
Traumatized Beast

[With Wolverine]

Wolverine moved quickly, pushing anyone still on the desolate streets out of the way as he reached his destination, the arena Ozpin had pointed at.

What he found there was undeniably strange as all the people in the spectating area were snoozing away, not even waking up to the loud sounds of Wolverine breaking into the building.

However, with a few sniffs, his superhuman level senses immediately let him know that not everyone had been affected by the incident as several smaller groups had left the venue one after another, all going in the same general direction.

Why the hell would an arena full of people be sleeping while the entire city is under siege? Deciding that the whole situation seemed too odd not to be connected to any quests, Wolverine takes off, running after those who had previously been at the arena.

Along the way, he comes across several unconscious people in the forest, clearly having been in a fight recently. Wolverine, however, ignores them all and continues moving forward at a constant pace.

After some time of running, he finally reaches an active battle.

A weird-looking monster that looked to be half human, half sand, was using its huge arm made out of sand to hold a girl against a tree, slowly encompassing her entirely.

Across from this… thing was a boy wearing a horrendous orange jumpsuit, looking as if he had just escaped from prison. Wolverine wasn't exactly one to be concerned with fashion, but even he recognized that the boy was somehow even worse than him in that regard.

The monster is the first to notice Wolverine's appearance, turning to him and saying, "Heh, another pray presents itself to me."

Wolverine scoffs at the monster and is about to reply, but before he gets the chance, the monster starts transforming, losing its human side and growing in size to become a giant sand monster. "This one looks a lot stronger than the kid. At least it will be fun to see him struggle."

Not afraid the least, Wolverine, claws drawn charges at the monster that is many times bigger than him, aiming to rip it apart. "Let's see who will be struggling here."

Silently laughing at Wolverine charging at him, the one-tailed beast Shukaku sends over a bunch of sand to form walls in front of his path, planning to put him in a cocoon of sand once he has stopped.

However, things don't quite go Shukaku's way, as Wolverine is barely slowed down by the walls, much less stopped completely. He punches his way through, shattering the sand barriers blocking him.

This is quite a big shock to Shukaku, who thought his walls would be impenetrable, but the sight also just excites him further as he hopes for a fun fight.

Next, he sends out lines of sand to restrain Wolverine. There are a total of 5 of them, each aiming for Wolverine's legs, arms, and neck, respectively.

This time Shukaku puts his everything into those attacks but is once again taken aback when his attempt fails.

To be fair, this one was much more effective, managing to stop Wolverine entirely for a few seconds before he breaks his restraints and continues charging forward unfazed.

Had Wolverine been putting all his stat points in the Simulation to strength, he might not have had any trouble at all with the sand trails but unline many others he had taken a much more balanced approach putting some points into constitution, luck, and agility.

"How did you manage to break through those so quickly? Wait what are y- AAAAAAARGH!"

Shukaku screams in pain, with Wolverine reaching and jumping at him with his claws as he starts digging his way inside the giant monster.

Believe it or not but despite being made out of sand, having a fully grown man digging his way through your insides still hurts like hell.

Wolverine, not bothered by the screams and the surrounding sand trying to suffocate him, digs his way up to the back of the beast where he finds a young boy's unconscious limp body, well, the upper half of it at least.

Wolverine puts his claws against the boy's neck while Shukaku tries to shake him off and screams, "What are you doing, you damn lunatic, do you know how much that hurt? Wait, what are you doing to my host, get away from him!"

Seeing this as a good opportunity to get information about the bonus missions, Wolverine asks, "Are you Orochimaru?"

For a few seconds, Shukaku stands shocked, but once Wolverine presses his claws a little more forcefully into Gaara's neck, he speaks, "No, I'm not Orochimaru, I'm the glorious One-Tailed Shukaku! Wait, why did you even attack me when you have no clue who I am?"

"You are the one who attacked me," Wolverine says. "Anyways, I need you to seal yourself away."

Shukaku is once again stunned, something that seems to be happening a lot to him ever since meeting Wolverine. "Are you crazy? There is no way I could do that!"

Wolverine reminds Shukaku that Gaara's life is in his hands by drawing a bit of blood from the boy's neck.

"You can kill him if you want, but there is no way I can agree to sealing myself. Spending my life sealed away is no way of living even if I do only have to wait for my host to die." Shukaku explains.

After a moment of thinking, Wolverine bargains, "How about that digging through your body thing? You certainly didn't seem to enjoy that, so what if I do that again for a few hours this time instead of seconds."

"YOU MONSTER!" Shukaku gasps

"Hey, I'm not asking you to seal yourself forever or anything like that. Just put a weak seal that you could break in an hour or two. I don't care what happens later."

"You're a weird one…" Shukaku says, not understanding the point of Wolverine's request but sees no downside to being sealed away for a few hours as long as he can get away from the crazy person on his back.

Soon after, the huge sand monster disappears, leaving behind the unconscious Gaara lying on the ground.

[Main Mission - Repel the invasion.]


[Bonus Mission 1: Traitor - Kill Orochimaru]


[Bonus Mission 2: God of Shinobi - Save Hiruzen Sarutobi's life]


[Bonus Mission 3: (Insert mission name later, definitely don't forget) - Seal away the One-Tailed Beast]


Where was Naruto during this fight? Outside the chapter, that's where.

Chaosticcreators' thoughts