
chap 7 Where is Moon ?

Luck - Hii Moon. do you love me?

Moon - Ummm

Luck - I think someone wants electric shock.

Moon - Yes, yes I love you.

Luck - Do you want to go shopping mall with me ?

Moon - No

Luck - "Press button "

Moon - Aaaaaaaaah

Luck - so

Moon -Okkkk

Luck - Don't cry cuteykittybaby

Moon - ok

Luck - I'm sorry , I promise I will never give you electric shock . I love you, " putting off necklace" Now I will never give you electric shock.

Moon -" sniff "

Luck - Don't cry, let's go to the mall.

Moon - oh ok

In the shopping mall

Moon -Luck I need to use washroom.

Luck - Ok, I'm waiting for you here.

Moon - ok

Moon doesn't use the washroom actually he run away from the mall and go to the police station. To be continue ♥
