
Galactic Serenades

Frost_Ravens_22 · SF
2 Chs

1. Book 1 - comsic bride - 1

Jää, fourth son of King Laine of the Mere valdkond a planet of the Ookean star system.

This is the name and bloodline origin of the one who knelt before him. A beautiful prince who had supposedly been loved by his people but was now reduced to a disheveled sacrifice who soul has grown cold by the betrayal of his family and people.

I honestly don't know who the Mererahvas are trying to fool by giving us a male bride and one who tried to kill me too at that. Do they think me blind or stupid.

I will take my time dealing with them later but first, my little feral wife needs to thought a lesson.

Amaruq walked towards the bond Jää, grabbed him by the back of his messed up hair forcing his head back so he could look him in the face.

Before Amaruq could outta his first words jää spat in his face. This action angered the wolf beasts soldiers who were present in the room.

They move to teach the fallen prince but we're stop by there leader. This action made the bond prince's eyes fill with anger, hatred and disgust.

"Hahaha, vile beast. Do you think you have a right to me now? Your property that you must protect?" jää said with venom in his tone.

"Well, then I must inform you that I am not yours and I will fight you till I put a darger through your heart. " jää added.

Amaruq looked at the frail thing before him that claimed to want to fight him and tryed like he had never done to hold back his laughter because he knew it would upset his little wife.

" I wish to see the strength of your will my little kaat." Amaruq said as he looked into the purple with gold freakled eyes.

He let go of jää and walked back to his seat. He looked at his wife once more, a dark skined beauty with hair so purple it seemed black and those enchanting eyes.

Lifting his eyes from his bride, he turns to his first general Miliqsiniq who he had had called to him.

He had a message for king Laine.

"I have seen your gift and I have nothing but praise for bloodline blessings. He will bear my children and you my anger."