
Genshin Impact: Dropped into Teyvat

Dropped into Teyvat by a divine being who is bored out of its mind. The MC, who has received the gifts of The Great One, tries to survive and get out of the place he landed. The real story begins after he escapes the cursed island.

Sett_Kaisel · ゲーム
8 Chs

Chapter 5: Traveler

The fear of death made him run faster than his body should normally allow him.

The fear of death made him feel tons of times lighter, which was one of the reasons he could run faster. The other reasons were that he did not feel muscle pain, which were overcoming their limits, also, even though his stamina was near depleted, he still ran as if he had unlimited stamina reserves. His adrenaline was scaling on the maximum.

That's what happens when you are in a life or death situation.

But then his every step became unaturally light, and after a few seconds he wasnt even running, it would be described more as hopping.


After a few moments he was flying high in the air.

Well he was, until he wasn't.

He was back at the same spot he had fell after being reincarnated into this world.

Emiyo teleported at the exact moment the Golden Wolflord was about to swallow his body whole in one gulp.


A terrifying Roar could be heard far away from the other side of the cursed island.

[I am not sure, but I think it is quite pissed off]

'THAT IT COULDNT EAT ME??! YOUR STUPID JOKES DONT HELP AT ALL IN THIS SITUATION! If you can't help me, then just shut up and let me think' Emiyo exclaimed.

[LEt mE tHinK..]


[no fun whatsoever..]

'What part of me being eaten whole is fun to you?'

[The whole part]

'Stop with your wooden jokes'

[..Oh look its back]

Emiyo then saw the Wolflord rushing at him once again.

"Fuc-!" He teleported to the same place he was nearly eaten lastly.

He felt himself fall, but he stabilized, and began to fly further to the North.



This back and forth continued for a few days.

But it wasn't all back and forth, it was also a bit of riding the Giant Lord of Doggos, and nearly loosing his life in the process.

Emiyo was in uncountable near death situations, or you could also say that for the last few days he was in a big and consstant life or death situation.

Throughout those days, he flew further, and when he was about to be eaten or was just tired he teleported back to the island, to where the lord of doggos returned, and when it did, Emiyo would teleport back to where he finished flying.

Eventually he reached Kannazuka, one of the 6 Islands of Inazuma.

Unimaginable joy could be seen on Emiyos face when he landed on the beach of Kannazuka.

After looking around and not seeing the Wolflord he sighed in relief.

he then started walking along the beach not daring to go further into the island where the famous tatarasuna is located. As far as Emiyo knows, it's manifested with elemental Lightning, that has an obvious ability to kill anyone after someone spends a little too much time there, some normal mortals can die after just a few minutes.

"Ew, why is that man naked?! Is he one of those weirdos with their weird fetishes??" A girls voice could be heard.

"Paimon.. where did you hear that word?" A teenage boys voice asked a question. "And why do you even think that... maybe he got robbed.. or maybe he is an old ghost wandering trying to scare or even catch young girls... Like you for example"


"Sure, but then who is going to protect you from ghosts" Aether smirked.

"I SAID STOP IT NOW!" Paimon pouted.

'Paimon and Aether huh.. wait, shit, right I don't got any clothes on..'

"So why don't you tell us who you are? A ghost maybe?" Aether asked Emiyo with a wary look on his face. Emiyo could see Aethers hand ready to summon a sword.

"Woah Woah, easy now.. I got robbed okay? why would you directly associate me with a ghost?"

"Paimon knows a ghost when she sees one!" Paimon pointed her finger at Emiyo.

"Um.. I think there was a slight misunderstanding.. as you can see I don't have any clothes on, not to mention any weapons, so there is no need to be wary of me, and even though it's strange for me to be here in Kannazuka at such a time, my circumstances are quite difficult.."

Aether looked at Paimon while she looked back at him and they nodded to each other.

"Give him some clothes maybe? I can't talk with him while he is standing there naked.. AND WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE LIKE THAT WITHOUT HIDING ANYTHING??! HAVE YOU NO SHAME AT ALL" Paimon lashed out at Emiyo.

"Oh, yeh sorry, my fault.."

'I totally ignored that fact..fuc-'

"I don't have any other clothes, only this, well it's better than nothing.. I don't even know how to wear it .. so you can have it for free" Aether through a black cloth at Emiyo.

'A Yukata.. been some time since I wore one'

After about a minute, Emiyk was fully clothed with a black yukata with some star patterns.

"Thanks for that.. oh and by the way, my name is Emiyo nice to meet you"

"Well this is the famous traveler by the name of Aether, and Paimom is well.. Paimon!" Paimon introduced her and her adventuring partner.

"Ah yes I heard a lot about you two" Emiyo made a face as if he tried to remember something, "Honorary Knight of Mondstadts Knights of Favonius, after defeating the Stormterror... A Hero in liyue after helping defeat the reawakened Osial, oh and not to mention defeating one of the harbingers.. Those are feats not achievable by simple beings, you have my respect and it's really an honour to meet you two" Emiyo bowed a little.

"Oh um.. well, hahaha, I knew we were famous but uh.. I didn't expect for people even in Inazuma to know so much hehe" Paimon rubbed her head in embarrassment. "But you are a little wrong, we defeated Two harbingers, and even fought against the one and only Raiden Shogun, effectively stopping the war"

'So I am that far into the story already... sigh'

While Paimon and Emiyo were conversing Aether looked into Emiyo with one of his skills that were able to analyse others.

[Name: Emiyo]

[Title: Traveler]

[Vision: No vision]

[Age: 17]

[Rank 2 Boundary]






'What a strange guy...' Aether looked at Emiyo

[Unable to record random ability from 'Aether']

[Unable to record random ability from 'Paimon']

'Well that sucks..' Emiyo looked at Aether.

"Um, I am headed to Inazuma city, could you be so kind to escor-" And of course the cliché sentence cutting off Roar appeared.


"WHATS THAT! WHATS THAT!" Paimon exclaimed.

"not again.." Emiyo felt his arms drop after seeing the Golden WolfLord appearing in the distance.

Aether of course heard the little remark and looked at Emiyo with a side glance, but then concentrated on the Wolflord.

"Lightning Blade" Aether threw out three lightning blades at the oncoming Abyss creature.

"ROAAARRR" It felt being cut by the lightning and of course being fried by it too.

It then launched three elemental wold heads at Aether.

"Bellowing Thunder" Lightning spears clashed with the Elemental attacks of the Golden WolfLord.



The Wolflord started to spin and with its elemental power created a tornado that came towards the three.

'This is definetly the moment I die..' Emiyo thought with a helpless smile.