
GATE but warhammer (mainly krieg)

you watched/read GATE and must have gone "man there is no Warhammer 40K" same so I wrote this. enjoy the Death Korps will be a bit more lax in this story NOW BLOOD FOR THE GOD EMPEROR AND SKULLS FOR THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND

DaoistcNgNHn · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Korp VS maid

When the group of Death Korp got to Italica they found jsdf 7 soldiers who were also looking for their C.O , and so the two group teamed up.

"A.O looks clear." one of the Grenadiers said.

hearing this the diver started up the Baneblade with four of the other Grenadiers jump in the side guns while the rest hopped on the back of the tank.

"what do you think their doing?" Kuribayashi asked looking at the Korp or more likely the Baneblade they were on.

"I think it's better if we get their before them so they don't do something we can't fix." Kuwahara said as the jsdf started moving.

The jsdf quietly infiltrated the city while the Korp rolled into town with their tank, the jsdf snuck around the side and the Baneblade just went down the main road till they reached the main gate of the keep. one of the Grenadiers jumped off and placed a Det-pack on the gate all while smiling.

Hitting the detonator making the gate disappear in a fiery explosion, 5 of the 00 hopped off the Baneblade and ran into the keep with hellgun's raised while the other 5 stayed in the Baneblade ready for evac.

As the team ran into the keep one of the Grenadiers punched a maid into the ground but then Nine saw a rabbit girl. who jumped up and kicked his hellgun out of his hands. but weirdly all this did was make Nine smile.

"little girl you think you can fight me?" Nine asked while taking out his trench knife "I got her you guys go find the captain." Nine said to his fellow Grenadiers.

the team ran on ahead leaving the 2 in the room.

Nine ran at her full speed thrusting his knife forward but the bunny dodged before punching nine in the side, the 2 backed up preparing for the next strike, this time several quicker strikes were made, most strikes were dodged or blocked.

Nine with his other hand grabbed the the girl's arm and flung the rabbit over to the other side of the room. The girl landed on her feet like a cat and then headbutted Nine in his jaw. forcing Nine to back up a bit and then several strikes hit him in the chest, then he was kneed in the face. Nine's helmet got knocked off and his gas mask got all cracked up, Nine could only growl in response.

"Now this is just silly." the girl said.

Nine took off his heavy great coat and put away his knife. Nine looked at the girl and ran at her striking her in the side and kicked her in the feet the maid grabbed Nine's arm, then throwing her to the ground and pinning him down ;) .

"Excuse me but can you two please stop fighting. I'm here to tell you that mister Amim is fine and he's just being treated here," a maid said.

The Two then got up with nine pointing at the bunny and saying "she started it." before heading off to the room with Amim.