
Glow Stick

Meet Amell,She is a nice, old vampire lycan hybrid, Amell has a power that can warp the memories of others and from her first death she has been on a quest. Amell has been alive for almost two millennium in search of why she was the was she was. Thinking only that she wants answers and that she needs to protect her mate. This is a story of a woman’s life and how she changed from a scared little girl lost in the woods to a killer of evil and protector of good. *(updates once every other day)*

Dream_Arose · ファンタジー
5 Chs


**Three hours later**

P.O.V. Amell

I had awoken to the sweet smell of the cold breeze and lilacs. I realized that I was laying in a soft bed with an arm around me. When I look to see who it was I realized that it wasn't a dream and I died, the person beside me on the bed was warm and when looked at his face saw that it was Marcus.

I jumped out of the bed and marcus jumped up scared as I began,

"Where am I?"

"Your in my home"

"Why?" I asked very confused

"Because you're my mate" he must have seen the confusion in my eyes because he gave me a sympathetic smile.

"You killed me, what's a mate"

"At mate is like your soulmate" I was very confused.

"All vampires and lycans have them but not all find them, you my mate are a vampire and lycan from what I've seen"

"What do you mean, what's a vampire and what's a lycan?"

After he explained mates, vampires and lycans I ask,

"So if vampires stay the same age forever then I'll be eleven forever?"

"Yes, you said your name was Amell"

I nodded in confusion I forgot I had a name.

"If you accept me as your mate than we have to... well mate"

"You mean mate as in..." he must have seen the worry in my voice, he hugged me.


"When" I asked not really wanting an answer

"Within three days of meeting"


"Yes" I didn't know what to do so I just asked him about the full process and he just answered with something like first we mark each other then we mate within an hour"

"Okay I can't wait that long can't you mark me now" I asked

"If you think your ready" I looked up at him and nodded.

We both sat on the bed and he then leaned down to my level and said "I think I love you already" I blushed. He went down and bite into my neck but it didn't hurt it was only pleasure. I then went to his neck and thought of fangs and they appeared and I bit down softly and marked my mate. He then went up and kissed my lips. Oh and did I mention his body is frozen in time as a twenty-three year old. He went from my lips down to where he marked me the started taking off the coat he had given me. I didn't know if it was the mate bond or not but I didn't mind him touching me like he did. Once he took off his clothing I saw his body. It was perfect and up until that moment I hadn't realized that my body had changed as much as it did when I changed. He put my long hair behind my ears and started to kiss me again on my neck. We then mated. I woke up that next morning cuddling my mate.

**This is Just The Story of how she found and mated with her mate**

**Time skips to the 1900's**

P.O.V. Random Victim

I was walking home from work, it was quite. A little too quite if you ask me. I started to feel like someone was watching me, so I sped up. I started to feel drowsy, my legs stop working, I could barely stand up, and all the sudden there is someone holding me down on the ground. They had fangs and their eyes glowed blue and brown. The I noticed it.

It was a child???