
Garden of White Poppies and Black Tulips

Back in the times were magic ruled the world, where witches stood at the top of the chain, ensuring order and respect of the rules in a continent of vampires and humans after a war meant to establish their dominion came a rather peaceful atmosphere. With their visions and skills, witches were invincible. Or so that was what was thought until one day, the witch queendom, Luxia, was destroyed. Several witch children then found themselves homeless and sold into slavery, without anyone knowing about it. Without any witch foreseeing it, leaving the few humans in total despair and vampires finally holding the power they had craved for. The worst about all this was that the only witch royalty that remained was an amnesiac coward, a girl scared of the truth yet with ambitious dreams of breaking away from slavery. With a pseudo-pride and a stubborn interior. Once a princess admire by all who had lost her magic or at least was what she thought went ahead with an idiotic plan of running away. Of course, fate wasn't having any of it, and she made an encounter that could be called reality. A handsome and heartless cold reality.

Someweirdbunny · ファンタジー
19 Chs


Nine years earlier,

"Adaliah! Adaliah! Where did that girl go to again?" A tall slim beautiful red hair called as she gnashed her teeth enraged, still searching for the subject of her wrath.

"Coralia? What is going on? Weren't you supposed to have a class with Adaliah?" A melodious soft voice echoed in the room and she turned to see a white haired woman, clad in a deep red gown, strapless, highlighting every since curve, before flaring past her knees. She had an ethereal beauty and sharp blue eyes.

Coralia gulped, wiping the thin film of sweat that had started coating her forehead. She couldn't be in deeper trouble. That girl was going to pay for her little tricks one day for sure!

She cleared her throat and bowed. "Greetings to Queen Aithne" She continued bowing, waiting for the queen's order.

"Rise Coralia, where is Adaliah?" She asked sternly, not beating around the bush and Coralia cleared her throat for the second time that day.

"The princess..." Coralia asked before being brutally cut off.

"Let me guess, she escaped your watch… again. You can't even keep an eye over a barely ten years old little girl." The queen chided and Coralia bit her tongue not to retort.

'The ten years old child is a cunning genius, who only behaves when you are around!'

"Queen mother! Sorry I am late!" A black haired young girl with beautiful golden eyes and features almost identical to those of the beautiful queen walked gracefully in the room before bowing to her mother and nodding in greeting to the guard behind her, who nodded at her as well totally ignoring Coralia who was seething with anger.

'This little devil!'

Initially, they were supposed to have her language class in the princess's chambers, where the queen had dedicated a whole section to that. But as soon as she reached there, the little girl had left a magical message saying she was in the gardens. At first she was just mildly annoyed, but then, the devil sprout had been tossing her around the whole castle, leaving similar messages at every single place and she even cancelled out her localizing spell.

"What is your excuse this time?" The queen asked sternly. The little brunette smiled apologetically, bowing again.

"I was engrossed in my spell book again and I didn't see time fly by. On the bright side, I learned two spells..." She said knowing perfectly well reminding how intelligent she was to her mother would instantly mellow her down.

But not this time it seemed. The queen didn't lose her stern scowl. Coralia snickered internally.

"And I was still working on a new ability for three days" She added and that picked the interest of the queen who immediately asked her what it was.

Coralia was curious as well. What was the ability that took genius Adaliah more than a day to achieve?

Spells were different from abilities as spells were just a statement that require the most basic level of understanding and a little bit of magical energy. Abilities were a whole new level. The chances of getting an ability were very thin even for the queen. It needed a lot of resources to buy the scroll and books, magical energy, time and a high IQ to understand it.

Not that the queen was not intelligent or lacked magical energy. In fact it was quite the contrary. The princess and her were surely the most intelligent people in the whole of Luxia, not to mention they had an unlimited supply of magic. What the Queen didn't have was time. Which was exactly what the princess had and in large quantity, which she used painfully well.

"It is negate abilities" She said shocking the whole room. Negate magic was not a forbidden ability but one that needed a lot of practice and understanding. No wonder she had been on it for three days, even the queen had to sacrifice a week to learn it.

"Oh Adaliah..." The queen crouched to her level kissing her forehead. "Leave us" She ordered and both the guard and Coralia left the room, glancing at the princess before leaving with confused frowns.


"I know why you are doing all this and I want you to tone down a little bit, you don't need to overwork yourself." The queen said, smoothening her already straight black hair. "I know you are all doing this because you don't want my story to repeat." The queen said and Adaliah bit her lip, a habit she had whenever she knew she had been read.

Years earlier, on her eighteenth birthday, was when Aithne ascended to the throne. At the beginning of her reign, having not been thought the proper ways to rule and with no advisor who didn't want to steal her place, she made a lot of poor decisions, which almost led the country to it's ruin. She had been called the foolish queen from that day. The pressure for the people who were supposed to follow her was so much that she fled from the village. Her sister, Lane, who had wanted to throne so badly, sat on it as soon as Aithne left. Three years had gone by and the foolish queen was now reported to be death, by her Lane's men whom she had sent to kill Aithne and as she was giving a celebration, Aithne entered the room, with the ultimate proof of having reached the full potential of a witch queen.

Her silvery white hair.

Lane, mad with anger, attacked her sister with intention to kill her, was slaughtered mercilessly, in front of her guest at a celebration made for another one's death. At that time, princess Lane, despite being powerful, was killed in three moves. The wisest in the room knew this figure was one not to trifle with.

When the dumbest witches had tried to switch to the offensive, she told them immediately that she was still the queen chosen by their goddess, and any killing attempt was considered treason, which was punishable by death. Some where not happy with her reappearance but had no choice than to swallow their protests. After all, the strongest of the all, was killed in a few moves with the queen even breaking a sweat. She sat back on her throne and started rulling it with a determination no one had seen before.

Her name had then changed to evil queen, because of the ruthless way she ended the lives of traitors and killed a few of her kins. When she gave birth to Adaliah, without any father next to her, she was called the bitch queen and the princess a bastard, daughter of sin. Of course any person insulting her daughter would be skinned alive, and hanged. And when she had killed mercilessly a group of vampire spies, sending back they body parts in boxes, taunting the vampires to retort, she was then called the fearless queen. From that moment, she had gained the respect of her people and their trust concerning their security, though some as usual, were still a little skeptical.

"Mother, I want to gain experience as soon as possible and in all departments. I know that as soon as I will be crowned, vampires will attempt to take me down and they might succeed if I am weak or if our people do not trust me fully. It really has nothing to do with you, I promise" Adaliah said and her mother sighed, knowing perfectly well her daughter was lying but didn't lift it up. Instead her features turned stern again as she glared at her daughter.

"Also, I have received news of your recent mischiefs. Will you kindly explain what you have against Coralia?" She asked and she saw her daughter nibbling on her lip. Something she did when she knew she was guilty and caught red handed or had been read like an open book.

"I just don't like her" Adaliah couldn't possibly say that cousin of hers used to bully her when they were little and she was just giving her a taste of her own medicine. She was sure she could handle Coralia just fine.

"You don't dislike people for naught Adaliah..." The queen started when she was interrupted by the door creaking open.

"I apologize for disturbing you my queen, but the lords are gathering in the court room and have been waiting for you for a long moment now. They are growing impatient." The counselor said through the door and Queen Aithne sighed, kissing her daughter's cheek.

"This is conversation is not over princess" She stood up and left.

At that time, seeing the demeanor and confidence her mother exuded, made her wonder if she could be a queen as great as her someday.

She smiled as a new determination brewed in her chest and the next couple of minutes, Adaliah had successfully snuck out of the palace without anyone noticing it.