
Chapter 11

A/N: Hahaha so funny, there this one guy Bloodicys who leaves a negative review. I deleted it and he keeps whining that I keep deleting his review. Well, sorry buddy. I'm auto deleting negative reviews. Why? So I get to annoy you. Hehehehe what you can you do about it, huh? Bite me! Why are you even here? I mean why are you so worked up with something so simple? If you don't like this book, just don't read it. Auron told you at the beginning to unlist this to your library and live a normal life. Why so serious? Daddy chill, ok? And then I visited his profile and I guessed what I've found? I saw he had a full list of negative review in a lot of novels. Is this your hobby? If your that great then I why don't you create your own. I promise I'm going to support you. Look, I'm not begging for anyone's vote, nor powerstones. I'm not even vying for a competition cause I admit I'm just a beginner author. I had a LOT of lapses. I just wanna do it for fun and this book is for fun people. We already have so much negativity in our own society, why spread it here? Remember this is free, I'm not taking your money so don't bother to waste your time and my time. I'm a petty author so I don't accept criticisms in reviews section. Do it in the comments section instead. Why? To leave some room for new readers to try and experience it themselves instead of reading negatives reviews losing interests in their first glance. Let them judge for themselves.

Anyway, let's move on.


Days went fast and it's already the 6th week since I came here. I'm ready to leave but I don't know how to.

Should I say, 'Hey, young Griff, I wanna leave.' Then walk out in a hurry before he could say anything?

It doesn't work like that, they might consider me a deserter for it.

Well, the show must go on. Life must continue. One way or another, I will able to find a way leave legally out of this camp soon. I can feel it.

After that amazing night where I got famous for telling the tale of the Shadow, the boys and I become more close to each other. Some of them even gave me a fucking boring nickname.

Of all the titles available, like godslayer, dragon slayer or anything cool like that, they chose 'The Storyteller'.

It's not funny!!! I swear I wanna trace where it come from and skin that fucker alive.

That kind of nickname sounds shady. Like a code name of child molester slash child trafficker.

How can those warriors fear me once they hear my nickname? What? You want me to tell you a story to death?

Right? Isn't that uncool?

As hard as I tried to resist it, that nickname now became part of my identity. I sighed in defeat, but not without a fight. I took revenge by cutting all the tunics of the ones I feel like the spreader of my nickname. I don't need evidence. I only want to release my pent up emotions towards the unlucky bastards. Hehehehe. I trimmed their tunics from the end of the chest down towards the navel. I saw them wear it and they look like a depressed round girl with anger issues. Specially the fat one, classic winny the pooh.


On the other hand, my training still continues. Grind after grind, I was able to run ten laps without panting too hard. What can I do? It was one of the only things I can think of for now to pass time aside from sex and pranking.

With Tristan joining me in my morning jog, the others eventually followed as well. They began to notice that they weren't easily get tired from the moment they join me and Tristan. Eventually, we grew to large number that Jon Connington and Septa Lemore began to notice us.

One morning when I was practicing with my sword inside the tent, Marlena came rushing in nervously.

"My Lord, Lord Connington has summoned you."

I was surprised and I wondered what this is about. I quickly put down my practice sword and gestured Marlena to lead the way.

She lead towards the center of the camp where the main tent is. It was four times the size of my tent. There were two guards on duty outside the tent. Marlena stopped at the entrance and looked at me worriedly. I patted her head to reassure her it is okay before she walk away still looking at me. I smiled at her before I went in without hesitation.

What welcomed me was the higher ups of the golden company with Aegon sitting behind the table, Jon Connington on his right and Septa Lemore in his left. Like before she wasn't dressed all white like what the usual septa wear. Instead, she was dressed like a marchant's daughter. What an unusual Septa. She look around 30 years old and she's quite a hot milf if I may say. Harry Strickland was also there and they looked at me as if I did something wrong.

"My Lords, what can I do for you?"

At this time, maybe this is the opportunity I've waiting for. I activated my 'Eloquence' and started to act like the old Auron. I purposely looked nervous with a little bit shake of my hand while trying to be looked strong to make it more convincing.

"We heard that you've been acting strange around the camp. You seem to have grown influence with the soldiers lately. They even join you running around the camp. Care to explained what is this about?" Jon Connington got straight to the point.

My heart skipped a beat when he emphasized 'grown influence'. He seems to be implying that I'm influencing the soldiers to plot a mutiny. I quickly gathered my wit to turn this situation into my advantage. You see if a man really wills it, he can sometimes do some unbelievable things. I know now how to turn this to my favor.

"My Lord, to tell you the truth, they are just mocking me and making fun of what happened to me." I bluffed with a straight face.

They were surprised by my unexpected answer.

"Hmmm? What happen to you?"

"Remember sir that I fell from a horse six weeks ago? I think something happened to my head. If you may noticed, sometimes I'm not acting in my usual behavior like what happened in the trial by combat. It's like I was possessed losing my mind."

I began to choke acting like I was refraining from crying. With all of my strength, I managed to squeezed a tear from my eyes then I continue.

"When I was running around the camp, it feels like someone is chasing me and wanted to kill me. They laughed at me while I try to tell them my condition and they don't believe me. I don't know what to do anymore, my lord."

They glanced at each other exchanging silent gestures not sure of what to do with me. Then I seized the opportunity.

"Though it is an honor to continue serving my Lord Aegon, and you ser Jon, I am aware that I'm becoming a heavier burden to you my Lords. Thus I wish to be relieved of my duty and retire from the company."

"It is also not my intention to implicate anyone at the company any longer like my fellow soldier Marq Mandrake lest I become a violent man once again and became mad. If ever the gods want to judge me with death, I wish to die in my journey to nowhere outside the camp. Be it from the arrow of the bandit or a sword of dornish man. Please grant me this wish my Lords."

Okay, that speech was over the top I think. But hey, they look like they believed it. I bowed my head to show vulnerability and attract some pity.

As I was bowing my head, I couldn't see what was before me but I heard Septa Lemore is whispering something in his ear. I couldn't hear it clearly.

And when I thought it was already a success, Jon Connington further pressed his suspicions.

"Then how did you earn the title of 'Storyteller' from the soldiers? It looks like they are happy getting along with you."

"It was one time when they asked me to tell a tale. I relented, albeit half-heartedly. I have to show a facade of smile or they will show me no mercy. What can I do? I can't beat anyone of them. I'm afraid to get bullied. As for the story where I earned that title, it was a product of the terrifying hallucinations forming in my head my Lord. They scare me up until now."

Finally Aegon spoke up while giving me a look of sympathy.

"Very well, soldier Auron. I, Aegon Targaryen the Sixth of my name is now relieving you on your duty as a soldier of the golden company serving for my cause. You will received a fifty gold dragons as your pension for your service. Be at peace now, you may leave the camp any time from now."

"If I may, I also wish to bring along one servant to take care of me when my condition worsens."

Aegon thought for a moment, then nodded to my request.

"Very well."

After hearing that, I heaved a sigh of relief and I swear I could see Ser Jon's face was in disbelief. He hadn't anticipated that Aegon will decided without his advice.

"Thank you my Lords. It is my honor to have served you your grace."

Aegon seem to smile when he heard me addressed him as 'your grace'. I glanced at Septa Lemore for a moment before hurriedly left the tent afraid that Ser Jon will changed the decision. I think he really wants to kill me.

From the main tent, I walked across the camp to find Tristan. I found him inside his tent cleaning his sword.

"Hey Tris. The plan has progressed. The higher ups has allowed me to leave and I will be on my way tomorrow. The story that I told them is like this..... "
