
Her Early life

Diana was from a family of six(6) three(3) siblings, father and mother.While growing up she always wanted to be a good example to everyone around she tried her best,she was basically an introvert, she hardly socialize with people.As time goes by she grew up to be a beautiful and wonderful young lady at age 16 she was done with high school and got admission to study at the University of her choice.

Finally every arrangements were made for her to begin,she went to school with the same mind set she always had,she did well in her first year,she practically was a church girl (so they call her)she stayed with some friends at the hostel everything was going well and she was excited still having the hope of keeping the promises she made to herself,she promised her self to come out with good grades,to keep herself till her wedding night, to make good friends, everything was going fine she was done with the first year after the exams she went home to prepare for her second year were all her world and dreams were destroyed.