
Gamer Moment

xmike_curryx · ゲーム
1 Chs

chapter 1

the very beginning, everyone been removed from their homes, from their work, from wherever they were in the last previous 5 minutes. anyways that isnt important to a certain degree.. you catch our main character Justin cautiously spin trying to work out his location which is pretty difficult especially when it's a dull wasteland of nothingness.

no one knows what world this is nor how they even got here all they know is that they are here now, stranded with no help this external world or universe came out of no where with no scans of existence, but hay we are here now let's try and enjoy ourselves!

the dull silence was shortly interrupted by a squeaking voice, let's call her 'Evie' hopefully we will learn her real name soon. she was a semi smart kid, recognised her from a school event wasnt anything special the only down side to her is, well SHE DOESNT SHUT UP, all you can hear is her chatting away not even to you mostly to herself. hm she does seem to be enjoying herself which I suppose is good? the beaming sun making it difficult to pay attention even though she is 5 feet away from me.

the attention she gave me was little to none I guess I haven't been giving her much either so we are pretty much even. as it seems she has already learned what is going on maybe she has been here longer than me? not too sure well she has a bag with some basic food items "beans, apples, breakfast bars" just some light snacks guessing she picked them up before treading out to the wasteland, maybe their is civilisation somewhere just not anywhere near where we are right now; however, the good news is we have Evie who might be able to show us some civilisation so we dont suffocate on this polluted air.

First ever novel so this probably really bad, would love to hear your thourghts. I'll try put more effort into the rest!!

xmike_curryxcreators' thoughts