
GATE: And Thus The Nazi's Fought There (COMPLETED)

I DONT OWN GATE What if the nazi's won world war 2 and completed their goal of world domination? And what if 75 years later a gate appears in berlin Followed By attacking aliens ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this is a fanfic where the Empire attacks a much much more advanced earth and a ruthless world NO RELATIONSHIPS NOTE: THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A NAZI PROPAGANDA I am merely using the nazi's to show a different type of outcome if GATE happened in a nazi dominated world where they are ruthless NOTE: I will be using Non-German names but some of them will be german names such as the fuhrer's, i will also use some Game Of Thrones names because im lazy and cant think of anything NOTE: I am writing for myself and for myself only i am writing this for fun i will do whatever i want with the story if you dont like it then you dont like it but if you like then i hope you enjoy it with me This is my first time writing so pls dont expect much and there will be errors in grammar as english is not my first language Also dont expect me to update regularly as im a lazy person

LuffyTaro15 · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Alnus Hill

Imperial Capital

It was an embarrassment, your Majesty. We lost 60% of the empire's military might. What would you have us do?-Marquess Casel

Marquess Casel think about how the people must feel. It is true that our latest losses have cost us our military advantage. They worry that vassals of our state and others may revolt and attack the imperial capital itself. How pathetic.-Emperor Molt

Everytime our empire is in danger, the Emperor, the Senate, and the People become one to confront the danger, and bring about even more progress. No war is won without some loss. Therefore i will not hold anyone responsible for our recent losses. To think that another nation dares to surround the Imperial Capital.... I trust that none of you will waste time in court.-Emperor Molt

But what shall we do? The army we sent was defeated in just two days. And now the Gate has been captured, and the enemy is attempting to set up base on this side. Of course, we attempted to take back the Hill as well. But the enemies in the distance... I have never seen such sorcery-Senator 1

I say we fight them!-Senator 2

Even if we could do that, how are we going to defeat the enemies at Alnus? If we attack head on, wouldn't it just be a repeat of the Battle of Godasen?-Senator 3

Just muster all the soldiers in the vassal states without telling them why. We could raise 100,000 and, even if they prove weak, we can use them as a meat-shield when we charge!-Senator 2

Then on what grounds should we tell them to muster their troops? Tell them honestly that we lost over half our own army? If we do that, we would only humiliate ourselves!-Senator 3

The growing tension between the hawks and the doves electrified the Senate's atmosphere.

So what do ya say we do, huh?-Senator 3

Warmonger!-Other Senators

The argument broke down as the Emperor began to speak.

I do not wish to sit idly by. Therefore, we must fight.-Emperor Molt

Send delegates to our tributaries and neighbouring states. Ask help in defending the continent from these men from another world. We will lead the Allied Army of Godu Rino Gwaban in an attack on Alnus Hill-Emperor Molt

As the room erupted with cheers Marquess Casel walked to the emperor.

Your Majesty, it will be a bloodbath.

The Emperor just smirked.


Allied Camp

The Imperial Army's commander isn't coming?-King Duran

Our Imperial Army is facing the enemy at Alnus Hill as we speak, the commander cannot leave-Imperial Soldier

That makes no sense. I did not see many enemies on the hill-King Duran

Lord Duran, the Imperial Army is holding the enemy at bay in our place-King 1

We would like your armies to attack the enemy at sunrise tomorrow-Imperial Soldier

Understood. My army will take the frontline-King 2

No, Mine will-King 3

Wait! we will take the frontline this time!-King 1

Lord Duran why do you not wish to be at the front?-King 1

I do not like the look of this battle-King Duran

Apparently even Duran, Lion of the Erbe Clan, is no match against the passing of time. HAHAHA! HAHAHA!-King 1

The other Kings saw this war as a chance for glory. Little do they know they won't even have a taste of glory.


POV Jon Snow

As he and his squad are doing routine patrol they heard the radio.

(AN: I dont really know how military guys speak so ill just try my best)

Fury this is Wolf's Lair, We have spotted a large enemy force coming here, we ask you to return to base, i repeat return to base Over-Radio

Wolf's lair this is Fury we copy, returning to base, ETA 30 Minutes-Jon Snow

Alright Boys you heard him, return base-Jon Snow

Yes Sir!-Moritz

As they are returning to base we see their entire squad

Leader: Jon Snow (male)

Co-Leader: Robb Stark (male)

Strategist: Oskar (male)

Intelligence: Luka (male)

Tank Commander: Max (male)

Medic 1: Lena (female)

Medic 2: Sofia (female)


Officer, Amelia (female)

Gunner 1, Controls Rockets, AA: Liam (male)

Gunner 2, Machine Gun: Jamie (male)

Gunner 3, Machine Gun: Nicklaus (male)

Driver 1, Humvee 1: Moritz (male)

Driver 2, Humvee 2: Ned (male)

Driver 3, Tank: Samwell (male)


Alnus Hill

Heil Hitler!-Random Soldier

Heil Hitler, what is it?-Jon Snow

Sir, the enemies have been spotted, most of them are in horses and marching towards us in a slow pace-Random Soldier

Good, Notify Hans to load the artilleries. When the enemy is in range report to me-Jon Snow

Sir the enemies are in range, we are waiting for orders-Random Soldier

Good, Fire 4 Rounds-Jon Snow





A Few Minutes Later

Results-Jon Snow

Sir, it's a direct hit the most of them are dead and the rest are fleeing-Random Soldier

Expect a second wave, and if there is, fire artillery shells. If they get near notify me-Jon Snow


Allied Camp

Lord Duran! the other Kings are dead, most of our forces are dead we only have roughly 100,000 men and most of them are exhausted! Where are even the imperial army? perhaps we should retreat!-King 4

No, I will not retreat. Not before i have repaid them back with an arrow-King Duran

But Lord Duran! we have hardly enough might!-King 4

Perhaps a night raid?-King Duran


Move Lightly, Lower your heads, Be Quiet-Random Officer

They were shocked as suddenly a flare shot up in the sky.

What the?, such brightness!-King Duran

King Duran realized that they have been caught and decided to attack.

Charge!! The enemies have seen us attack!!-King Duran

As they were charging up Alnus Hill King Duran's encountered a barbed wire.

Lord Duran! We are coming, Shields in front!-Random Officer

Run! Run everyone!-King Duran

But it was too late as they were hit by incoming fire from Alnus Hill. As Guns, Tanks and Mortars were coming from each direction, They're shields proved to be ineffective. Soon the Hill was covered by dead bodies.

As they were being massacred mercilessly by the German's one lone King stand up, picked up a bow and fired at them.

How? How could have this happened?-King Duran

Every attack on Alnus Hill Was repelled, destroyed, or massacred. Among the 300,000 Warriors from the Alliance, 200,000 was dead. The others Prisoner of War or Fled the Battlefield.

It was not just good news for Germany but also to Emperor Molt.

Your Majesty the army we sent to Alnus Hill

have been defeated. The forces left leaderless have begun to return home-Informer

All according to plan. Our neighbors can no longer threaten the Empire-Emperor Molt