
Gale of change

Follow the story of a young trainer, with cold steel determination to change the world for the better. As the world of pokemon became deprived of a lot of it magic, trainer are becoming more rare.

PrinceSky · ゲーム
18 Chs

Chapter 6

'I have an idea..'

"Aron focus fully on biscuit! Tackle!"

"Ha, Foxy burn him to crisps! Biscuit defense curl! It seems you lost your edge, maybe you could had a chance if in one on one"

Riot paused for a millisecond before starting to approach the sentret, foxy launched it incinerate but riot suddenly jumped out of the way, the incinerate hitting biscuit as he was preparing his defense curl.

Not wasting a second, riot rushed to the vulpix and tackled him.

"Metal claw! Now!"

"Wait foxy-.." Layla was surprised at the display, as her mouth stayed open and her eye filled with an expression of shock.

Without a second of after thoughts, riot unleashed a devastating metal claw on the vulpix. Clearly not having expected that, the vulpix got sent in the air.

Looking at the messy scene of the fight every mon was in bad shape, biscuit was barely trying to stand and a lot of it fur was scorched, some spots were still lightly burning as the sentret was rolling trying to extinguish them, riot had some black zones on his hard shell, the remanant of some of the incinerates thrown by the vulpix nothing too bad, but he was also obviously pretty exhausted as he had trouble staying on his legs.

Finally the vulpix had been hit directly with a tackle and a metal claw, he was in a very bad state too.

'Haaa what a relief, it was a risky move..'

"Okay I guess, it is my loss..Biscuit, foxy you did your best" she quickly recalled her beaten pokemons.

"I didn't think you'd let me win, I was more expecting a fight till the last one standing."


"I know when i'm beat, even if i could snatch a victory now it would only be a Pyrrhic one. you owe me a rematch though."

(If you are wondering about the expression ;Pyrrhic victory is named after King Pyrrhus, whose army suffered irreplaceable casualties in defeating the Romans at the Battle of Heraclea and the Battle of Asculum, during the Pyrrhic War. The romans had greater losses but had a higher number of remplacement available. thus the quote "If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined." Plutarch (basically a greek philosopher))

"I see, thanks for that Layla."

Passing near, she gave him a stack of bills.

"Mhm" she puffed her cheeks as she made her way out of the alley while the two turbo mooks were silent apparently not knowing what to do.

As she was making her way out, she stops briefly

"Oh and..Delete my number you perv"

Letting a small chuckle pass through gale raised his thumbs up without answering.

Walking toward riot, gale put a knee to the ground and started to inspect his friend more closely

"You should be fine, nothing seems too bad, but no more fight for today at least."


Rising to his feet, gale called back the aron on his ball, ignoring the two guards he made his way toward the door before opening.

"Well, that's interesting."

In what seemed to be a sort of residential block hall, was actually only furniture thrown around, and some traces that seems to hint at a pokemon fight ; scorch marks, some wet spots in the carpet, and a strange smell very present in the scene.

'Let see, there was some fight going on here, fire, water and maybe poison ? Huh this is interesting..'

In the center of that mess, there was a very big blueish case, with a crescent symbol. it looked very bulky and was apparently unharmed despite all the fight that went out around.

Moving toward the case, gale was looking around in case of any surprise.

"So i wonder... will I get any legendary loot." Gale was joking to try to defuse the stress and slight fear that was creeping on his back. He did a lot of stupid stuff in the past, and it not his first time getting in trouble, but this time he had the strange feeling that he was unto something bigger.

Riot came to his side before nudging his leg, taking it as a form of reassurance, gale finally opened the box and looked inside.

Inside the the box, were two strange items, the first one was slightly more recognizable back into his trainer camp before getting his starter, some information were revealed about that object, a sort of disk that included a full methodology on how to teach a certain move to a mon and a serie of exercise for the mon to learn it.

Those items make learning a move easier and so are very pricey and not very common,

on the lower part of the disk was a little text, "Bulldoze" it appeared to be a ground type move, it could be a perfect addition to Riot.

In the other side of the box was a seringue, it looked a bit bigger than an average one, and there was a strange silvery liquid was inside, a sort of strange heat could be felt when gale grazed it with his hand.

near the seringue was a very big journal, labeled as "Trace Keeping N°2"

Opening the journal, gale realized that beside the title that was written simply enough.

The rest of the journal was actually in a different language or at least was coded in a different way.

Adrenaline was pumping through his chest, he honestly didn't fully know what to expect coming here, but this bounty was very very big.

A TMs was sold around the ten thousand at least, and the more interesting attacks went some times above the hundred thousand mark.

The syringe on the other hand was pretty strange, it honestly made him pretty scared,

it reminded gale of a very very important day, the day where he actually..well.. the day where

..he lost his eye.