

Mc pov

After i leaving the three. I ran across shadow of tree untill i heard some people laughing. Without alerting them i then stand on top of the tree oversee them.

Underling 1: Brother today is really my lucky day. See this Sword, even boss didn't take from my hand.. hahaha

Underling 2: It't not like that for our boss the sword aren't that inmportant.... because if the mission that boss got are complete. Never mind sword, He even can bought a House that can afford all of us..

Underling 1: So the rumour are true?

Underling 2: It's not a rumour, i heard the boss saying that. He got mission from the Father of the next candidate in line from Valley of Butterfly and Flower.

Hearing those guy chat there are something that clicked my switch. Kidnap a children is a no no. Even what i do is almost same with kidnaping but the girls are following me with their own will so it safe. Act first talk later.

Akira: Wind Blade.


Akira: and.. Inferno


Akira: What a nice smell.... Ugh i'm hungry....

While oversee from top of tree there a lot people out from nowhere? There's one man with gaudy armor, he is their boss right? Let's greet him.

Akira: Hee so you are the boss of these trash huh?

I then use Wind Wing to float. I won't show my full ability except for kill. so these much is fine i think.

Boss: Levitation magic?

Seeing that Boss is pale making me think some nasty stuff.

Boss: Dear Guest what do you need in my humble place?

What the hell. How he became polite.. Aaah my tension.... Eh..... why i feel there's someone calling me?

{Because of you making 2 candidate became your slave, you can feel each other if that close enough}

Akira: I hear someone kidnaping children that coming to this way, did you see any of those people? I really like the job hunting those that are brave enought to kidnap little children. I just pasding throught and saw someone that dying and he said his young master are kidnapped and those kidnapper ran towards here.

{hei Akira, I'll tell you something interesting. About your Asora secret and a way to activating your mutated evil piece.}


Princess pov.

Seeing those people panic and run toward outside makes me little relieved. But my guard condition is making me confused. They are restless.

Princess: Ruri why are you like that....

Ruri: i don't know... but i must go.... he's waiting for me.

????: My dear master...

Seeing these two i only can sigh. Because even they are my guard not only me but all of my family member aren't know where are they came from... The just pop out out of nowhere. They won't say anything about themself. The only information we had is they got punished by their teacher because slack off....

Ruri: Hmm... It start.. Ruki...

Ruki: Yeah... TRANSMUTE. Now let's go....

Haaa these two really too much. But now we know who want my life. we then ran toward outside. And at outside the one i see a man that had dejected facd, he is someone that'll making me regret....


Mc pov

After some time playing. Now every corner of this place is neither bloody or schorching. It look like i'm playing too much.

{Are you already absorb those blood into the Evil piece?}

"yup done"

We now in truce because what she said really rouse my interest. What she said is as long i trap someone in Asora they'll became my faithfull servant no matter how strong they are. Because of the bugged luck i got the evil piece that rouse the divine entity interest, they then tune the system for accomodating the evil piece. At the time we must ascend into the next world there'll tournament. only those that are in big 4 can ascend one time. But the necessary action for activating the piece is to absorb evil blood.

{Now accept the King Piece}

I follow her guide and accept the piece. After a while there a weird sensation at my back.

[Congratulation on become First Ascender


Vip Box]

[Displaying new Status...

Name: Akira

Age: 0

Gender: Male

Race: Ascender

Rank: 1

Tittle: The one that broke the law]

"oi.... Freya.... what the hell is this... and what the hell with VIP box.. are we playing a game...."

{ I- I don't know. There must be mistake

somewhere. The true route is you became neither Low, Mid or High class hero but because of you own a mutated one you'll became Ultimate class hero}

"You are really a useless guide. Aaargh why i can feel my next punishment will be harsher... I want to complain to GM..."

[you got new message from GM]

(Because My foolish daughter are really broken the law she will got a punishment. And you as accomplish is will be punished too. We'll take all of your Item, Troll poin and skill beside Elemental Magic. We can't let you go without any way to fight. Because Ascender magic power is unlimited we'll scrap your stat. You won't had any new guide untill my foolish daughter are released from her punishment. Extra punishmet: you won't get any new mission for a year, Your mission difficulty for crossover will be more higher than those normal candidate.)


[Urgent mission complete:



Akira: Ah life why you are so hard.....

With a helpless feeling i descend and just stand motionless untill i got hit by something soft....
