
Forget What You Know


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The chief then casually dismissed them, "Off you go. Get some rest, it's still early in the morning." Horyu glanced upwards, a bit startled. Morning? The forest's dense canopy and the twilight realm's peculiar ambiance had completely disoriented his sense of time. The Chief Owl's laughter echoed through the area, a deep, resonant sound that seemed to vibrate with the very air. "You'll get used to the shades of darkness here," he said, amusement clear in his tone.

Settling down near the base of the Realm Tree, Horyu found a spot to rest. The ground was cool and somewhat comforting, despite the hard surface. Yoru settled nearby, watching him with those insightful eyes. "Not your usual morning, huh?" Yoru quipped.

"Definitely beats the usual routine," Horyu replied, leaning back against the tree. He'd never admit it out loud, but the mystical vibe of the Twilight Realm was growing on him, a stark contrast to the world he knew.

As the morning progressed, Horyu took the chief's advice to heart and spent his time exploring the vicinity of the Realm Tree. The forest was alive with sounds he couldn't place, and the air held a freshness that seemed unique to this otherworldly place. Yoru occasionally pointed out various flora and fauna, each with its peculiarities, and Horyu listened, finding the information more fascinating than he expected.

As Horyu settled into the strange tranquility of the Twilight Realm, he turned his attention to Yoru, "So, about those rules the Chief mentioned," Horyu started, his voice cutting through the eerie silence of the morning.

Yoru, who had been preoccupied with grooming its feathers, paused and looked at Horyu with a seriousness that signaled the importance of the topic. "Right, the rules," Yoru began, shifting to a more comfortable position on a branch.

As Horyu nestled against the giant root of the Realm Tree, Yoru perched solemnly on a branch above. The atmosphere was thick with the early morning mist that seemed unique to the Twilight Realm. Yoru's gaze intensified, signaling the shift in conversation to matters of greater importance.

"Listen up," Yoru began, its tone carrying a gravity that commanded attention. "This realm, it's a tapestry of various tribes, each with its own customs and territories. The Owl Tribe, my tribe, we oversee the forest realms, acting as guardians of sorts. But, just outside this forest, you'll find the Lunar Hare Tribe and the Snow Fox Tribe, both formidable in their own right."

Horyu, absorbing every word, nodded. His pragmatic nature told him understanding these dynamics was crucial to navigating the realm without unnecessary conflict.

Yoru continued, "Aside from those, there are smaller tribes scattered throughout, some hidden within these woods, others dwelling in the realm's more secluded corners. Now, the rule you absolutely must remember: hunting for food is fine, but the tribes are off-limits. Every being in a tribe is sentient, aware. Hunting one of them? That's a declaration of war."

Horyu raised an eyebrow, the rule straightforward yet profound in its implications. "Understood. Don't start a war by having the wrong dinner," he quipped, unable to resist.

Yoru couldn't help but let out a small hoot of amusement. "Exactly. As for other interactions, it's simple. Keep to yourself, avoid unnecessary trouble. You're not required to show deference to anyone, but stirring up conflict without cause is unwise."

After an hour of exploring the realm with Yoru, Horyu found himself in a vast clearing that seemed tailor-made for training. A river flowed nearby, its waters clear but for the peculiar fish swimming within, all lacking eyes, adapted to the realm's unique conditions. Horyu noted this with a mix of fascination and wariness. The area was serene, the kind of place where one could lose track of time, immersed in training or thought.

Among the trees surrounding the clearing, Horyu spotted a distinct figure: an owl with silver-white feathers that seemed to blend with the environment, giving it an almost ethereal appearance. Yoru, with a respect that hinted at the owl's significance, introduced her. "Elder Shizuka, this is the contractor, Uchiha Horyu. He's here to learn Feather-Wing Kata."

Once again, Horyu was taken aback, not expecting the owl's first comment. "How handsome," the owl remarked, her tone lighthearted. "For a human, that is. Ever wonder what you'd look like as an owl?"

Horyu couldn't help but tilt his head, amused by the question. "Can't say I have. Probably wouldn't be half as striking as you are," he replied, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.

The silver owl let out a laugh, her amusement filling the clearing. "I like you," she said, her eyes twinkling. Horyu chuckled internally, 'That was easy,' he thought, feeling a bit of pride at the swift rapport.

But his satisfaction was short-lived. "Easy, really?" The sudden echo of his thoughts caught him off guard. He looked sharply at the owl. "Did you just read my mind?"

She laughed again, the sound richer this time. "My expertise lies in reading my opponents and eliminating them swiftly. I am The Whisper of the Wind. And yes, the Wind whispers back," she explained, a mysterious smile playing on her beak.

Horyu realized then that Elder Shizuka hadn't actually read his mind but had instead interpreted his facial expressions and body language. It wasn't a novel concept; even humans could read each other in such ways, but her accuracy was disconcerting. He nodded in understanding, a new respect forming for the elder owl's skills.

Shizuka, the Elder Owl, floated down with a grace that seemed to defy the very nature of gravity itself. Her landing was as silent as the night surrounding them, a testament to the mastery she held over the art she was about to impart. "The Feather-Wing Kata," she began, her voice low and compelling, "is more than mere movement; it is the embodiment of the owl's essence. You will learn to move without sound, strike with deadly precision, and evade as if part of the wind itself."

Horyu stood attentively, his eyes focused on Shizuka. He had faced many challenges, but this was a different realm altogether—both figuratively and literally. "Silent movement," he repeated under his breath, the concept appealing to his tactical mind.

"Exactly," Shizuka confirmed, her eyes glinting with approval. "Your first lesson: the art of moving without noise." With that, she demonstrated, moving across the clearing in a manner that seemed like gliding. Her feet barely touched the ground, and there was not a single sound to be heard, even as leaves and twigs lay in her path.

Horyu watched, absorbing every detail. 'Moving without sound... It's like being a shadow,' he thought, already seeing the tactical advantages such skill could offer. He attempted to mimic her movements, but his first few attempts were less than successful, the forest floor betraying his every step.

Shizuka observed him with a patience that seemed infinite. "Again," she encouraged. "Focus on distributing your weight evenly and move as if you are part of the air itself."

Hours passed, with Horyu practicing tirelessly. The initial frustration of repeated failures irked him despite his movements becoming quieter, more fluid. 'This is like learning to walk all over again,' Horyu mused, a wry smile on his lips.

Shizuka shook her head with a mixture of frustration and amusement as she watched Horyu's latest attempt to master the silent movement of the Feather-Wing Kata. "You have to forget how you walked before. No matter how silent you thought you were, to us, you were as loud as lightning in a quiet night," she explained, her voice firm yet encouraging.

Horyu snorted, his thoughts momentarily drifting to Kakashi's famed Chidori, the antithesis of silent combat with its ear-piercing sound, reminiscent of a thousand birds chirping simultaneously. The irony wasn't lost on him; here he was, attempting to embody the silence of an owl, while one of Konoha's most celebrated jutsus was as loud as thunder. Shaking his head, he refocused on the task at hand, pondering Shizuka's advice. "Forget how you walked before," she had said. It sounded simple enough, but in practice, it was proving to be anything but.


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