

Xia wei's face became more and more pale as she listened to the cold words of Qin link and when she finished listening to them she collapsed on the floor, with a look of despair on her face.

"But you do not think it's unfair. You do not feel anything for this idiot bastard and you have to suffer his harassment days after days simply and you can not make him stop, right. "

"Why is your life like this? It's because he has more money, it's because he has a powerful family that protects him and allows him to do what he wants with the lives of ordinary people like you, or you actually feel something for him. "

"Do not. Of course not, he just feels revulsion for him "

"Good then."

Qin link came quickly to Xia wei and placed her mouth next to his ear to whisper the following words.

"Then answer me, it seems right to you that the bastard of Famg ming who tried to assault you, did not receive any punishment."


Listening to Xia wei's response, a small smile of happiness appeared on Qin Link's lips and her voice became more like that of a demon who attracts a client, to fall into hell and cover himself with darkness.

"All right. So you think it's fair that you and your whole family suffer Fang tai's reprisal for hurting the Famg ming idiot. "

Listening to that question the eyes of Xia wei, recovered some of their clarity and their voice was heard with a tone of anger.

"It's not fair".

"Then you think it's fair that I, your savior, receive some punishment from the law that would not save you or protect from Fang tai the criminal who exploits the weakest and poorest people. All this for hurting Fang ming. "

"No, you are my hero. It is Fang Ming and his father Fang Tai who should be punished by law. "

"If so it should be but the law is handled by humans, who are cowards and corrupt who use power over the law in ordinary people and weak to scare them, but the rich and powerful are people who do not care about the laws, people like Fang ming and Fang tai the laws allow them to play with your life and mine. "

"Damn, damn, they should wax them and kill the two bastards."

Xia wei showed her anger with her cold eyes, her teeth clenched and her fingers digging into the palms of her hands allowing her nails to be buried in her skin.

"If they should, so it seems to you if you allow me to take care of them."

"No, this is my problem. I'll solve it alone, you should leave and leave me alone."

Xia wei got up and walked in the direction of the unconscious Fang ming, but could not move forward, because a large hand that held his shoulder preventing him from moving forward.

"I'm glad to see your courage and resolve but you're just a girl who should enjoy her youth a little more for that, let me take care of everything, you can leave and let me deal with this to me."

"It would not be right, this is my problem, so leave now."

Qin Link could see that Xia Wei's legs were trembling with fear of continuing to move forward.

"Haha, do not speak so bravely when your legs tremble so much because of the fear you are feeling of moving forward."

"Do not laugh at me, you already did enough to save me, you are a stranger to me, I have nothing to pay you for your help and if you do more for me, I will never get to pay you in this life."

"Hahaha not having enough to pay me true, I know how you can pay me and I will charge you now."

Qin link the body of Xia wei, turning him towards him and approached his face to his with his head held in his two hands and connected his lips with hers, leaving Xia wei in a state of paralysis by the kiss.

She only felt a tongue that entered and moved inside her mouth, coiling with her tongue like a living snake that found her partner, generating an intense feeling inside her breast.

The kiss lasted more than a minute during which Xia wei kept her eyes closed and her soft body delivered to this feeling and Qin Link began to enjoy touching her big chest and her round ass.

Qin link parted her lips first and saw her expression of desire for more, but when Xia wei opened her eyes she quickly blushed and backed away, causing Qin link a smile on her face.

"Haha we can continue later but now you have to go and let me take care of this."

"Continue. We will not continue anything perverted vagabond, it was my first kiss. "

"Hahaha So good, I think you need to give me more of your first few times to pay for my help, but this will suffice for now."

"You can take the Stunner to use it in protection in the case of another situation like that and I'm not a vagabond I'm just someone careless about your personal appearance so you know."

"Now go away and never tell anyone what happened today here you understand me. do not look behind, everything turns out well believe me. "

Qin link said her last words with confidence, taking the paralyzer from the floor and placing it in the hands of Xia wei withdrawing any option to negotiate, she knew from her look that she could only leave with the paralyzer and run out of the alley in the direction of her home .

Qin link watched Xia wei leave the alley and when he saw her disappear around the corner, he waited a few seconds before turning around and looking at the bodies of Fang Ming and his two lackeys lying on the floor.

Qin link's face showed an icy fury without a hint of his former kindness towards Xia wei and he slowly approached them.

"Let me confirm on your cell phone that you have an open social account and hahaha is excellent, then it's time to model my friends."

Qin link removed all the clothes of Fang Ming and his two lackeys, and then placed it inside a black bag that he took from a dumpster in the alley, and then placed the three in various sexual positions, with Fang Ming in the center of the action, to take many photos from various points of view.

When I finish taking the pictures, I publish them all on facebook and twitter with the message, "Now I am gey and I love the muscular men of big penises. Fang ming. "Then turn off the three cell phones and throw them into the garbage bag, along with the empty cash wallets.

"That should suffice as enough punishment from me, but she also asked for your death, so it's time to finish."

Taking a glass bottle from the floor Qin link proceeded to break it in the open culvert inside the alley, then Qin ling dragged the unconscious body of a footman into the sewer and punctured his neck with the broken glass bottle, then ripped his neck off time to take it out.

I finish his work when I throw the lifeless body of the footman into the sewer.

Repeating the same process with the body of the second footman, he took Fang Ming and perforated his stomach causing his awakening by the incredible pain, who fixed his sight on the cause of his pain.

"Aaahhhh! It hurts ... aahhh your bastard that you made to me, you will pay with your life, your life you hear me ... I will kill you ... I will kill you son of a bitch. "
