
The Combat World

The Chairman's office was the central sphere of an orbiting twenty-three thousand seat stadium. The donut shaped megastructure overlooked a very special and unique planet purposely built to be fully customizable. Weather, climate, earthquakes, and any other traits of a real planet you could imagine, all controlled from a main command centre high above. The planet was known as the Combat World, and it held a millennia old battle tournament, Factionation. The illegal tournament was un-sanctioned by the Blue Sovereign, but a huge success in the underworld throughout the known universe.

The collapse of the government in 2076 paved the way for a league of billionaires to govern and unify the people of Earth, and over the centuries, the Blue Sovereign not only corrected the world and set the economy back on track, they also setup alliances with new civilizations. Twelve worlds now make up the Sovereign Alliance all living under the safety, wealth and power of the Blue Sovereign. The evolution of space development also saw entire races of Earth gravitate toward their own worlds, Chinatown planet is an increasingly popular living destination because of its popular nightclubs and exquisite food cultures. It's exactly how it sounds, like Tokyo, Beijing and New York had a kid, and that kid was on steroids. The Sovereign Alliance meant everyone could live harmoniously on any of the twelve Sovereign worlds.

As to be expected, a rebellion formed, starting with billionaires who weren't asked to be foundational members of the Blue Sovereign and thus, the Red Sovereign grew from a more criminal agenda. Their notoriety was built on gambling, prostitution, arms dealing, unlicensed off-world mining operations, black market tech-plants and other cyber enhancements, and of course the most successful underground tournament in the known universe. Chinatown planet soon became a thriving hotspot for most of these things.

The Red Sovereign high commissioner and his committee of four sat projected around Chairman Janek's large wooden boardroom style table, their old worn faces staring at him with concern. The eighty two year old high commissioner began in a stern powerful voice. "It is a growing concern that the public's needs and demands are becoming more difficult to please."

Another old Red continued. "Factionation has been around for close to a millennia and has become such a big financial asset to the Red Sovereign. It's failure would be disastrous."

The leaders of the Red's were much older than the fifty-five year old chairman, most being in their seventies. At eighty two, the high commissioner was the eldest but still sharp as a whip. "Red Anders tells us you have a new strategy to peak the audience's interest."

Chairman Janek stood up and stood behind his black leather chair. "I have an initiative underway unlike anything the audience ever seen. I'm collecting the greatest warrior's from around the known universe, together they will form the ultimate faction."

The high commissioner nodded with intrigue. "Ah, the Gamma Faction? I thought that's what you had in mind for them."

The chairman was confused. "With all respect sir, how could you possibly know that?"

"The pirates, the space Viking, the tech genius, never has a faction been so diverse." The high commissioner was impressed.

Chairman Janek was eager to continue. "That's not the end either. I'm awaiting word any moment now for confirmation of capture for one last special addition. The great Vantoran warrior Cyklo."

The high committee shared glances. One of them spoke. "That would make a great addition, let's hope his wolf is with him. Vantoran warriors and their giant beasts are inseparable."

Janek smiled. "His companion was seen with him at the Bogar outpost. His wolf will be put with a rival faction."

Another Red stepped in. "That will be interesting. They will have to reunite in a show of epic battle when the factions cross paths."

The high commissioner stared at Janek intently, a hint of doubt on his face. "If, this proves to be successful it will very much fast track your way to a seat at this table."

Janek tried to hide his smile, he didn't like to show emotions to the high committee, he tilted his head with gratitude. "It would be an honour to one day earn a place at your table."

The high commissioner pursed his lips. "We will let you get back to it."

The Red's weren't big on hellos or good-byes, the projected committee began to disappear. Chairman Janek sighed and walked over to the huge floor to ceiling panoramic enforced glass window that overlooked the Combat World below.

Red Morrison walked into the chairman's office still with his hands behind his back fresh from his latest capture. A walk he used to separate himself from the lesser workers around the command sphere. He was after all second in charge of this operation. His black immaculate business suit made his appearance all the more impressive. He cleared his throat. "Sir, we have the Vantoran." The rhythm of his voice was almost robotic, though he was in fact human.

Chairman John Janek was standing at the back of the room in front of the enormous panoramic window. It was his beautiful view of the Combat World below which inspired him to stare out and compose his thoughts. He also had on a sharp looking black business suit, he was clean shaven with slicked back hair, a trait of the old Solar Navy which the Red's adopted. "You know I often wonder what it would have been like if we hadn't started all this." He continued to gaze. "Well not us but the Red's. The Combat World is such an extraordinary piece of technology, made by brilliant people who we have never met because it was built so long ago. We don't question how it was built, we just bask in its almighty presence. But, I can't imagine doing anything else." He spun around to his second in command.

Red Morrison bowed his head in agreement. "Inspiring sir."

"The Vantoran?" Chairman Janek was eager to get his new champion in the spotlight. He had recently heard rumblings about an exceptional warrior from a distant ice world whose combat skills are virtually unmatched.

"Yes. Incredibly, your hunch was right. We searched his ship at the outpost Bogar, there was no one else on board. Only the great white beast." Red Morrison knew his place in this organization and he lived and breathed his executive position. Not many people could handle being number two in this kind of massive operation. It required a disciplined unequivocal monk-like mind to hold and sort all the information that it received on a daily basis. Red Morrison had to think like a quantum grandmaster, ten, twenty, even thirty moves ahead with precise planning for an endless tournament that was viewed round the known universe by billions of its inhabitants.

"Any trouble taking him?" Janek asked.

"No sir. He was quite inviting with his capture. In fact, he barely fought the neuro frequency emitter, he was out within seconds. His companion as well. It was almost as if they wanted to be in the Factionation." One of Red Morrison's trusted jobs was organizing the locating and capturing of the best fighters from all corners of the known universe. His latest captive was to be the greatest edition to the nine hundred and twenty year old tournament.

However chaotic and unimaginably difficult his job was it was nothing compared to chairman Janek's job. On top of overseeing the whole enterprise, he had to make sure Factionation was still as entertaining and exciting as ever before, which meant the money kept flowing. Of course, even Janek had to answer to a higher power in the Red Sovereign. Since the Millennium Cartel completely dominates the drug market from their wonder drug Ky2, the Reds didn't even bother tapping that market, the cartel is too huge with a reach that expands the whole known universe. The Red's biggest money pot was Factionation. A beast like this brings in huge amounts of money, everybody loves sports, throw in gambling and all sorts of wheelers and dealers get in on the action.

Janek's grand plan is to create the ultimate faction, an elite team that would be unstoppable, then throw the most deadly creatures and forces at them for the audience's enjoyment. His Gamma Faction was now complete thanks to the Vantoran warrior.

The Chairman's viewing area was equipped with glass-tech, an embedded circuitry which made the whole outlook a giant touchscreen computer. Janek could access all Factionation data and statistics along with access to the camera drones network to keep an eye on his factions. The technology was designed not to obstruct the view.

"Let's get a look at him." Janek made a simple hand gesture and his circuitry tattoos spoke to the screen. A live feed of the Vantoran warrior appeared on the panoramic view screen, knocked out and laying on the deck of a sixteenth century pirate ship.

Janek turned to Red Morrison. "Wow. He's great." The warrior was going to be a hit with the audience. His massive Herculean body is impressive. Janek thought.

"Yes. His Herculean body is quite impressive." Red Morrison was planning who he could pit against the giant.

Janek rolled his eyes. "Great. Now I'm thinking how you talk." Gesticulating again to zoom in closer on the Vantoran's pants. "Did you have to leave him in sweatpants?"

Red Morrison readjusted his hands from behind his back to his front in a holding position. "We didn't have a pair suited to his physique."

Janek frowned. "Well print some out. I don't want anything inhibiting his performance."

Red Morrison motioned towards the large view screen."We are about to find out." A map of the Ocean Arena whisked out to the centre of the viewer. A red dot started blinking in front of the pirate ship which held the Vantoran giant, another vessel was approaching from the West a few kilometres out.

The Combat World was section into three different zones, the Ice Arena, the Land Arena and the popular Ocean Arena home to the Gamma Faction. Each making up a third of the planet, thousands of kilometers in square meterage purposely designed for ten factions to live and compete in each of the zones. Just for fun the planet can be instantly terra formed to direct the factions into other arenas.

Millions of cameras operate throughout the Combat World on both land and sky, running twenty four hours seven days a week to make sure customers and stadium spectators never miss a piece of the action. Apart from a stadium ticket, the other way to be in on Factionation is through an application that can be installed onto any device that allows video viewing. However, the only way to get access to the application is through a highly encrypted members only website. On top of all that, you also need to know someone that knows the website address because it's constantly changing to avoid detection by the Blue Sovereign.

"Tell Dr Mars to make the announcement." Janek couldn't stand Dr Mars. The high maintenance host of Factionation wasn't worth the chairman's time.

"Yes sir." Red Morrison tapped his ear. "Dr Mars, please make our Gamma Faction announcement." He raised his hand and a live feed of Dr Mars appeared on the panoramic viewer.

Dr Mars wore a purple suit jacket with a black undershirt. He had slicked back hair and a moustache that suited his glorious smile that stretched nearly ear to ear. "Ladies and gentlemen!" he spoke with a loud booming voice. "Weather you are watching at home or in a decrepit bar on Chinatown planet stop what you are doing!" He paused for a dramatic effect. "Tonight we have a very special announcement for your pleasure!" He paused again. "We have assembled the greatest faction this tournament has ever seen! A group of the most elite and powerful warriors from around the know universe. The legendary sixteenth century pirates led by the pirate king captain Black Water, and the deadly space Viking just to name but a few, and now a new addition. From the harshest most deadly ice world in the Sovereign Alliance, the great Vantoran giant! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Ice King!"

The Chairman smirked. "He really does have a flare for the dramatic."
