
Ghoul in Highschool DXD

A boy who's hunted by all supernatural races for being something he was forced to be, will he finally find his salvation in a form of our familiar red-headed Gremory? Follow karma Miguell on his path of redemption and revenge as he tries to find his lost sister......while also making a few girls fall for him along the way.

Ihte_xp · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

A supernatural classmates

Karma walks into the school while asking for directions for principal's office from the students passing by. He soon reaches the principals office and enters after knocking and comes face to face with a man who appears to be in his early t hirties, wearing a pair of oval spectacles atop the bridge of his nose, and wears a white turtleneck sweater with an inverted cross-shaped brooch. He also wears a dark jacket over it with black dress slacks, and leather dress shoes.

"Hello sir my name is Karma Miguell i recently came to kuoh and transferred in your school as a second year". says Karma after a short bow. The man scrutinized Karma for a short while before standing up and extending his hand for a handshake which Karma takes and then the man introduces himself quite lazily " you can call me principal Shun now that you've reported to me you can go to the teacher's lounge, you homeroom teacher will take you to your class you can go now ". Karma stood there speechless at the mans antics then afterwards he left the office. After closing the door Karma looks at his hands as he thought ' what was that? I felt something yet i didn't? when i shook his hand what is that supposed to mean? anyway who's that man? my intuition tells me he's not normal yet he felt completely normal considering this is a school run by devils he must be a high ranking one but I've never heard of him before '. On the other side of the room Shun was also thinking something while muttering to himself " hmm interesting his kind in here after all these years means that there is a lot going on that i am not aware of i wonder which faction is responsible anyway I'll just keep an eye on him since he isn't even a pure then it isn't worth mentioning "

Karma on the other hand soon reached his class 2-B along with his teacher he stood outside the gate while his teacher entered first, " sit down everybody today we have a new student starting school with us let him introduce himself " said the teacher and that was his que for entering. When he entered the whole class strangely quieted down. He went to the blackboard and wrote his name in nice Japanese and then turned around and jovially introduced himself with a charming smile " hello everyone my name is Karma Miguell it's nice to meet you all, I've recently arrived in kuoh with my parents from Europe and I'm half Japanese, i look forward to be friends with you all ".

All the girls started staring at him with glittery eyes while asking questions like " do you have a girlfriend? " " do you play any sports? " " are you into boys? " " what type of question is that? " " hehe Kiba and karma it would have be a nice ship ".

On the other hands all the boys where gnashing their teeth at him and cursing him " why isn't it a cute girl " " hateful raijuu die " " one pretty boy is enough in this class and why is he even prettier? "

" Oi oi let me answer your questions one by one I'm handsome I know thanks by the way and no i don't have a girlfriend infact never had one but that's not because I'm into boys NOPE it's because I've never found the one for me, I'm don't play sports but I'm quite good with swords ( two of the girl's eyes lit up and a handsome boy narrowed his ayes ) and don't call me pretty I'm handsome but I'll still be your friend hmm " replied Karma in answer to their questions while sagely nodding to himself.

" Okay enough now everybody Karma you can go sit behind aika over there " said the teacher while pointing towards a girl who raised her hand in response. Karma went towards her and said " hi " while sitting down.

" You're quite big i like it I can't stop myself hehe I'm Aika kiryuu by the way " said Aika she wears spectacles, has gold colored eyes and lightly messy brunette hair tied into braids on each side.

She wears the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform

Listening to their conversation a boy sitting right next to karma exclaims loudly " no way he's beat us in that department too? God why is this world so unfair? " while all the boys start crying and girls look at karma with blushing and hungry? faces while Karma is just looking around dazedly not understanding what is going on. So he just turns to Aika and says " uhh thank you? "

Karma then turns towards the boy beside him who was crying and introduced himself " hi I'm karma nice to meet you " while the boy also introduces himself " hello I'm Issei Hyoudou nice to meet you, which part of the girls body do you like? I like big boobs their so heavenly " and then Issei looks towards Karma waiting for his answer as well as all the girls are also listening to him. Karma just replied " i like girls as a whole but if it's a specific part then i like their slim curvy waist and beautiful eyes the most hmm " Karma said while nodding to himself with a hand on his chin, an action which all the girls copied.

Soon lunch break arrived and boys and girls started introducing themselves one by one. Two of the girls Murayama and Katase even invited him to join the kendo club which he said that he will think about it soon the crown parted and an gave way to

a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes and a mole underneath his left eye.

He wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. He introduced himself politely " Hi I'm Kiba Yuuto nice to meet you, you're new in this town right, so what brings you here? ' what is your purpose in being in this town? ' ". Karma already knows that he's a devil so he simply replies " nothing really my mother is from this town so we returned here and i heard this town is quite safe as well ' this is devils territory and I'm a magician I'm looking for an asylum from other magicians ' ". Kiba simply smiled and said " ohh tell us about your old school, ' why did you run from your old place? ' ". Karma looked at him for a moment before he said " the boys in my old school didn't like me and felt threatened towards me that's why I've changed schools, ' i had a conflict with other magicians in my area so I'm on the run ' " " ohh so will you join any club? ' will you join any peerage? ' ". said Kiba. Karma looked at him for a moment and then replied " I might join the student council ' I might join Sitri's peerage ' ". Kiba scrutinized him for a moment then simply said " okay then good luck " and leaves

Afterwards many girls proposes to eat lunch together but he simply refused and head towards the school terrace. Karma opens the terrace door and finds that he is not alone. He came face to face with a petite girl around 15 years of age with white hair and hazel eyes. At the front, her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair. She wears the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, albeit without the shoulder cape. The two locked eyes for a moment karma already realized that she's a devil as well her name is Koneko Toujou so he simply raised his hand and said " hello my name is Karma Miguell a second year today is my first day am I disturbing you? ". Koneko looked towards karma for a moment then makes a disgusted expression and leaves the terrace with her lunch without saying anything. Karma confusingly watcher her leave and checks himself to find what made her make that expression but didn't find anything so he leaves it be.

After school while heading home Karma saw Issei getting confessed to by a fallen angel in disguise he already realized that Issei has some kind of sacred gear so that fallen angel must be after it but he didn't get in their way he knows that this is devils territory so this is their job to handle. so he simply leaves to go home.

While he was going home in the student council room Sona was looking at his background information and Kiba was on his way to report to his master about his findings while Koneko to absentmindedly thinking about her meeting with Karma today with a frown on her face

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https://dxdfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Shun_Satan ( Principal Shun )

Ihte_xpcreators' thoughts