
Chapter 2.

It's been seven years since I been in asoiaf, everyone knew I was abnormal child. Never cried only when I was hungry, took my first steps at one namesday, caught reading by maester luwin at three namesday. At five namesday I ran into wintertown for the whole day memorized the layout of the town, even though 1/4 of the town full of people it's nice to walk into the unused buildings. When I returned my father *cough cough* uncle got mad at it and made me clean the stables for a week turn. I cursed his name out of spite or just out of my childish temper.

A couple moons after that incident I stole a wooden sword from the armoury and trained myself, which didn't last long since my twin brother Jon found me and demanded to train him or he'll tell dad. Robb followed to so we secretly trained, father thought we went to the godswood and prayed, which we also did from time to time. Lady stark didn't take to kindly that her true born son was with both bastards playing like brothers. Which didn't stop us than sansa came always giggles and smiles.

Sansa is still innocent not corrupted from the faith of the seven ways yet or the septa. When we 'stole' sansa was to let her see the giant weirwood in the godswood. Ned would join in sometimes while lady stark stayed in the keep.

While I was leaning against the weir wood feeling the magic that's pulsing off it. Jon and Robb are running around while Ned is holding sansa on her lap showing/telling her the old stories of the Starks, and the gods. Arya looks like me and jon, but Arya is still a babe and stuck with lady stark in the keep. I been trying to train robb on my own, especially with two handed weapons but he uses one wooden sword that I stole from the armoury.

Even though we are still young I am better than my brothers Jon is right behind me and than Robb. During our training with ser rodrik I prefer an axe and sword when I fight while Jon and Robb choses a sword, even thought there wooden ones.

After some time I notice something amiss, I slowly open my eyes and look around. Everything back and white, Jon running from Robb both are still solid, I turn to father. Ned is cross legged while sansa sits on his lap looking at the weirwood with fascination and wonder.

The leafs still, blowing in a nonexistent wind. And sky grey and dark, trees around us are black. Than a movement caught my ear and turn towards the silhouette that's hovering above ground. Above the black pound.

"We meet again young one." ???

Cregan: "what!!… wait *points at him* your the god that killed me."

"Yes yes sorry bout that. Now that your here what do you think."

Cregan looks around see Jon, rob and his family frozen still, in black and white. Than back at the godly figure in front of him. "Scary. Wait why can't I use chakra? I been meditating and trying the leaf exercise."

"You think that will happen, no child, it will be unlock when your father goes to war."

Cragen: "that will be when I'm nine though."


Cragen crumbled at that than something came into mind. "Why are you here?"

"Ah almost forgot. This world is a mix of the books and the show. We also decided to block out some memories about the show and books. Some things can not change. Understand."

Cragen "but I only read some of the books. And yes I understand but why.

"Hmm that's to bad my child. We can't change things that need to be done."

"Oh come on."

"Sorry child, the gods are watching use our gifts wisely."

After that the world gain back their colour. Skies blue, trees got back there green. Jon and rob laughing and father at the heart tree with sansa. I look up in the trees and see the leafs move gentle against the wind like a lovers kiss. I slowly got out of my trans like state and got up and headed back towards the keep to plan more.

~time skip 2 years~

It's been two years since the god that killed me visited me. He's a lair I unlock my chakra a year before the Greyjoy rebellion. Now I am deciding to leave winterfell and head towards the west and unlock my town.

These past two years where ok me and my brothers like to prank the servants and sometimes the guards. I unlock chakra a year before the rebellion which was nice, only this is I suck at it no knowledge on how to mould or use it. Everything was trail and error.

I can tree walk and water walk for half and hours before my chakra drains and leaves me exhausted. In the gods wood is good to train in, five acres of land around the weirwood tree. Another thing is that winterfell is not like the T.V show at all, probably a 1/10 of the size of it.

I plan on leaving when my father leaves to war, I'll wait a fortnight. If I leave a day after he leaves he can turn around and look for me which I don't want.

Me, Robb and Jon are in the courtyard sparing. Jon is sparing with Robb while I am fighting two guards with a blunt sword and and blunt axe in my left hand.

Jon and Robb stop sparing and watch there brother about to fight. Jon makes a bet that I will win while Robb disagrees and bets on the two guards. The bet one has to clean the stables for a moons turn.

Both guards know me and see how I fight, witchout mercy. Elbows, knees, legs basically I fight dirty, ain't shame of it. Both guards circled me while I'm in the middle off both of them waiting for them to make the first move. The one behind me moves first and raised his blunt sword high above, while the one in front reacts a bit slower and the second.

I bring up my sword in my left hand to block them attack and simultaneously throw my axe in my right hand into the person Infont of me. Even if it's only bring me a couple seconds.

I focus on the one that attack me first with a wirl wind of attacks with the sword. The guard brought his sword in and did a thrust motion to hit my chest, but I side step him and push into his personal space. Used my knee to hit him and the right side of his leg hard making him flinch. Than I drove my fist into his face dropping him like a sack of patatos.

I look behind me and see the front guard and his sword moving towards me in a horizontal swing. I leaned back as far as I can but fell on my back on the cold hard ground. I quickly roll to my left trying no to get hit by my opponent which is very difficult. I stop rolling and brought my sword to block the sword swing that was directed at my face.

Without him looking I brought my leg up and swip his leg and he fell on his side away from me. I quickly crawled up on him with the mud and straw I pick up from the ground. I rested my blunt sword on his neck and he drop his sword and brought up his hands in surrender.

People around us cheered. I got up slightly out of breath and held out my hand for the guard to grab it and he did. Both of us made it back towards the group. I can see Jon with a happy expression on his face while Robb had a face of defeat. Some of the other guards were passing coin to the victors.

Jon handed me a waterskin and I took big gulps focusing on the water going down my throat. Till I notice the guards are moving around more and rodrik, Jory cassel moving with a purpos. I look at my brothers making a face of 'what's going on' both shurgs there shoulders and I roll my eyes at that.

I quickly take of my leather armour and move towards the main keep and see what's happening. By the time I make it to the main hall I can see father looking grim and maester luwin there with a complicated expression on his face.

Cragen: "father! What's going on? Why is there more guards than usual."

Ned look up from the table and gives a small smile. He looks at luwin and he shurgs. Ned sighs lightly before he speaks. "Son the greyjoys rebelled against the crown and king Robert had called the banners for war."


Dun dun duunnnn finish. Imma post what winterfell looks like in the comments if you want to check it out. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

In the next couple chapters there's going to be mention of ràpe and other bad stuff so be warned.