
?⭐️G⭐️RLA episode #2

Finally GARLA turned into a wishing star ⭐️ GARLA fright about what happened to her. She didn't expect that her wish will come true GARLA was so happy the high wishing star talk to GARLA and he said don't waste your power because if all wishes will more than 100 you will die.🌟And the high wishing star disappear GARLA wish to be back into human again and she turned into human again and her wish again that she can go home without harmed and her 3rd wish is turn back time. the 6:30pm is back into 4:50pm GARLA was so happy and she came home early. at night she prayed that thank you for granted my wish dear lord Amen. And she sleeps when she was sleeping she dreamed about high wishing star the high wishing star says that be careful because there an evil wishing star at the morning she meet the high wishing star GARLA is questioned him about her dream and high wishing star says that her dream is true. That be careful for evil wishing star ✨GARLA is starting to be careful about evil wishing star ⭐️ At the school she saw a red star GARLA followed the red star the red star turned into one of her classmate GARLA was si fright about she saw she think it might the red star is the evil wishing star GARLA'S 4th wish is to be a star ⭐️ and she turn into a wishing star ⭐️ and her 5th wish is cancel the school and she go to Wishing star World 🌎 she's finding the high wishing star ⭐️ but the high wishing star is not there.