
A reunion

The tavern was illuminated by torchlight, and the bustle of the crowd created a lively atmosphere. Ethan and his group were at a table, waiting for Sigrid's arrival. When the northerner finally appeared, everyone present welcomed him with a smile.

"Sigrid, it's good to see you again. Thank you for joining us. Allow me to introduce you to Leandro, Elara and Dario, my loyal companions." . Ethan said.

"A pleasure to meet everyone. "I am ready to work together and help each other." - Sigrid agreed.

"Welcome, Sigrid. We are excited to have you with us. We are going to have a great time working together." - Leandro said shaking his hand.

Elara without saying a word simply nodded to the northerner.

"Exact! The more friends we have in this city, the better. We hope that our collaboration will be fruitful." - Dario said, also giving him a handshake.

Sigrid nodded resolutely as he sat with the group.

The conversation continued in a more relaxed atmosphere, and Ethan decided to pour Sigrid a beer while he asked him a question.

"Now that we all know each other, what brings you to Highgarden, Sigrid? You are very far from the north." -said Ethan as he poured the beer.

Sigrid pondered for a moment before responding, taking a swig of his beer.

"I am looking for my wife's murderer. But I ran out of money, and I heard that in Highgarden they organized tournaments where everyone can participate, so I decided to come here."

Sigrid's words revealed a moving personal story and a powerful reason for being in the city. Ethan and his group listened attentively, showing empathy for Sigrid's situation.

Ethan, with obvious generosity, decided to pay for another room in the same tavern for Sigrid, ensuring that he had a comfortable place to stay with his group. Sigrid acknowledged the gesture with a smile and a handshake, demonstrating his appreciation for the hospitality of his new colleagues.

The biggest day of the festivities was approaching, and everyone could feel the anticipation in the air. The tournament between knights, scheduled for noon, would attract several important nobles, which made the expectation even greater.

Ethan and his group were ready to witness this exciting event and perhaps make some connections in the process. They knew that Highgarden was a place where opportunities abounded, and they were determined to make the most of their time in the city.

Morning came quickly, and everyone prepared for the day ahead. Dressed in their finest attire, they headed to the tournament venue, ready to witness the skills and bravery of the knights who would compete in this prestigious competition.

The five of them went to the jousting championship in the main square of Highgarden. The place was full of spectators eager to witness the exciting tournament between gentlemen. The stands were packed with nobles and commoners alike, all ready to cheer on their favorite knights.

Ethan, Leandro, Elara, Dario and Sigrid found a place in the stands where they had a privileged view of the jousting field. Dressed in their best clothes, they mingled with the crowd as they waited for the tournament to start. The excitement was palpable in the air, and everyone was eager to see the skill of the knights in their shining armor.

As people entered, several recognized the two warriors from yesterday's tournament, greeting them. Ethan returned the greetings with charm. Sigrid, on the other hand, was colder, and simply nodded his head.

A young man, with a powerful voice, from one of the stadium boxes, leaned out to speak.

"We beginnthis year 296 A.C main tournament. Hopefully all of you can enjoy great fights." -said the presenter as he introduced the two opponents.

"The year 296, if I remember correctly, in about four more years, the Game of Thrones would begin with the poisoning of Jon Arryn and Eddard being the hand. I'll be 16 when the whole important plot starts. "I have enough time to continue preparing and begin to amass both wealth and power for my house." - thought the young man.

Ethan and his group eagerly watched the first rounds of the tournament, where knights of lesser renown faced each other in exciting jousts. The two riders, with their characteristic spears, rode with determination and skill, looking for that precise blow that would lead them to victory. Each clash of the spears was acclaimed by the crowd, who cheered their favorites with fervor.

Despite the excitement of the tournament, Ethan couldn't help but feel a slight unease at not having identified the important nobles in the center stand. He knew this was a unique opportunity to network and establish political connections that could benefit his house. However, the crowd and distance made it difficult to distinguish the individuals in the upper stands.

He decided that it was necessary to be patient and wait for the right moment to approach the nobles and present his house. Besides, there was much more tournament ahead, and perhaps the real political players would appear later in the event. In the meantime, he focused on enjoying the show and keeping a close eye on any opportunities that might arise.

In the first part of the tournament, before the lunch break, Ethan and his group did not recognize any renowned knights from the series. The competitors were mostly lower-ranking knights, fighting with bravery and determination to earn recognition in this prestigious tournament.

On the way to the food stalls, Ethan heard someone shout his name.

Ethan stopped dead as he heard his name being called in a soft voice. He turned his head in the direction of the source of the sound and saw a young girl of no more than 13 years old who looked familiar to him. Recognition came quickly: she was Margaery Tyrell, the girl he had helped rescue on her way to Highgarden. With a smile on his face, Ethan approached Margaery, who was in a box in the stadium.
