

Ama used to be madly in love with Henry back when they were still young, but he disappeared with no words. A now heart broken Ama tries to get over him by getting in a relationship with Richie. Richie Henry, a romantic, falls in love with her not realizing that he is been used to get over her ex; Henry. It becomes obvious to Ama that Richie actually loves her unlike her ex and begin to fall in love with him without knowing it.

Eucharia_mk · 都市
1 Chs

1.Where it started

That Windy day, Henry couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful Ama who he was in love with.

She turned around and caught him staring and he smiled sheepishly. He loved the way her purple coloured braids accented her pretty face.

Ama had always been in love with Henry, right from when they were younger till now. She always turned down the other guys who had asked her out. She was pretty much one of the hottest and prettiest girls in their school.

Henry often bragged about it to his friends but Ama didn't feel the need to do same because everyone knew about them both. They weren't all lovey dovey in public but everyone still got to know. Henry was tall, taller than she was but that was one of the things she loved about his physical appearance; his height.

That was before now, it was all in the past. She usually remembered the many times they hung out in the library, just them both, and the school librarian of course, but they would sit at the far end, where she couldn't always see them make out. Henry wasn't a nerd, she wasn't either, they were just two teenagers back then who loved to read and so the library pretty much became their spot.

It was perfect, not many of their classmates ever came around the library and once they weren't seen around, everyone knew they were together somewhere.

Good old times, she thought. Did she miss Henry? Yes, she very much did. Did she feel anything for him now? No. Or maybe yes, because hate was a feeling too. She now had as much hate for him as love when they were together.

Why did she hate him? He left, no words, no text, no calls, he just left. She had often convinced herself that she wouldn't hate him as much if he had just broken up with her rather than leaving with no words.

He had just newly gotten admission into a state college, she was still awaiting hers. They had talked many times about how possible it would be to have a long distance relationship and he had repeatedly said it wasn't going to work but he was willing to try.

They had once gotten to a point where they both agreed to not see each other for some days just texts and calls, so they could test how a distanced relationship could work out and it was a flop. He came around her house to see her.

She loved him. He loved her too, or so she thought. He had just stopped picking her calls the previous day so she gave him some time, maybe he needed time but it wasn't that. The next time she called was some few hours later, to check up on him, to know why he couldn't pick earlier but his phone was switched off.

She still hoped, and called repeatedly the next day, it rang every single time but he didn't pick it up once. She couldn't take it so she went on and passed by his mother's store, where he usually was since they wrote their last exams helping his mom. She went to see if he had somehow lost his phone.

"He's travelled to school, he had accepted his admission and went to take care of things from over there." His mom was telling a friend.

She remembered those words very well. She felt really surprised when she overheard her that day. Within seconds, her surprise had turned to pain and shock somewhat mixed together.

He left. He didn't let her know, after all their conversations about when he would leave, he left. No words from him, no text, no call, nothing, he just left.

She had cried that night, like a baby. She hugged her pillows for comfort but that didn't help. Her mom had asked why she was crying but she didn't tell her, she couldn't tell her, her mom didn't know about him, how could she explain, no one knew, just their friends and mates.

Now she was older, older and meaner. Henry made her that way. Twenty one year old Ama was different, she found it hard now to trust anyone with her heart.

Richie Henry, her twenty three years old boyfriend was all into dedicating his time to her but she didn't find it enough of him, she felt like he was still going to be like Henry, betray her and give her sleepless nights full of heartbreak.

She didn't trust him even though they had been dating for more than a year now. At first it was just a fling for her after he was persistent on his love for her; calling her everyday and treating her as right as he could deem fit, always been around her and ready to listen whenever she cried about something.

She had grown fond of him, even without knowing it, maybe it was his persistence and maybe it was how caring he seemed to be, she didn't know but she knew she wasn't going to give all of her heart to him to go on and break it, she couldn't trust anyone with her heart again, never.

Richie on the other hand loved her, more than he thought he did at first after he saw her. She was beautiful and he knew it, she was smart and he knew it. He saw how dedicated she was working at her job at the coffee shop.

She was nice while she took his order, but that was just her doing her job. He had waited till she was done with her shift to talk to her, to get her number but she wasn't as nice as she was at the coffee shop but he didn't care, he was still going to get her.

A year gone and he had managed to get her to his woman. She was still the mean Ama he had encountered while trying to get her number but he loved her, more than she knew and he planned on proving it to her in every way that he could.



Dear reader, thanks for reading this far. I hope you enjoyed this chapter? Read on, it gets better.