

"What?!" June said in shock "but I thought he was safe?"

"I know" Andrew just said

"What happened?" June asked sounding very worried

"We don't know what really happened yet, but Maria's been searching for him none stop since we got here" Andrew explained

"How's Alisa and Caleb taking this" June said, worry etched in his voice

"They're doing their best to get through with everyday, always keeping themselves busy. But when no one is watching that's when the stress and worry crashes down on them" Andrew said, shaking his head "One night I heard Alisa crying in her room"

"Must be very hard on them" June said, his voice laced with pity and concern.

Both let out a sigh and became silent for a moment. Giving June the chance to take the news in.

"You okay?" June asked, putting a hand on Andrew's shoulder. June knew that the situation is not only hurting the twins but Andrew as well, knowing his relationship with Alisa.

"Yeah, but I'm more worried for Alisa" Andrew said, very worried

"Hey, everything will be fine" June said, his voice soft and comforting "You know Maria..... She won't stop until she finds Harper"

"I really do hope they find him soon" Andrew said with a sigh

"Anyway, how long was I out?" June asked, trying to change the topic into a lighter much one.

"One week" Andrew said, with a small smile

June's brows shot up with so much shock "Wow, that long?" He said, breathless and shock

Before Andrew could say anything, the door slid open and both heads turned to see who it was. A guy wearing glasses, with a chocolate brown hair and eyes like emeralds standing in the doorway, holding a tray of juice and bread. He looked so familiar but June couldn't quite remember seeing him.

"Oh!" The guy's face brightens when he saw June awake "I'm glad you're awake" The guy said with a bright smile. "Milady asked me to check on you and bring this for Andrew" The guy said, entering the room "It will really make Milady happy to hear that you're okay" Placing the tray on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry but have we met?" was the first thing that came out of June's mouth when the guy turned to there direction.

"Oh.... where are my manners" The guy said with an apologetic smile "Yes we've met but it was so chaotic that that time that there were no time for introductions. Cameron.... Cameron Nightingale but everybody calls me Cam. Nice to meet you" The guy said with a big smile, stretching out a hand.

"June.... June Summers" June said, shaking Cameron's hand but June still couldn't remember who Cameron was.

June tried to shake his memory of when he met Cameron. All his memories are still hazy from all that's happened, that he couldn't actually remember anything that happened before he woke up. June started feeling a little uneasy when his memories aren't returning to him.

When Cameron saw that June still could remember who he was, his smile dropped a little.

"Still couldn't remember huh?" Cam said, a little bummed but he was still wearing a smile.

"Sorry" June apologized "My memories are still kinda jumbled up" he said, with a mix of embarrassed and apologetic smile.

"Hey! That cool. It's okay if you still don't remember" Cameron said, his bright smile returning. "I mean you only woke up today so no pressure"

"Maybe this will help" Andrew suddenly spoke, getting both their attentions. "He's the guy with the laser"

June now starts to remember bits and pieces making his brows furrow "I'm starting to remember things but they're still just fragments"

When Andrew and Cameron saw that June was starting to remember, they both smiled.

"That's good, maybe this will refresh your memory even more. He was the guy who summoned the four seasons" Andrew said, getting really excited

When June heard "Summoned the four seasons", his memories started to flow none stop like a broken dam. He started remembering everything that happened, from the moment the shadow attacked one of the students up to the time that he was starting to lose consciousness, hearing his mother's cries.

Suddenly intense pain flared up in June's head. He curled to the bed, clutching his head with both hands, and let out painful scream.

"Bro!" "June!"Andrew and Cameron quickly rushed to June's side.

"Bro? June! June! What's happening to him?!" Andrew asked, panicking as he looked at Cameron.

"I'll call for help" Cameron said, his voice also lace with panic but a little calmer. He rushed to the door, then he was gone.

"June!" Andrew could only call his brother's name, as he watch his brother helplessly be in pain.

June felt like his head was going to explode from the intense pain. Pain flared every time a memory comes back to him. The battle in the hall way, hearing Luke's mocking voice, the battle with Luke's army, and the dream that keeps coming back repeatedly, facing the three Chaos. June keeps being enveloped by the dread, the fear, and the sense of helplessness every time the memory assaults him. And what's worst is that he could clearly hear the screams of his loved ones so clearly that it can make anyone go insane.

June didn't know how long he was in pain but when the pain subsided he felt so exhausted, like running a mile without rest. He was panting very hard, as he tried opening his eyes. He could only manage to open his eyes half way. He tried blinking the blurriness away but he just felt so exhausted that even blinking took to much effort for him. He could hear his brother's soft, worried voice beside him but he couldn't make out what he was trying to say. When the exhaustion finally took it's toll on him, his eyes started getting heavier. He started slowly falling into unconsciousness.


June slowly opened his eyes to dimly lit room. He slowly blinked out the blurriness in eyes and turned his head both sides and saw that he was still in the same room he woke up to a while ago. He returned his eyes to the ceiling and let out a deep sigh, covering his eyes with his right arm. Out of habit he reached to the night stand to get his glasses, which was surprisingly there. He slowly got up to a sitting positing, putting on his glasses. The light's brightness adjusted automatically, matching his pace as he got up.

Again out of habit, he turned to the night stand to check the time. Thankfully there's a digital hologram clock that says 5:30 am. June's lips lifted in to a small smile, remembering that this is how he normally wakes up back home.

He got out of bed and tried finding the bathroom, which wasn't much of a challenge at all. Because in one of the glass doors on the far right side of the room, there's a post-it note with a writing, attached to it that says "BATHROOM :D".

The glass door automatically slid open when June was close enough. When he entered, the bathroom light automatically lit up and the lights in the bedroom dimmed.

"Whoa" June stopped in his tracks, breathless and amazed, when he saw the bathroom and how huge it was.

It has a simple yet modern expensive style to it, like the bedroom, that's very luxurious and beautiful. It has everything that can be seen in a bathroom, you name it. And when June turned his head, he saw another post-it attached to the wall.

He pulled the post-it off the wall and read what's on it.

"Hey June,

We actually don't have that many clothes in stock,

So I hope this will do.

-Cam "

And just like on Que the wall parted and slid open, showing an enormous closet that his cabinet at home wouldn't even have the slightest comparison to it. But the closet was pretty much empty. It only has a handful of clothes, and a pair of shoes. A small smile appeared on his face, as he proceeds to do his business.

June decided to take a shower, because it's been a week since he last took a real bath, and he's been itching for it . The shower was heaven. June really likes the rain, so when the shower turned on he felt like he was under a real rain. The sound and the feel of it, was so alike the you would mistake it for a real rain.

June just let the hot water flow down his body, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath, letting the water relax and calm him.

He returned back to the bedroom after taking a shower, brushing his teeth and changing into a sweatshirt, jeans and the only pair of white sneakers there is. Another post-it was attached to the main door of the bedroom and when he pulled it, it says

"You might be hungry when you wake up, here's a map to the Kitchen.

(Attached map here)


"Well that's simple" June said with a smile, while looking at the map that Cameron drew.

He got out of his room and follow the map. On the way to the kitchen, June was amazed by how beautiful and modern the interior design of the castle was. Abstract paintings that hung on the walls, modern looking chandeliers hung on the hallways, and every room was just as amazing as the last, if not better, Just like a Castle should be (A modern one at least). June expected the hallways and rooms to be a little crowded and full of Gifteds, since if his memory serves him right, this place was suppose to be the Castle, and the Castle was suppose to be a safe haven for Gifteds. So that means this place should be packed with people. But everywhere he goes, the place just looked empty.

The kitchen was farther that June was expecting and even took a couple of wrong turns but in the end he finally found his destination. June stopped at the sight of the kitchen. The kitchen was huge. The design is very modern and contemporary. It has a huge chandelier hanging in the middle, that just brightens the whole room. It's complete with everything you can ever think a kitchen should have. June marveled at the sight of the kitchen, but what really stopped him in his tracks was the mouthwatering smell that's coming from the stove, where multiple pans are on. And in the middle of the kitchen is a huge island table, where June saw Cameron hunched over, engrossed in writing something in his journal.

Cameron let out a sight, standing straight, giving what he wrote a final look, then lifted his head.

"Heavens above!" Cameron almost shouted, making him jump in surprise at the sight of June.

"Hey" June said with shy smile, doing a small wave.

"Hey, How you doin? Feelin better?" Cameron said, his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, thanks" June said "Oh and thanks for the map, by the way" He said, showing Cameron the post-it with his drawing on it.

"No probs, glad it helped" Cameron said with a bright smile, while turning his attention to what his was cooking.

June was still standing on where he was. So when Cameron saw him, a laugh escaped him "What are still doing there? c' mon Sit, I'm making breakfast" He said, multitasking on the stove.

"Your up early" June said, walking to one of the bar stools, taking a sit.

"I'm always in charge of making the meals. Plus I like waking up early because this is the best time for me to work on my poems, when my mind is still at ease and not worrying about anything" Cameron answered

"By the way, Sorry for how acted a while ago" Cameron said, offering June a plate full of pancakes, bacon, eggs and garlic bread, which June gratefully accepted. "I'm still not used to having more people around".

"Speaking of which, why aren't there any people around? Shouldn't the Castle be packed with Gifteds?" June asked, giving his garlic bread a healthy bite.

"Well you've only seen this part of the Castle, which is Milady's very own Guild house" Cameron said, opening the fridge "Want some milk?"

"Please, but a Guild?"June asked. Knowing June, he already knew the meaning of a Guild but was confused what the Guild is for.

"It's better for me to break it down for you" Cameron said, giving June the glass of milk. "Well the Castle is divided into seven main parts" He explained as he sat down on the bar stool in front of where his journal was, and started eating his breakfast "The Castle has four Guilds, each with it's own Guild master. All the young Gifteds are divided into this four Guilds, where they will be trained and nurtured to use their Gifts. And the Guild houses are where they house all their Guild members. Then we have the main Castle Hall, where all the important Gifted stuff happens and where the Gifteds from the other Guilds could meet. Then we have the Castle training facility. Though every Guild has it's own training facility, the Castle training facility is used when there are joint Guild missions, where the Guild members could train together. You still following?" Cameron asked.

June nodded and Cameron continued.

"Then we have the Arena, where competitions and friendly battles are held between the Guilds, who are all training to death just to be called number one among the other Guilds. Or it could be a way for Guilds to settle issues between them. I swear, every time a battle happens there, it's always a bloodbath. Then there are the other minor places, which you can learn as you go..... So this are the parts of the Castle. It's basically like a city. I just summarized everything but you'll learn as you go, any questions?" Cameron asked, taking a sip from his glass that has green juice in it, which June doesn't even want to know the contents of it.

"You said Gifteds are supposed to be divided into the four Guilds, but this Guild is pretty much empty" June said, taking a drink of his milk.

"Well it used to be packed as well" A new voice said, Surprising June that he almost choke while drinking.

"Huyng!" Cameron said "Good morning" He greeted the new arrival.

June turned his head and saw a good looking Asian guy, who looks like in his early twenties (*Writer speaking* I mean let's be honest, they're all Gifteds so they're all good looking). By the way that Cameron address the guy, June guessed that the guy must be Korean. He's wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants, leather shoes, mint green cardigan, and a lavender necktie.

"Good morning" The guy greeted back. He walked to the coffee maker and pour himself a glass of coffee.

"I'm glad to finally meet you awake" The guy said sitting to the table next to June "Min Jae Ahn, resident Doctor and Physician here at Lady Maria's Guild. Lady Maria calls me Minjae and Cam calls me Hyung"

"June-" June started

"June Summers" Minjae said, finishing for June "I've been treating you for the past week" giving June a smile

"Oh, Thanks for taking care of me" June said, bowing his head to show gratitude.

"Don't mention it" Minjae said, drinking his coffee "By the way, you guys were talking why the Guild is empty right?"

"Yup" Cameron answered, while June nodded

"Well, once upon a time this Guild used to have the largest number of members" Minjae said, bummed.

"What happened?" June asked

"When Lady Maria left for her mission, a lot of the Gifteds thought that she was never going to return and got tired of waiting. So secretly the other Guild Masters made them an offer and joined their Guilds." Minjae said with a sigh, shrugging.

"Only the ones loyal enough, stayed and had faith that Lady Maria would return. And now that the she's came back, the wait was definitely worth it." Cameron said, with a bright smile

June took his glass of milk and took a drink, trying to process everything that he learned. Suddenly a shiny silvery thin light appeared in thin air, then expanded, opening a portal, that for a second time, June nearly choked with drinking. June's having some major issues with surprises when he's drinking.

Everybody turned their heads to see a young Asian girl about the same age as Minjae came out of the portal.

"Jae, you left your watch again" She said, walking to Minjae.

"Thanks Mi" Minjae said taking the watch, with an affectionate smile. When the girl was about to walk away, Minjae gently pulled her to him by the waist, making the girl giggle. Then Minjae gave her a long and gentle lingering kiss, that made June's eyes widen.

"Uhhhh... Huyng, Nee-chan?" Cameron said, getting Minjae and the girl's attention. "We have new people here" He said, trying to hold of his laughter looking at June who's still starring at Minjae and the Girl with shock.

Both Minjae and the Girl turned to June, and remembered he was in the room.

"Sorry bout that" The girl said, with an apologetic smile "This guy just misses me too much even if we just saw each other minutes ago"

"Well, I'm not sorry" Minjae said, with a pout.

"Behave yourself" The girl said to Minjae, giving him the look, only making Minjae pout harder. The girl chuckled and faced June "I'm Miyaka Aoki by the way, nice to finally meet you June" She said, extending a hand to June.

June snapped out of his shock and shook the hand, then both Minjae and Miyaka returned to their bubble. June turned to Cameron and gave him a look that says "What just happened". Cameron chuckled and just shook his head.

When everything sunk in, June caught up fast. Looking at both Miyaka and Minjae, made June's lips lift into a smile. He just can't help at the sight of them. They looked so adorable and perfect together. June also realized that Miyaka is Japanese, by the way Cameron addressed her.

The four of them chatted together while eating breakfast. June had a field day asking them about the Castle, which Cameron, Minjae and Miyaka tried answering the best that they can.

June learned that the Castle's head is called a Grand Master and helping him lead is a group of powerful Gifteds forming a council, which includes the four Guild masters. June also learned that the few loyal members who stayed were just Cameron, Minjae and Miyaka. June was not surprised when he learned that Minjae and Miyaka are married, judging by how they act when they're around each other. Also today is the recruitment day for the new Gifted that where saved or brought to the Castle, and the ones the were born at the Castle, But Cameron told June not to worry since June and the rest (Meaning: Andrew, Alisa, Caleb, Jordan and the another Gifted who's still unconscious, when he was saved) are already a part of Lady Maria's Guild.

While Cameron, Minjae and Miyaka debated about actually having new members this time since Lady Maria is back, with the exemption of June and the gang of course. June just listened to them, trying to absorb everything. June even asked Cameron if he could give him a paper and lend him a pen, to take notes. The three laughed at the thought of June actually taking note, stating that Andrew wasn't kidding when he told them that his "Brother" is a top student, making June blush. He's definitely gonna have words with his brother later.

Everyone's still chatting in the kitchen while having breakfast, when suddenly a loud noise came from somewhere in the Guild.

"It's them again" Cameron said, annoyed. "Why don't they just give up?"

Minjae just let out a sigh and turned to his wife "We'll deal with this, you call lady Maria"

"Okay" Miayaka nodded, then gave Minjae a quick kiss on the lips and said "Be careful", then she threw a bolt of light, opening a portal.

When she's gone Minjae and Cameron walked out of the kitchen. June didn't want to be left out so he followed.
