
Game of Thrones: The Immortal

A seasoned mercenary meets an unexpected end on a mission, only to awaken in a new body, in a world not his own. Transmigrated into the body of a noble, he finds himself reborn amidst the power struggles and political intrigue of Westeros. *Cover image not mine.

Northeast · テレビ
7 Chs


Through a dark corridor sounds of gunshots could be heard. Joshua stumbled into a room, he was shot several times and felt that his life was slipping across his fingers. As a trained mercenary, he did not fear death, but nonetheless tried to avoid it at all costs, but it seemed that this time he could not have his way.

Frustration was all he felt, his whole life spent honing his skills, just to die a pathetic way, failing a mission. Just as his vision was fading, he felt the air around him violently shift, all the pain was gone and he could feel a presence behind him.

"Do not be afraid" said a sphere of light with a soothing tone. As he turned around to see what was going on, the sphere pulsated with light and sounded once more "Heh, I always wanted to say that, I know that you are a straightforward man, I was watching you for quite some time after all, so I will make things simple for you."

As the thing said that it sounded quite smug, like taking pleasure in not letting Joshua speak, and as he was about to ask what was going on the sphere said "Well, you are dead, like, struck by a brick in the head dead, and as I am feeling bored, you will be allowed to reincarnate in a fictional world of my choosing, with one wish only, so what will it be?" Said the creature sounding like It was not leaving room for discussion.

Feeling like if he said something unnecessary he would regret it, Joshua said simply "I want to be immortal".

"Very well, you will live forever through your blood, now welcome to your new home, Westeros".

As he opened his mouth to ask for clarification he felt the ambient shift once more, everything went dark for a second, and as he came back to his senses he observed his surroundings, oak floor, dark stone walls, some wooden furniture, and a simple bed, probably made of hay, a typical medieval bedroom.

He knew a little about the Song of Ice and Fire universe, not much compared to the more avid fans of the work, but enough to navigate, he could do well knowing the characters and their motivations, the only thing was, he didn't know where in time he was, but he was not worried much, after all, he was immortal.

As he hopped off the bed a strong pain assaulted his head, and tons of memories came rushing, he was now Helder Banefort sixteen name days son of the Hooded King Corban, and heir to the throne, as all Baneforts he stood different from other westerlanders who were mostly blondes, the young prince has dark hair and black eyes. His face is plain and lacks unique features, making it easy to forget. Nothing about his appearance stands out, making him unremarkable in people's memories.

If not for his transmigration he would be just another Hooded King till the sands of time buried his name and feats. A knock sounded on the door and a voice sounded "My prince, I brought you breakfast, porridge, eggs and milk, as usual".

Not thinking much Helder commanded the servant to come in, she was a plump middle-aged woman, her name was Berta and she served in the castle for many years, a familiar face around.

Not wasting time she said, "My prince, after you break your fast the master-at-arms expects you on the training ground, he said that you must not take long, and that he has something important to say, directly from the King"

As Helder finished breaking his fast he got out of his room and strode through the stone corridors of Banefort Castle, he was thinking about his new family and their predicament. 'Probably the master-at-arms will going to talk about our current situation, we are surrounded by petty kings, and have no allies, the Lannisters are like sharks smelling blood, if we don't strengthen soon they will start their play for hegemony of this region'

The training grounds is a big courtyard made of stone, and various guards were training and running around doing their chores, as he approached a group of guards to ask where the master-at-arms was a voice sounded. "Young Lord over here!" and an old man approached.

"Finally you are here my prince, the King asked me to give you a mission, after all you are a man already and he wants you to prove yourself worthy of the throne" said Tovar the master-at-arms with a slight smirk.

"So stop with the nonsense, what is this mission after all?" said Helder, annoyed at the insinuation. 'When I'm King I will show them all who is worthy'.

"As my prince knows the situation with your uncle is not ideal, and we are surrounded by enemies, so his Grace wants you to form a force of your own, he will give you ten men to serve as officers, and a task to find able bodied people in the nearby villages to join your group, use this opportunity well, the royal coffers will pay for it". said Tovar, not really sure why the King was giving this much power to his mediocre son.

"Very well, show me the officers and as soon as I can we will set off" said Helder.

This is a big opportunity for a man like him with his past training as a mercenary, he could build a formidable force very fast, using methods from his time on earth he would definitely steamroll every enemy that confronted him.

Helder used the remaining time until midday to know his men, all of them were guards that served in the castle, some fought in previous skirmishes for the realm as soldiers, others were more well connected and started as guards.

Feeling it was enough interaction he returned to the castle, he planned to talk to his father and get more information on the situation.