there? I heard it's on an island."-Erza

That's right it's on an island which means I'm going to have a little trouble for a few hours.

"We're going by boat obviously. Luckily, it's not too far away. Anyways let's talk about our magic for a second. I use [Ice God Slayer Magic] what do you use?"-Albus

"I use a variant of [Requip] magic called [The Knight]. It allows me to requip into various sets of armors and swords that I can use."-Erza

"I see. That's quiet power. If you practice it won't take long for you to reach S-Rank."-Albus

"Thank you. Then let's go over the mission while we're here."-Erza