

Fregene_Happy · 現実
13 Chs

purple mist man

in the middle of a forest with grasses and trees over the landscape, a creature looking like rhino but with a more bigger body and with skin that looked metallic was having a stand off with another creature with the shape and body of a beetle but far more bigger, it was at least the size of a tank.

the rhino continuously used it's horn with immense force to hit on the body of the beetle. it made a metallic noise which commended the metal outer part of the beetle.

pang... pang...

the rhino continuously did this but with no positive result. the beetle on the other hand didn't even bother fighting back, it stared with large eyes as the rhino tried tirelessly to break it's shell.


a purple light appeared out of nowhere right next to where these two creature were having their bout. the light expanded slowly and soon was the size of an wrestling pitch with it's round nature. the light seemed deep and very bright, it rotated slowly as a purple mist Grimes around it.

though the light appeared bright, the two enormous creatures didn't seem to notice it.


the light disappeared with a large puff of purple smoke and left behind something dark in the middle, after a few seconds, the purple mist cleared out leaving behind a human, a naked man. he seemed weak as he caughed

out a mouthful of blood. he looked around still coughing.

argh. ... arghh.....

he headed the sound of the two creatures still engaged in fight and when he turned to look he saw these monsters still battling themselves.

with haste he turned round running in an opposite direction, he ran through the thick bushes with fear of the still battling creatures, though they didn't seem interested in him, he was super terrified. he ran fast with his manhood dangling in between his two legs.

... pang...

he fell to the ground as he kicked an exposed root of a tree. he stood back up taking refuge under the tree. " did it work? , did it really take me to the future ?. the portal was supposed to take me to the future, but why does this seem like it took me to the past ? " he said looking round the bushes with eyes filled with curiosity.

" what's that ?". he heard the noise of rustling leaves, he curiously looked around where the noise had come from. he was hoping it was a human.

he saw something that looked like a bird, it was as big as a full grown man. with a beak longer than a metre, it's while body was wreathed in fire but I'd didn't seem to be burning.

it looked at him turning it's neck to the side a little as if to get a closer look at him.


the bird-like creature made a large cry as it spread out it's feather, and in the next second it flew directly to him.

at his first glance at this creature the man couldn't get his eyes off until he saw it flying at him, within a second it had traveled up to where he was.


the man turned to the left side covering his head with his hand and raising a leg up as if in shock and trying to shield himself.

the bird which was flying at him missed its target slightly. it had expected him to run to the left where it would pick him off with it's beak. humans of this days were far stronger and faster, they wouldn't just duck in the face of danger, they'd either fight back if there could or run away which the bird expected the man to do. but instead he chose to duck and stand without even having a chance to run.

this made the bird miss its target and still in motion, it ended up hitting it's beak on the tree in the back of the man. the birds beak pierced through the trees bark leaving a hole through which it's beak got stuck in.


the bird cried out as it struggled to pull out its head fro. the hole but couldn't. it wiggled it's claws snapping them here and there and going further to scratch the tree bark with it, but still it couldn't get free.

the man who stood back watching this had a few burns on his body from the flames of the bird after a second of thought he realized if the bird got free from the tree , it would be coming for his head.

he hastily ran in another direction making sure not to go back where he found the two big enormous creatures fighting.

the bird struggled for a while and then changed its method of attack. it stopped struggling as the flames around it increased rapidly, in just a minute the large tree was incinerated leaving behind ashes.

the man thought he was now far ahead and was going to slow down and then finally stop but then he saw the bird flying back at him and this time with a greater speed. if this continued, he wouldn't even run up to a distance of ten metres before the bird could catch up to him. he looked around for refuge buy found nothing but a range of dark blue water . he had no choice but to do the obvious. he dived into the water head first.

and under the water he felt a pressure pulling him upward, he felt like he couldn't stay down with a force pushing him upward. he struggled hard managing to stay there feet deep into the water.

the bird flew closer to the water and when it got close it flew over the water circling round the area the man had jumped in through.

it hesitated, a normal human would have dived in deep to make it harder for it to catch, but now this person was only a few feet deep, if it stretched out it's claws it could get the man without even getting it's inflame body wet.

but the bird didn't, it seemed it was afraid of something.

the man looked up at the bird flying around, he had an idea. " oh yes, a bird on fire wouldn't dare step on water, but this would only keep me alive till I drown. ". he thought.

but in the next second, the bird which seemed to be afraid of the water flew extremely close to it and then stretched out it's claws to get the man . it's claws which was once covered in fire was now deep on the water. the man felt he'd die once those sharp claws had a grip on him, but he couldn't swim any deeper since the nature water seemed not to be in his side.

he closed his eyes ready to be torn to shreds by the long claws but in the next second, something that looked like the pinchers of a crap but only far bigger grabbed the claws of the bird dragging it deep in.


the bird with hit flames on its body was now on the deep water. it struggled to get it's claws back out of the water but that seems to be in vain as the bird was dragged fully Into the water. the man looked down and saw that it was a lobster, a huge lobster the size of an elephant.

" what's up with the creatures of this place?" the man thought as he watched the struggling bird being pulled in deep down.

the flames around the bird didn't go out though as the seemed to increase. the eyes of the bird grew brighter as and I the next second the bird was now the one pulling the lobster upwards. its feather grew brighter in it's natural red color, its feather now looked like metals.

the man swam up as fast as he could in order to get out of the water, but before he could get out the two creature were already right above him.


when he got to the surface the bird banged it's feather still struggling with the lobster, this made a huge splash pushing the man back out of the water.

he fell to the ground coughing out water. " bluh... what kind of water Is this " he complained. water was supposed to be tasteless and colourless, but this water had a bitter taste, he felt a bitterness glow through his tongue, this wasn't the normal water he knew.

the constant splash from the water reminded him if the current fight going on between the two creatures. he turned around and saw them still battling with the lobster now having the upper hand. the lobster grabbed the neck of the bird with it's one of its pinches and lunches the other at the still shiny eyes of the bird..

the pinchers pierced through the left eye of the bird leaving it to pump out white transparent blood. the bird let out a loud cry waving it's feathers around splashing water on the surface. the lobster held the bird in two parts dragging it's pinchers In separate directions. with the spray of white hot blood the body of the bird was torn into two parts with one bigger and the other containing just the head. the lobster threw out the head of the bird which was still crying and looking round with it's eyes.

the huge head landed nearly in front of the man with the beak opening and closing as the head struggled on its own.

though it was just a head, the man still ran back in fear,. after a few minutes the beak of the bird was now still and it didn't seem to move again . to be sure the man picked up a stone nearby and with force threw it at the bleeding eye of the bird.


it landed on the bird. " arrrgh". the man felt an ache on his head , he held tight his head as he heard a voice.

' fire eye amor bird killed: body quenching: four clacks : Elemental:. spirit body: fire : yang pearl available: : yin Pearl available: body part available for evolution: '.

he felt immense pain, and in the next second a light flew from the eyes of the now dead bird and landed in his forehead.

' yin Pearl of fire eye amor bird obtained; combine yang pearl to activate gear. ' another voice sounded on his head.


Lin Jin walked up to a door and knocked continuously on it , after several minutes of this he heard the sound of foot steps coming from the inside. and then someone opened up the door. " who are you and what do you want ?". the door was opened by a short old bald headed man.

" well it's me Lin Jin , I'm here to collect a few Kung Fu skill set and ! relax I have something to compensate you with! ". Lin Jin said out loud as the man was about to shut back the door

. when he heard what Lin Jin just said he stopped , with a glance at Lin jin's hand which was holding a small bag with blood dripping from it the mans mood had a swing.

" hmm it better be a good deal". the man said turning back and heading back inside leaving the door open for Lin Jin.