
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Day 14: A missing golem

As a new day began. Nix was escorting Dennis back to his house. He was exhausted from his fight last night, but when they arrived. They noticed the golem went missing.

"Hey Dennis, where's the golem at?"

Nix asked. Dennis then looked over at the golem's usual spot, but there was nothing.

"I don't know… I told them to take care of the place while I was gone yesterday…"

Dennis said as he noticed footprints on the ground leading to the gate towards the forest. He then got worried and walked over to the gate.

"Nix, can you go get the others? I'm heading ahead in search of G."

"Good luck with that."

Nix said to Dennis. They then headed separate ways. As Nix goes to warn the others, Dennis goes into the woods in search of the golem. He was running deep into the woods while using magic to detect them.

"Where you at G…"

As Dennis began his search around the forest. He felt a distinctive surge of magic from a far, heading towards the center of the forest. It was faint. Dennis felt that something was wrong and headed over there.

The trees became slightly dark while the leaf's turned over to a golden brown. Showing that the effects created from the red orb were still reverting.

Not knowing what to expect, Dennis encounters a threshold that was created by magic. He gave it one tap, and he saw it was moving like water. Later on, Dennis tried to go in, but he gets pushed back.

"Another type of barrier… This is getting on my nerves…"

Dennis then continued to get through. It went on for hours until Nix returned with Dahlia and Zack. They went to the forest in search of Dennis. Once they went in to the far deep sections of the woods. They heard a sound of something bashing into metal.

"What in tarnation is going on?!"

Zack said and hurried over to the sound while the rest followed. The sounds were getting louder until they arrived. They found out that it was Dennis hitting the threshold with a series of punches and kicks that scaled over to a ten hit combo that sent him in the air, knocking him back and falling on his ground.

"Man… This thing is hard to breach…"

Dennis then stood and started to charged head on, but he could get his right arm in. The threshold then pushed Dennis back again.

"Dennis, stop for a moment to think, will ya? Trying to force yourself in ain't going to work!"

Nix said out loud and tried to stop Dennis from further harming himself.

"Well, I tried to think before I attempted to use force!"

Dennis said. He then charged in while getting ready to cast a spell. He then created an ice lance and tried to pierce it, but his lance then was absorbed by the threshold. It shocked everyone that his spell got absorbed while Nix could get a hold of him.

"A magic absorber field… We don't find this kind of thing right out in the wild…"

Nix said. After doing a quick observation. She deducted the wave length at first sight and could interact with her magic. She created a magical hand that could go through the threshold and it opened a gap for people can go through.

"That was fast. I thought it was going to take at least five minutes to figure it out."

Dahlia said, and she went through the barrier with no problems at all. Followed by Zack, that was curious to what was inside.

"Come on, we got more stuff to do."

Dennis then went through the threshold, and Nix soon followed and closed the gap behind them. After a while of exploration, they find the place the same as before.

No changes at all except a powerful presence coming from the center of the forest. They were all drawn to it and by the time they arrive. They see a small light orb of light. Alongside it was the golem that was drawn to it.

"G! I'm glad that you're safe!"

Dennis then hurried over to the golem, giving it a warm hug. But the golem ignored his friend and grab a hold of the orb and consumed it inside.

"Oh no…"

The girls said and gave one step back to be on their guards.

"G? Are you… Okay…?"

Dennis soon asked. Being frightened by a tremendous amount of magic that was been built inside of the golem. He tried to say something to it, but he could only stutter, gasp at his words until he fell on his knees.

The ground shook. Causing a tremor in the entire forest that disturbed the wild life.

"Dennis, you need to get out of there!!"

Nix shouted, but Dennis wasn't able to move until the tremor stopped.

"Thats the second time around this time that this place gets an earthquake… As a matter of that… G!! What are you doing!?!"

"The light called… It was scarred… I only helped…"

The golem then picked Dennis up and the light that the golem took went on to Dennis. He felt strange for a moment, and the orb of light came out and hovered around Dennis. He was confused at the start, but he could sense the orb's magic.

"Um… Are you okay?"

Zack asked. She then walked over to Dennis. He was glowing bright as a star.

"I feel… funny… Its strange yet, I can understand it. It has another traveler in a long sleep. Uncertain for when it will wake up…"

Dennis said, explaining everything that the orb of light was holding. They understood what he meant, and it involved the wish that Dennis made. After wards, they all headed back to the house where Dennis lives alongside with the golem.

Once they arrived, the orb of light went inside the house with no words to say to Dennis.

"Well, thanks for helping me find G."

"Just doing what we can to help one another, you should probably think more about other before you think about yourself Dennis."

Nix said. She then left with to other back to their homes. Dennis then went inside the house to finally rest.