
Gifted Eyes

Species War Quintet Book 4: Gifted Eyes In this world where 'Guilds' arise with tremendous magical powers and battle the demons from the defenseless humankind, but later on, war broke out between two species. However, no one knew what will happen next. After 500 years the War suddenly stop and no one cannot answer it, therefore, they slowly forgotten and decide to live a peaceful life, but in the shadows, the 'phantoms' carried out the long- struggle blood battle between the 'war veterans' and the demons this war will named as "War of Silence" no one will ever know this event. Still, there is one man will change the entire world and turn the tides of war... John Kennedy was a prodigy, and he has a natural talent, but he witnessed the death of his family by "demons' when he was 10. He was picked by his one of his relatives in the age of 13. The relatives are fighting over the heritage for their own 'interests'. all of that a sudden 'unknown power' came into John's life and he never knew that the path will be a risky and dangerous one. No one knew the boy will surely be predicted and see the possibility be in the future. On the other side, the mysterious power is still unknown. He swore to himself that he will avenge and bring Justice to his 'Adopted Family' as he walks right into the top. Follow John Kennedy as he embarks on his adventurous on his long and dangerous journey along with his unparalleled-existence the unknown power of the 'Gifted Eyes'.

lysmork0902 · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Chapter 30: Preparations & Hope

In the land of Japan, where ancient legends and modern realities blended together seamlessly, a group of brave soldiers stood at the foot of the mountain of Shiroyama.

Among them were. John, Vincent and Sora were standing at the foot of the Mountain Shiroyama with their unexpected allies.

But it was Garok, a battle-hardened orcish warrior, who truly captured everyone's attention. With his towering stature and gnarled features, Garok was a living testament to a time long gone. His people, the remaining orcs, had ventured far from their homeland, seeking refuge and redemption. Together, they sought to defend Japan from the impending orcish invasion.

The sky darkened as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a gloomy aura over their situation.

Just five days remained until the orcs would descend upon them. It was amazing how fast the world had changed; once peaceful and uneventful, it was now a battlefield within the modern era. John reflected on the events that led them to this unfortunate circumstance.

Orcs had long been dismissed as legends, creatures confined to works of fiction. However, an ancient dormant portal had somehow opened, allowing these legendary beings to enter the modern world. They were relentless and ferocious, seeking to conquer and destroy everything in their path.

These beings came from Eron's World, where he fought them until the end, without knowing how they were resurrected, angered by this news. John and Vincent were determined to finished them off, once and for all.

John and Garok knew that victory would not come easily. As they surveyed the surrounding terrain, they realized the mountain of Shiroyama offered the perfect defensive advantage. Its narrow paths and steep cliffs would hinder the orcish forces, forcing them into vulnerable positions.

With a steely resolve, John addressed his soldiers. "We must build the best defenses this land has ever seen. Construct barricades, dig trenches, and fortify our positions. We shall not let their invasion go uncontested."

Hearing his command, the soldiers sprung into action, their determination evident in every swing of the hammer and every sturdy wall they erected. Meanwhile, John instructed some of their recruits to gather weaponry, as he had a secret plan that would require their utmost skill and dedication.

John knew that to stand against the orcs, he needed a weapon of great power. Deep within the mountain of Shiroyama lay a hidden cave, known only to a select few. Legends told of a mystical sword, forged by ancient Japanese masters and infused with magical abilities.

"Vincent," John called out above the bustle of soldiers working. "I have an idea. I believe we still have time to send for reinforcements before the orcs arrive."

Vincent, turned to face John. "Are you certain, John? The orcs outnumber us, and we're already stretched thin."

John's eyes gleamed with determination. "I know it seems hopeless, but I have a contact who might be able to expedite our request for reinforcements. If we can hold out for a little longer, help will come."

Vincent studied John's face, seeing the spark of hope in his eyes. He trusted his friend's instinct and nodded. "Very well, John. Make the call. We'll hold this position until the reinforcements arrive."

John turned his attention to Garok " Garok, you have few trusted allies right?" Garok nodded, "Nice, it's time to rally our trusted friends to defend our honor, value and friendship that stands against us".

After that, with the determination of a man on a mission, John contacted his trusted informant, who had close ties to the military. Despite the urgency of the situation, the informant assured John that he would do his best to expedite the reinforcements as quickly as possible. But even with their contact's efforts, time was running out.

Garok, on the other hand, had rallied his few trusted allies, including orcish warriors who still believed in the old ways of honor and justice. Together, they stood united under the banner of Garok's leadership.

(Meanwhile at the base)

At the heart of the military base, tensions ran high. Generals in charge of various divisions and leaders of the most powerful guilds convened in a large conference room. Maps of the battlefield were spread on the table, adorned with colorful pins representing the orcs and the few remaining human forces.

General Ashford, a stoic and experienced leader, looked around the room, his eyes filled with determination. "Gentlemen and ladies, we are facing a dire situation," he declared, his voice resonating with authority. "Our brave soldiers are fighting tooth and nail against the orc invasion on Mountain Shiroyama. We need to send reinforcements immediately."

The room fell into an uneasy silence as everyone considered the gravity of the situation. John, Vincent, and Sora, among others, had been holding their lines for days against overwhelming odds. It was clear that without assistance, their position would eventually crumble.

General Rodriguez, known for his clever strategies and unwavering resolve, spoke up. "Sending reinforcements is our top priority. But we must also fortify this base against the possibility of an orc attack. We cannot risk leaving ourselves vulnerable."

The leaders nodded in agreement, but the problem remained: they were stretched thin, and any available forces were already in the field. Yet, amidst the tense atmosphere, General Kingston stepped forward, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"General Ashford, I offer you my men. They may not be as many as we would like, but they are seasoned soldiers, ready to fight alongside John and his squad," Kingston said, his voice filled with determination. "These men understand that their actions will determine humanity's survival."

General Ashford regarded Kingston with a mixture of gratitude and concern. It was a bold proposition, to divert resources from one crucial defense to strengthen another. But in this war, sacrifices were necessary.

After a moment of contemplation, General Ashford nodded. "Your offer is commendable, General Kingston," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "We will dispatch your men immediately to aid John and his team."

With a sense of urgency, the generals and guild leaders quickly devised a plan. They would reinforce the critical positions on the mountainside, boosting John's strength and allowing him to keep the orcs at bay. Simultaneously, they would fortify the military base, anticipating the possibility of an orc advance.

Over the next few hours, word spread among the soldiers at the base. They spoke of the bravery and sacrifice demonstrated by General Kingston's men. There was awe and admiration for their willingness to put the survival of humanity above all else.

At dawn, amidst cheers and heartfelt goodbyes, the soldiers from General Kingston's division embarked on their perilous journey to Mountain Shiroyama. As they marched towards the frontlines, their determination never wavered. In every step, they carried the weight of a grateful nation.

(Time Skip 3 days later)

It's been 3 days, had been tirelessly fortifying their position in the war-torn town for days. The shelled buildings and debris-laden streets painted a grim picture of the relentless battle they had been thrust into. Yet, they remained resolute, fighting to protect their land and the lives of those they were sworn to defend.

As they huddled together, discussing their next move, an urgent message arrived. Reinforcements were on the way. Hope flickered back to life in their exhausted eyes, fueling their determination even further. Thoughts of reprieve from the ceaseless onslaught of enemy forces danced in their minds, filling their hearts with newfound vigor. The arrival of reinforcements promised a glimmer of respite amidst the chaos and destruction.

With renewed energy, they intensified their efforts to fortify their position, striving to ensure the incoming troops would find a solid stronghold upon their arrival. Every sandbag was painstakingly positioned, every entry point guarded with extra care. The commanding officers were busy strategizing, meticulously planning how to make the most of the impending reinforcements.

John stood before the cave entrance of the mountain Shiroyama, filled with determination and a burning desire to save his home, John set foot into the foreboding darkness of the caves. The air turned cold and musty, and eerie whispers echoed in the distance. Undeterred, he pressed on, his heart pounding with every step.

The first obstacle that stood before him was a labyrinth of winding tunnels. The path seemed uncertain, designed to confuse and disorient even the most experienced of adventurers. John relied on his intuition and followed the faint whispers that led him through twists and turns, finally emerging into a vast chamber.

To his astonishment, the chamber was inhabited by malicious spirits, their ghostly forms swirling around him menacingly. But John remembered the teachings of his ancestors and pulled out a sacred talisman, passed down through generations. Its divine energy radiated, repelling the spirits and allowing him to proceed.

Further, a treacherous underground river posed the next challenge. The raging waters roared ferociously, threatening to sweep away anyone who dared to cross. Realizing he could not fight against the current, John chose to unite his strength with that of the river. He dove in, allowing the water to carry him while swimming with all his might. Miraculously, he emerged unscathed on the other side.

As he ventured deeper into the caves, John encountered a fierce guardian, a towering creature that blocked his path. This mythical beast, known as the Oni, possessed inhuman strength and indomitable endurance. Engaging in a battle that would be sung in songs for years to come, John fought valiantly, each strike fueled by his unwavering determination. After an intense struggle, the Oni was finally defeated, collapsing onto the cold stone floor.

Finally, at the heart of the cave, John discovered a magnificent altar adorned with ancient symbols and bathed in ethereal light. Resting atop the altar, untouched by time, was the legendary katana forged by the deities of Japan called Ame-no-Habakiri . John was astonished and flabbergast Its blade shimmered with an otherworldly glow, resonating with the souls of the fallen heroes who had wielded it in the past.

Not knowing why does the holy sword was here at the mountain of Shiroyama, he decided to learn it later, John grasped the hilt of the katana, and instantly, a surge of power coursed through his veins. The sword imbued him with incredible strength, skill, and unwavering loyalty. With the weight of the blade on his shoulders, he knew he could face any challenge that lay ahead.

After that, he left to save his home no matter the cost.