
Ghoul in Highschool DXD

A boy who's hunted by all supernatural races for being something he was forced to be, will he finally find his salvation in a form of our familiar red-headed Gremory? Follow karma Miguell on his path of redemption and revenge as he tries to find his lost sister......while also making a few girls fall for him along the way.

Ihte_xp · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

A supernatural challenge

Karma looked at Rias and said " you're right that was me " his simple acceptance and cold attitude extremely shocked everyone and made them angry. Kiba felt that Karma was a completely different person in reality and that he had taken advantage of the kindness of their master so he was extremely angry.

Karma didn't try to explain himself anymore because he couldn't reveal that he needed to eat humans and supernatural for sustainence because then he would have to explain his identity as a ghoul and that would reveal his identity as the SS Rank criminal and now is not the time for that.

" There are some things that I can't explain and you won't understand but I had no choice. And I don't really blame you for hating me. Please do as you wish " after saying that, under the angry and disgusted eyes of everyone, Karma directly left.

Akeno who had been quite this whole time didn't know what to think she didn't understand what he just said. She only knew that he was extremely sad. She had seen his expression before he changed his expression into a cold one. She didn't know if she had been too hasty because of her anger? should she have confronted him alone first before calling everyone? He said that he had his reasons and that we don't understand? If I asked him about it would he have told me perhaps.

These few weeks after Karma joined the peerage, both he and Akeno had been great friends and always spent time together talking during lunch break with Koneko at the rooftop. Akeno had first got close to Karma to investigate him but as she talked with him, she had come to like the kind and cheerful boy and he had also been close enough to reveal some things to both her and Koneko. ' He had once said that he had a little sister somewhere in the world and that he can't get close to her in afraid of implicating her with his enemies and that his wish is to someday be strong enough to live peacefully with his sister without fear. Could it be related to that? but how should I talk to him now? I have completely lost his trust. He was my friend instead of blaming him, I should have listened to his reason first ' while Akeno was self blaming herself, Rias was also thinking something.

' Why am I feeling like this? He was wrong and what he did was disgusting but then why is my heart aching just thinking about him. No he only killed and ate criminals even though he was wrong but he didn't hurt innocent people. I shouldn't have been so hasty. I am his king I should apologize to him and hear what he has to say '

Koneko was also thinking of Karma at this time ' so that's why he smelled like that. But why would he need to do that? is it to become stronger? ' Koneko frowned after thinking that while also thinking about her sister which made her frown deeper.

Issei and Kiba were both extremely angry at first but soon calm down. Although they didn't like his means and habits but they were not hypocritical enough to hate him without knowing about him completely so they just decided to keep their distance from him.

In the coming days Karma was extremely gloomy and distanced himself from everyone else. He would even skip classes and go and sit at the school rooftop. Even his friends Aika and Murayama were worried about him. They had already noticed that he seemed to have a fight with Kiba but when they asked about it from either of them, they simply said that it's nothing. No one knew what happened to him even Sona was not informed by Rias.

Karma had been actively avoiding members of the ORC club these days and didn't go there even then Rias and Akeno and Koneko came to apologize to him for their outburst and asked about his reasons but Karma didn't say anything and just said that they had all the right to be disgusted at him and he wouldn't mind but somehow this distressed them even more than before. Everyone gave up asking for the time being and didn't bother him but Akeno would come everyday to the rooftop sit beside him and talk about her childhood before joining Rias' peerage and after that while peacefully looking at the blue sky. Karma would quietly listen to her without saying any thing and like these the days passed quickly.

-------1 week later-------

Today Rias had called Karma in ORC room because a special guest was coming and everyone has to be present so Karma had no choice but to go.

So here they are waiting waiting in the club room. Karma was standing in a dark corner away from everyone. After a while a teleportation array appeared in a room and from inside appeared a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and red eyes. She is the wife of Shirzech lucifer, the strongest queen, Grayfia Lucifuge. She arrived and after looking around when her eyes landed on Karma she squinted at him with great hostility which didn't go unnoticed by him and this also proved one of his suspicions so Karma just looked at her coldly and said nothing.

Shortly after her arrival, another teleportation array appeared inside the room. This carried the Phenix clan and from inside appeared Riser Phenex along with his whole peerage. ( Not gonna introduce everyone just check yourself )

" How are you my dear fiancé Riser has come to see you " said Riser to Rias. " It has come to my attention that you are sullying Riser's name as her fiancé by mingling with these lowly plebians in the human world so our two families have decided to pre-pone our marriage " said Riser while looking at the peerage of Rias in contempt. Rias couldn't take it anymore and said " Riser It is my family's decision to engage me to you not mine and I do not like you so I will not marry you. I challenge you to a rating game and I will break our engagement after defeating you " Riser looked at her mockingly and said " just you? with your trashy peerage? don't joke with Riser my dear. Riser has won many rating games and you have never participated in one " he said while holding the chin of Rias.

At the same moment, the temperature of the room dropped and a powerful magical signal locked on Riser. From the dark corner of the room a bright light came.

Karma holding a lance made of holy magic looked at Riser coldly and said " get your filthy hands off her you fucking chicken if you don't won't me to make a wall art out of you in this room " Karma didn't know what happened to him but he was extremely pissed at Riser when he saw him touching Rias. He knows that he's wrong and he has no right to love her but he's also sure that loving her or not won't matter in the near future so for once he wants to embrace his feelings and do what he wants.

Riser's queen directly came in front of Riser carefully guarding him but Riser was extremely shocked after watching Karma and said " how are you so strong and how are you able to use holy magic as a devil? well it wouldn't matter Riser is an immortal you can't hurt Riser " said Riser cockily.

" Well that's better than. I can slowly torture you without killing you " said Karma while showing a wide grin.

" Well that's enough. Rias-sama, Riser-sama, Shirzech-sama had already foreseen that todays events will go like this so he has given permission to arrange a rating game to decide the outcome of your engagement is it fine by you? " said Grayfia while looking at both of them.

" It is fine by Riser and at this rating game I will show you the majesty and invincibility of Riser " said Riser while looking at Karma arrogantly. After saying that he directly left with his peerage. Ravel Phenex glanced at Karma with curiosity before also leaving. ( He didn't give them 10 days preparation time because Rias' peerage is not weak with Karma there )

" Rias-sama, the rating games will be scheduled in three days I hope you are fine with this arrangement. I will be taking my leave now " said Grayfia. She looked at Karma one last time before also leaving.

After everyone left Rias' mood was complex. She looked at Karma and said " thank you for standing up for me just now but you didn't have to offend him just now for my sake. Now he will definitely target you ".

Karma looked at her for a moment before saying " you had done me a favour by accepting me in your peerage and I will return it by helping you in this game. After that I hope you can promise me one thing ".

" What are you talking about Karma? I didn't let you join my peerage to sell you any favours, you all are my precious family. I can promise you anything if it's within my limits " said Rias

" Family huh....I hope you remember that Rias " replied Karma and then swiftly left the clubroom under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Sorry for the delay readers I was extremely busy these days but I'm free now so expect daily updates

And if you like my story then please support me with stones.

Ihte_xpcreators' thoughts