
future three societies

When the holographic game and the light-speed spaceship developed, the male protagonist was sentenced to exile in the stars for violating human principles.

DanceJellyfish · SF
1 Chs

Top Twitter searches in 2200

Chapter 1 Trial

Charles. G. Monlittle. We'll just call it Dr. Charles, the man who dominates Twitter in 2200. Although in 2200, both holographic technology and transition technology have been popularized by the whole people, what this sinful man did is worshipped and disgusted by people. Such extreme emotions permeated the Three Realms and naturally became the object of national discussion. .

Dr. Charles, born male, is also male according to his identity, but he used cloning technology and genetic modification technology to make himself a third sex - androgynous. This is nothing, as early as 2022 there will be relatively crude technology to turn male physical appearance into female. Now that technology is so advanced, it is not too difficult for him to understand that he wants to transform himself into a hermaphrodite. But he used his own genes to clone and transform a girl with exactly the same genes as his own, and concealed it for six years after he gave birth.

In a common saying, there are too many slots without mouth, Wang Defa.

This girl may mean that science is advancing again, but it is too challenging to traditional human ethics. Two hundred years before the advent of cloning, the United Nations voted to ban human cloning. The ban has since continued.

So this six-year-old girl, whom Charles named Narcissa Monrelet, was born with original sin.

This girl already exists, but she shouldn't exist.

The star country where Charles provided work legally sentenced Narcissa to death, but Charles is not a citizen of the star country, his household registration is still from the dragon country, and the name of the ID card is Chaji. Charles G. Monelite wasn't from America, either, but his country dad. His Miaoguo father believes that the Longguo hukou is more valuable, so in the legal sense, Charles or Chaji is neither under the control of Miaoguo nor Xingguo. But Narcissa did not have a registered permanent residence in any country. This is another reason why Chaji dominates Twitter. The people of the three countries believe that Narcissa should be responsible for herself.

The incident caused a lot of uproar, and finally the case was thrown to the United Nations. After all, the appearance of Narcissa represents a possibility.

In the 2200 years when holography and transition technology have matured, people's research on soul or human consciousness has reached a new bottleneck. Human consciousness can be stored in the chip world to achieve new social relations, but it faces a problem, it is always a false spiritual world and cannot develop a higher material civilization. Moreover, although the holographic society has existed in the underground world with government organizations for more than 200 years, a not-so-secret secret is circulating in the secular world: the soul will escape.

No one knows how long a soul can exist in the underground holographic (hereafter collectively referred to as the underworld, because people in 2200 call it that) world. But as we all know, the soul will be protected and locked by the body from the beginning of the birth of the body to the destruction and death of the body from escaping.

So when people learn to keep their souls in boxes, they actually have to study how to take out their souls for maintenance?

Assuming that Chaji's research can be extended further, and the soul of the dead body can be directly transferred into a new self-clone, wouldn't there be a new possibility of immortality?

But things are far from simple. Cloning was done by humans 300 years ago. But the reflection of rejection has been very serious. Humans are like keys and locks encrypted with a thousand passwords to the body of non-self genes. Once a password is wrong, it is the end of the gene collapse.

Once the technology of gene editing appears, it is like making a key to the lock, and there is no need to worry about any mistakes and rejections.

This is the well-known perfect answer, but it is not in the interests of the Star Kingdom. Because for nearly a hundred years, the direction of their research has been the direction of mechanical storage of souls. Use mental power to control the machine to travel in space, and the machine protects the mental power from escaping. In fact, this research has long been successful, but the key material in it is not produced from the earth, but some kind of extraterrestrial ore named Shoals.

In order to obtain more of this Shoals ore, the Star Nation has been engaged in an arms race in space for a century. Although the countries do not understand what they mean, in order to guard against the star country, they can only end the game.

Under this logical relationship, Xingguo even came up with a Shoals stone distribution space search map. Indeed, after so many years of searching, Xingguo really got one or two small reunion belts of Shoalsstone.

At the critical moment when the results were about to bring benefits, such a guy appeared and walked ahead of them on the biological path. In any case, Xingguo will hide this guy or kill him.

When Chaji faced FQI's accusations, he calmly sent a letter of distress to his father, Nibis Monliette, who lived on the other side of the ocean.

"You know the value of me and my daughter, we are not going to do any resistance, please don't point guns at us! Narcissa will be frightened." Chaji covered Narcissa's eyes and followed suit without resistance. The FQIs were locked in a half-mountain villa by car.

According to Chaji's idea, he is not useless, at least he will not be killed at the beginning. Unexpectedly, Chaji smelled XB-001 in his room. This is a common display agent in biological laboratories, slightly toxic, and it will be fine to operate with gloves. But it must be refrigerated. Once the temperature rises above 20 degrees Celsius, it will emit gas in the air that makes blood clot. Once inhaled...

Chaji is still very calm, the air-conditioning in this room is like a mythical hell. So, this gas is just a warning.

"A means of intimidation? Let me see what you guys want to do. Narcissa, Dad will tell you a story. According to legend, angels are creatures of androgynous gods..."

Narcissa looked at Chaji, the gene-edited face that was perfectly proportioned to Chaji's face was full of displeasure at the moment: "My dear Chaji, you said, according to the worldly understanding, I should Calling you mother. Is that right, Mama Chagie? Reinventing your body to give birth to me just to experience the process of giving birth, you're a great mother!"

Chaji looked at Narcissa with joy, except for her gender, Narcissa's character and appearance was basically a little Chaji herself: "Isn't that great? You are completely created by me, but you have your own soul. This What an interesting miracle!"

Chaghi's mentor Cherif always said that he was simply the reincarnation of Lavoisier, and his enthusiasm for science made him also interested in death, but Chaggi humbly believed that he had no interest in dancing with death for a while.

The story of the male protagonist who was transgender and gave birth to a child and was sentenced to exile in the stars.

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