
Ghost Hunter : The New Beginning

There are many ghost hunters in the world and their main purpose is to protect themselves from the ghosts. Until the hero leads them to reclaim the land and prosperity they once had. A man is suddenly reborn back to the time he was young and met the Ghost Hunting System that changed his future life. Reborn in a new life, he decides not to be a silent hero in this life, search for the heroes he met in his previous life and create a union. In this life, he will become the guardian and slayer of the world.

Tommyky · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Relaxation day

After Noah killed the ghost and returned to Ellie's team's position, Ellie was instantly relieved to see Noah safely back. To be honest, her heart had been hanging like a cliff when she had just seen Noah battling with the high-level ghost monster. When she saw Noah repelling the ghosts and pursuing them, she also wanted to join him, but she also understood that Noah's strength was even stronger than hers, she would only be dragging his feet if she went. In the end, after seeing Noah come back with the body of the ghost monster, her heart relaxed as if she had been rescued.

Noah walked forwards by dragging his tired body, he was very tired at the moment, the high intensity of the battle he had just fought as well as the feeling of being disengaged after it was over swept through his body. Ellie also quickly helped Noah when she saw this, and Noah smiled a little to show that he was fine. Just then, a few people ran in front of them, Noah suddenly felt bad, he tried to hold up his body like iron to stand in front of Ellie. Ellie patted Noah on the shoulder and explained, "This is the member of the first aid team, I just requested a call when I met that high-level ghost monster." Noah also saw the official logo on their body before letting his guard down. A few members of the first aid team also asked for the location of that advanced ghost monster. Noah then threw out the body of the ghost monster and said, "This is the high-level ghost monster that I'll have to take to the official station to sell later."

A few people became nervous at the sight and asked Ellie's team if the high-level Ghosts monster were correct. After receiving affirmation from the others, they took a deep breath as well. They looked at Noah with awe, which caused Noah to feel doubly stressed. He thought to himself, "How come all of them are looking at me properly, they can't just feel that I'm handsome, I'm not more handsome than the readers who are looking at me."

One of the members of that first aid team came forward to confirm Noah's injuries and then offered to go back with them. So, Noah began the awkward and stressful journey back. After returning to the gate wall, Ellie said goodbye to her team members and then took Noah to the official station. The staff member in charge of recycling at the official station rushes over to Noah and asks if he needs help after seeing him and the blood on him. Noah also held up the Ghost Body and said, " Yes, I do need help, please help me identify it and then exchange it for money, thank you."

The staff stands motionless in surprise at Noah's remark. Ellie, on the other hand, clenched her fists and slammed them on Noah's head and said, "Now clean the blood of your body and I'll help you settle the trade." Noah then went to the washroom of the official station to clean the blood off his body after Ellie asked him to do so. After cleaning, Noah couldn't wait to open the system data panel to view his attributes as well.

Name: Noah

Gender: male

Force: 986

Mana: 930

Agility: 897

Wisdom: 902

Weapon: Sword (Rare)

Trick: Meditation

Noah looked at himself in the mirror with excitement even after checking it out, clenching his fists thinking that it wouldn't take long for him to get back to his previous life's rank. He was still a bit close to reaching the Bronze rank of Ghost Hunter nowadays.

He went back to the counter to meet Ellie. Ellie gave the bill for the completed transaction to Noah and instructed him to check his bank card. Naturally, Noah checked his bank card and realised that he had sold the high-level ghost monster that he killed alone for one hundred thousand. Together with the ghosts and monsters he had killed earlier with Ellie's team, Noah had earned a total of nearly two hundred thousand today. This number was a significant number in the eyes of the average person, Noah also decided to take his family shopping and eating on tomorrow's break.

Ellie also spoke up at this time, "Noah, why did you apply to become a Ghost Hunting Apprentice so quickly, doing so will only raise the passing line on the school test." Noah heard this and also replied, "Then why did our Big Miss Ellie also apply to be a ghost hunting apprentice and also formed a team to enter the ghost zone." Ellie was obviously exasperated by Noah after hearing this, but she still relentlessly asked Noah if he would go to dinner together as a thank you for rescuing her team. Noah shakes his head and says that his family is still at home waiting for him to go home, next time for sure. With that said, Noah took the bus back with Ellie looking on.

When Noah returned home, he reported to his family about the day in the ghost zone, but still hid the fact that he had encountered and killed a high-level ghost monster. It was a dangerous and difficult thing to do after all, and he didn't want to make his parents worry. After dinner, Noah also indicated to his family that he would take them out for dinner tomorrow himself. However, Noah's parents let Noah take Jeni to dinner with him because of the overtime thing at work. Jeni also smiled happily after hearing that she could go out for dinner.

After washing the dishes and plates, Noah returned to his room for his workout routine. He had to maintain good training habits at all times in order to handle the dangers that followed. This led Noah to be very harsh on himself, but proper relaxation was also essential. He was now able to absorb the mana in the room in just ten minutes. He had never started absorbing mana on a large scale since he had reached the level of high-level ghost hunting apprentice, so he planned to go to a hidden place to absorb mana in large quantities. Just then, the school's class teacher sent a message instructing Noah to come to school in the morning, and that the reason could only be told to him tomorrow.

Noah replied and then fell into a deep sleep as well.

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