
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Day 17.5: A knightly confrontation (ii)

It was noon. Dennis wanted to talk to the knight that saved his life, but two knights prevented him. This led to a confrontation, forcing a fight to breakdown. The knights were ready to confront Dennis as he was in position with his fists up. Everyone was weary of their body movement, meaning that if someone makes a wrong move. It will end the fight in an instance.

"Listen kid, is best off if you surrender right now!"

One knight said. That same knight charged in at Dennis, swung his sword at him, forcing him to move back.

"What part did you not understand? I want to thank the person who saved me!"

Dennis said as he was going to make a move while Nix and Dj were witnessing the fight go on.

Dennis then focused his anger and created fireballs in his hands and rushed to the knight that made the first move at him. He was about to release it at pointblank, but he thought of what happened last time when he got mad. Instead, he redirected his move towards the ground. To send himself to the air.

"Using offensive magic for the evasive… Not a terrible choice…"

Nix said as she used this moment to study Dennis on how he thinks while he fights. They saw him up in the air, ready to follow it with another magic attack. Dennis focused his emotions until the wind spun around his feet, allowing him to stay in the air. It even called the attention of the knight with the red cross.

"Switch to protocol. We got ourselves a magic user!"

The knight standing on the right said. They then activated a device that was implanted in their wrist that imbued their bodies with elemental properties of lightning. It caught Dennis's attention and wondered how they did that without even casting magic, but he could sense the mana flow in them.

"What kind of magic is that…?"

Dj asked as he wondered what the knights did.

"That ain't magic. They used an elemental crystal. Only knights that went under strict training can use it and as of now… Dennis is a lot of trouble that can't be talked out of."

Nix said as she went and walked past the knights to meet up with the one Dennis wanted to talk to. Knights infused with an elemental crystal are known as soldiers. Meanwhile, the knights made a move and joined Dennis in the air by full control of lightning.

"Kid, we giving you one more chance to surrender!"

"Give up now and we will make sure that your sentence shall be short!"

The knights said to Dennis, as he did not know what they meant. Dennis preceded by creating a ball made of ice on his right hand. It shock the knights that Dennis didn't have to call out the spell's name.

"Reasoning is out of the option… You should pray for a hospital…"

Dennis said. He then threw it at the knight that was to his left and it sent him down. His emotions kept him at bay, increasing the strength of his magic, but with great mana consumption.

"You will pay for that!"

The remaining knight said and charged in with his sword. He had motives to inflict harm on Dennis and as soon as he got close. A ray of light came out of nowhere and knocked the knight's sword out of their hands. He attempted to grab it back, but its efforts only sent the sword towards Dennis.

"I shall take this…"

Dennis then grabbed the sword and pointed it at the knight. It then shot a bolt of lightning that struck the knight down. The knight's body landed on the ground, unconscious. Dj got concerned and went to check on him, by a surprise he found the knight was still alive.

"His alive!!"

Dj shouted, giving the confirmation to Dennis. Dennis sighed in relief, thinking that he had taken someone's life. But there was one problem that Dennis soon realized. He was stuck in the air because of his emotions.

While they dealt with that, Nix was having a conversation with the knight that had the red cross. The knight was polishing his blade while he seen it all go down.

"So… Can you explain to my why didn't you stop your men? Some could have gotten hurt, you know."

Nix said with concern. Wondering why the knight didn't intervene.

"You wouldn't understand my reasoning, but the kid never had a fight with a knight before. I asked them to shape him up a bit, but that didn't work, so I'm left with no other option except training him myself. He has a flame in his heart. Waiting to be attached to something that he wants to follow, and I only want it to make it grow even brighter."

The knight said as he saw Dennis trying to get down from the air by creating an ice pole that was long enough so that Dj could pull him down.

"You're right… I wouldn't understand, but just to let you know. Someone amongst the thirteen harbingers is going to make a move soon, and we don't know who it is."

Nix said and went over to Dj. She had nothing else to say to the knight and continued on with what she had planned.

"The harbingers…? I thought they were all eradicated from the ancestral war four years ago. So I guess history it self shall repeat itself once again…"

The knight with red cross said to himself. As he looked at the distant sky and heard a maniacal laugh that haunted his memories.

Later on, they went inside the castle to meet up with the queen. Passing down all information that they know and Dj's arrival to this world. She was surprised to know someone aside from Dennis ended up here, but she was concerned if this was a coincidence and as it gotten late. Everyone went back to their homes to get some rest.

There was only one problem. Dennis couldn't stop thinking about the knight in black armor, but after a while, he passed out. Allowing him the chance to sleep.

This chapter didn’t have that many descriptions of the surroundings, but it should be possible to familiarize themselves if mentioned the general location.

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