
The letter

There we all stood, facing eachother and all the memories we had created over this past year rushing back to us. I'd like to say that none of us had expected this outcome. That it would end up like this.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up because of the sound of banging at my door. I stared at my reflection in the ceiling mirror above my bed. I got out bed and opened the door. It was the mistress of this house. She gave me a letter with one single look and left without having said any words. I stared at the letter in my hands which had my full name on it, strange I thought. It seemed like a letter from the 1800s. I sat down on my bed and carefully opened the letter.

I slowly took out the paper that was inside. To sum it up I had been selected to participate in a game, which would have 3 other female participants and 4 male participants. The game was basically that I would live in the same house as these other members and we would have to not fall in love with eachother. Easy, I thought. At the end of the year all victors would recieve 10 million, 1 million extra for each person that fell in love with you. As someone who was sick of their current living situation I thought this was an easy way out and I accepted. The letter said that all the participants would get to meet on March 1st, and the game would start on March 2nd. We were all to meet at the Voluspa park, which was an hour away from my current place.

I started packing as soon as I was done reading the letter. I couldn't fit everything in my bag so I took my slankiest and most outrages outfits, my favourite perfume and of course the mysterious photograph I had ever since I could remember. I dashed out of my room with the bag and took a bus to the city. There I got in a cab and started heading towards the meeting place. I thought my letter must've arrived late since today IS March 1st and I had to hurry. Luckily I had done my nails the day before using the last of my spare money. Yes, yes I know what you might be thinking. "How stupid of you Maeve", but a girl needs to look pretty in order to feel pretty.

When we finally arrived after about 48 minutes (Yes I counted as I was eager and excited) I could see the three girl participants that were already there and two of the male participants. My eyes locked with the other brunette girl besides myself who I know saw as the biggest threat of getting the others to fall in love with me. She was 5'1 with soft features and her innocent bewitching smile. Although I am proud to say I could see straight through this facade. She was already talking with the other girls and when she spotted me she waved...

"Hi! you must be the last female participant we're waiting for? Te-he"


Just hearing her speak annoyed me even more with her perfect soft voice to match her. If we had met outside of this game I might've befriended her, but now I could never look at her as an ally. The other girls just nodded to her words and I could already see the crown on her head. Which just pissed me off even more.

"Umm, yes ha..ha.... I'm Maeve, and you?" I spoke nervously so they could relate themselves, I had been playing this game since I had been a child. I saw her slightly narrow her eyes as she probably guessed that I'd already put on my mask just as she had.

"Oh how rude of me! I'm Morticia and these are Gloria and Athra". She indicated towards the two blonds who looked almost like twins. Although in my opinion all blondes look the same. Then one of the males approached me. He smirked and introduced himself to me, and the other one soon followed. The one who had approached me was named Alack, and the other one was Silas. The one who had approached me first had a sharp jaw yet soft eyes, with curly dirty blond hair. He was around 6'1ish I'd say and the other one was a bit shorter than him, with blond hair and looked like one of those lifeguards from American movies. After an hour or so of chit chat the last two participants arrived, and one of them immidiately caught my eyes. He had this mysterious aura which screamed "don't talk to me" yet he was wearing a kind smile. He sat down beside Morticia, yet he completely ignored her. This intrigued me. He chose to sit beside her yet wouldn't even bother in conversing with her? Was he already playing the game like I was?

I guess I'd have to find out one way or another.