
Good morning

Prince Justus XI woke up on sunny morning with a smile on his face , the prince always tried to stay positive especially since today was his birthday but every year him and his father had to participate in a remembrance ceremony because today is also the 18th anniversary of The Cataclysmus

So Justus lifted one of his concubines off of his waist and made his way to his restroom , he looked just like his father but he was thinner and had the black hair his mother had ,usually his concubines would prepare his baths but Justus didn't want to wake them because they seemed tired from last night so today he prepared his own bath,Justus likes to think inside his tub especially about the day his mother died the biggest question he's had since he was little is where did the dragon come from it's well known that all of the dragons where from the Far East but none have been sighted in a few centuries

Justus is extremely clean compared to other people in his world and he also has a cleanliness standard for all his concubines

Daimoncreators' thoughts