
God's beloved daughter

Amadea was created by god to be perfect in almost every way but the family she was born into abused her until she left and ended up dead in the street. Wanting to see his daughter grow and be able to shine her best he sent a clone into another world so he could create a family and bring her soul over. Join us on Amadea journey of friendship betrayal will she settle on a simple life or aim for the stars only the gods know.

murdasquaddark · ファンタジー
47 Chs

chapter 40 old man

As  I made my journey towards the kingdom of pride I talked with Lexi feeling torn into multiple different directions. Most of my choices have been made based on Apael. From the memories I have seen the demons deserve to be oppressed and used for benefits. But the hatred should be put back into the past.

What worries me the most is I do not want my memories back. Remembering more and feeling overwhelmed with hatred scares me. If the hatred grows will I start to hate the one I love? Lexi could not tell me anything about my past but having my daughter inside my head to comfort me was somewhat pleasant.

As I continued my journey walking time started to pass slowly. Before I could realize I no longer could hear my daughter's voice. Despair began to consume me with every step. My legs began trembling as my conviction started to waver. Maybe I should run away, go home back to the human realm, and abandon everything that I started to enjoy here.

Without realising tears started to run down my face. I heard a soft chuckle instinctively. I reached for my dagger and looked for the source of the chuckle. When I looked to my left I saw an old man who looked to be a human with massive muscles. There was a gentle smile on his face and a gray robe drying next to a campfire.

A hoarse voice came as the old man spoke gently. "Why hello young one. How about sitting down and having a cup of tea? It helps ease the troubles of a long journey." His smile was deep and he gave a very warm feeling.

I decided to let down my guard and approached sitting down reaching for a cup of tea. "How did a human like you end up in the demon realm?" This was what confused me the most. How was someone so old able to take all of this sinergy without changing or losing their mind?

He shook his head softly and looked at me his eyes filled with the gentleness of an elder. "I have been here for longer than I can remember. I had a fight with my family but I promised myself to wait for them to apologize but it has been so many millennia and no one has come looking. You are the first to find me. Enough about me what brings you to my humble abode?"

Millennia? The demon realm is close to that age he has been here so long. I coughed trying to hide my emotions and change the subject. " You must really love your family to wait so long for them. How did you survive?"

He shook his head taking a sip of his tea. " I love my family with all my heart. My mom would always come 10 years after a fight and pat my head and stop my sulking. But she never came so I wondered what happened to her. Now it is your turn. I shared now tell me why you despair?"

I followed his lead and took a sip of tea. "I fell in love with a demon girl but I started to remember why I hated demons in the first place and I'm afraid my love will turn to hatred if I keep on remembering where the hatred comes from." I let out a sigh drinking some more.

"Las hatred is something that is so easily broken and the thing to break it is exactly love. If you love her then hatred shall fade. I'm sure you probably made decisions that would go against your hatred of them." He topped up my tea with a slow movement.

My tense emotions started to relax and I reached up and patted him on his head. " Maybe something happened so your mom could not come. But you should go home and check on your family." It was nice to speak freely and the tea was very nice.

He chuckled and shook his head. "My home is gone. I lost my connection to it. But if these old bones can be of some help to you I would be honored to lend you a hand. I need a change of scenery."

I closed my eyes to think. With my father's disappearance, I could use an elder that has been around. "I would be honored to have you accompany and be my advisor."

He stood up in a quick fluid movement putting on his grey cloak." I hold a lot of knowledge and would be honored to impart my knowledge to you. There are many fighting styles and techniques that I have that have been lost to time. I shall follow all of your orders."

Smiling I stood up and shook his hand. "What may I call you?"

"My name is Rendor. My family called me Ren. Friends were overrated to our family but there is always time to make one." He put out the fire grabbing a cane that had a skull with ruby eyes on the handle.

"Let us get going. I need to get to the kingdom of pride and see how they are running things."

With quick steps, we continued my journey forward. It was a nice decision to walk to the next kingdom. My heart became more open and I laughed at some of the stories he would tell me. 

It took us a couple of weeks to finally make it to the kingdom of pride and it screamed pretentious. Everyone had their nose in the air as if they were better than you. They would scoff as we went by clearly not amused at an old man and a young girl sauntering around town.

My first opinion about this place is that I am surprised they manage to get any visitors or work well with anyone. I honestly think the kingdom of wraith was a lot more friendly. I let out a sigh while I and Rendor made our way to the palace.