
Game of games

lilEvildevil · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The Beginning

Power reigns supreme in the vast and unjust world, rare resources can spark wars, and beauties can destroy empires. There is a man, a group of people, an organization attempting to gain control of everything. All of it: liberty, power, beauty, and authority. But he is not the only one, nor are they the only group or organization; many have tried since ancient times. Many of them died, while others persisted and rose to prominence. Those who rise to prominence receive everything. They gain the freedom to do whatever they want, the power to rule everything, and beautiful women flock to them like ants to sweets.

Inside a very luxurious palace, two men sat, one wearing very luxurious clothing symbolizing his status, the other wearing a black robe embroidered with silver dragons on its chest. The two appear to be talking about something, and they both have a frown on their faces.

"You see, your Majesty, there are a lot of differences between you and me," the man in black robe said. Until you decide to become a player, you will remain a piece. Regardless of how powerful you become or how much wealth you amass, others will always see you as a powerful piece that can be used and dismissed at any time."

"Hahaha! Mr. Magnus, you're quite bold to insult me inside my own palace. Do you truly believe I will not kill you? Or has your confidence grown so strong that I, the Emperor of Southern Gaya, am afraid of your organization? Let me remind you of something you may have forgotten. You're still in my territory, and I'm able to do whatever I want with you here."

Smirk "You see, your majesty, I meet people like you all the time; people like you used to believe you had the power to rule over all. You're arrogant and conceited; do you believe there are no people, groups, or organizations stronger than yours? That if they launch an attack, your empire will not be destroyed in a matter of days? I'm offering you this opportunity to gain more power, but you seem unconcerned? How many empires are willing to go to war just to get this chance, and yet here you are. Here we are giving it to you, but you want to refuse it?"

"Hahaha so the rumors circulating about you people are true, you're a bunch of funny guys. Tell me why would I believe in everything that you have said? For me it's all rubbish. Mr. Magnus, do you know how I got all of this? No! because you don't know anything and keep telling me this and that. So, Mr. Magnus, let me tell you a secret that people like you will never understand. Did you know I start training as soon as I can stand up straight? Do you know why? Because I want to protect my people, I want to provide a bright future, safe homes, and a peaceful life for them. Do you realize how upsetting it is for me to see a child begging on the street? Do you realize how much that hurts my heart? While my people are suffering in the streets, I live in a large palace eating delicacies. You have no idea how painful that is, do you? So I train like a lunatic because I despise that sensation. It destroys me from within, I train until my sweat is no longer white, and then I join a sect with one goal in mind: to gain more power. I dominated my peers, gaining reputation and wealth before returning to this desolate place with a purpose. I want to end the suffering of my people, so I take the throne from my idiot brother and liberate my people, providing them with anything they desire What do you expect me to do, accept it and celebrate? People like you are unconcerned about other people's feelings. You're the type who is willing to sacrifice friends, family, and lovers to achieve your objectives. I'm disgusted by you people; you are worse than a piece of shit. So please leave my palace immediately before I kick you out."

A dead silence lingers in the room as two men stare at each other, one fuming with rage, the other calm, one exuding a powerful aura like a volcano ready to erupt, the other like a river calm and peaceful but with a hidden danger within.

Norther Azure Domain, Azure Emperor Dragon Realm...

In a depth of forest towered a palace made of obsidian, in a dark room located deep inside a palace, there are three thrones with specific designs. One was a sword, one was crown the last one was eye, they were arranging in a circular manner. In the middle of the thrones was a circle formation lit by magical runes. Three figure sat in the thrones each one exudes a powerful and domineering aura.

The man seating in the crown throne spoke. "We should not make a move now, it's a stupid idea."

The man in the sword throne replies "What are you fearing for? We are much stronger than them."

"Even though we are strong if we make a move now,our enemies may use it against us and they have enough reasons to attack us if that to happen. We will be fighting battles in all directions."

"HAHAHA, do you seriously believe that will happen? If we set a good trap, no matter how many of our opponents arrive, they will all perish."

"Do you really think it's that simple? What if your "good trap" wasn't effective? Do you have any idea how much resources will be wasted? It may have the potential to cripple us for millennia."

"Simple, we just wipe them out and ransack their territories, and then we're good," the man seated on the sword throne responds, clapping his hands and squinting his eyes.

"Do you hear yourself?" asked the man seated on the crown throne, leaning his head against the arm chair's right armrest. Do you believe our adversaries are a bunch of stupid children who can be easily duped by sweets? Did you only train your muscles and not your brain? You battle maniac."

"What did you say?" "What did you call me? Are you trying to mock my ability to think?" The man on the sword throne unintentionally released his aura.

"What do you think? Are you angry now, little brat? " said the man on the crown throne.

Azure's capital city...

Although the sun shone brightly and the sky was clear, clouds began to form in all directions. The sun's rays couldn't even break through the rapidly darkening sky. A burst of two different suffocating auras envelope everything; these two auras are like two block holes, ready to devour everything in their paths. All living things, including trees and rivers, trembled, by the might of this two powerful auras. Many living creatures are almost die from suffocation. But then, like a breeze, a third aura appeared, gentle and soothing. It washes away the other two auras like rain, and everything returns to normal. Everything happens in an instant.

"Enough," commanded by a calm and melodious voice. The two then turn their heads in the direction of the melodious voice. "Both of your points of view are viable," said the man in the eye throne, "but there are dire consequences; if we make a move now, our enemies will have enough reasons to attack us, but if we do nothing, all of our long decades of planning and preparation will be for naught."

"So, what are we going to do now? " Ask the man who sits on the crown throne.

"We will wait a little longer," the man in the eye throne replied, "and try to convince as many family and empires to join in, because the more players there are, the harder the game is, and the harder the game is, the more time we have to fully execute the plan.

After those words were spoken, the room went quiet...

Pentacular Rgion name after Pentacular Stellar region. It's a place brimming with star energy and the home of the infamous demon clan. A palace was built in the middle, and it was said that it was made entirely of stars, giving it a dark metallic glow and Shane a dark metallic light when hit by the sun. "Your excellency" shout by a man garbed in in black robe, "Report from the base, the three heads had already decide, they tell us to back-down our force and to stop harassing the Gala empire. They advised us to wait for further instructions."

The king placed his fingers on the armrest. As he did so, a chilling and terrifying atmosphere was created. "Hmm, I'm not sure I understand those three people's points of view. Do they not see the opportunity to make a move now? Or do they have a much grander plan in mind that I can't fathom or consider? Hahaha, joining this organization isn't so bad after all, how fascinating." "Tell everyone to retreat for the time being and wait for further orders," the man stands up and looks at the general below him. Another one, call the four demon generals and advisor Gian, and tell them to look after and maintain my palace." then with a boosh! He shouts into the dark sky at a speed comparable to the speed of light.